Somer Valley Links

A consultation event took place today (27 February) at Pensford Memorial Hall. The scheme involves more than just Pensford, and you can find full details of the entire scheme here

There was a large attendance and a lot of interest from local residents at this event. Some parish councillors and our ward councillor were present. Residents asked a large number of questions and expressed concerns.

The main item of direct relevance to our parish concerned Pensford Bridge. The proposal is to install two upgraded bus shelters (including real time information and seating), a shared mobility option (car club or bike hire, for example), widened and improved footways, improved pedestrian crossing points over Church Street and Publow Lane and a cycle stand.

You can view a diagram of the proposed Pensford Bridge scheme here 

Bath and North East Somerset Council is consulting on their proposals and residents can complete their questionnaire on-line here. The public consultation closes at midnight on Sunday 16th March.

Publow with Pensford Parish Council will be submitting an official response to the proposals and we will consider this at our meeting on 10th March. We invite feedback from local residents and others to assist us with our response. If you would like to make your views known to the Parish Council please send them by email to by latest 5th March.

Please include the following information:  

  • Name: _______________________________
  • Postcode: _______
  • Phone No: ____________________
  • Email: ________________________________
  • Do you support or oppose the scheme planned for Pensford?  
  • Your comments  

Thank you

Sue Grimes Chair, Publow with Pensford Parish Council

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