AGENDA – 13th April 2015



a) Chairman’s Report

b) Financial Report

c) Memorial Hall Report


1) Members of the Public

2) Apologies for Absence

3) Minutes of Monday 9th March 2015 to be signed as a correct record

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Response to Member of the Public – ”Question”
b) Pensford 10K – Sunday 26th April 2015
c) Neighbourhood Planning Meeting Update
d) Elections 2015
e) Update following Meeting with Highways Representatives Wednesday 11th March 2015
f) Annual Civic Reception held on 17th March 2015
g) Local Flood Representative Nomination

6) Clerks Progress Report:

7) Planning:

Application to discuss: 15/01128/FUL Hareclive Properties Ltd Pensford Garage New Road Pensford. Redevelopment of car sales site to include erection of 3no. new buildings to provide 6 no. 3 bedroom houses. Conversion of garage workshop with associated works to provide 2 no. 3 bedroom cottages and demolition of existing showroom.

15/01239/FUL Mr & Mrs A Smart Sunningdale Woollard Lane. Single Storey rear extension.

Application discussed by Sub-Committee:

14/05884/FUL Summerhouse. Old Stables Stanton Road. Change of use of three existing bedrooms and a reception room in the Old Stables from residential to bed and breakfast. Use of sun/garden room as a lounge in the Old Stables for guests and as a breakfast room. Use of swimming pool, Jacuzzi, steam room and fitness equipment in The Granary as ancillary to bed and breakfast. Parish Council support this but note that it should be a retrospective application.

15/01165/TCA: Hill House Pensford Hill. Ash Saplings, Beech, Hazel, Field Maple – Reduce in Height. Beech & Laurel reduce to hedge height. Parish Council Support.

Planning Outcomes:

15/00548/FUL Mr Baber 85 Hillcrest Pensford. First floor extension to rear and side with sky light in roof. Wall to be built on boundary. Porch at front of the house. WITHDRAWN

15/00820/OUT Mr & Mrs Fear 31 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of 1 no. Dwelling (Outline application). WITHDRAWN

15/00853/FUL Mr D Lowe Sunningdale Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of Detached Garage. PERMITTED

Appeal: Appeal Ref: 15/00018/HOUSE Mr & Mrs Sessford Birchwood Lodge Pensford. Erection of Detached double garage.

Tree Works:

15/01445/TCA Chew Cottage Mill Lane Woollard. Fell 6 x conifers forming hedge.
8) Financial Matters:

HMRC tax free allowance – Clerk Use of Home as Office

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary March 637.52

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £15.98 + Ink Cartridges £26.98 42.96
Mrs J Bragg New Printer 81.98
CPRE Subscription 2015/16 36.00
ALCA External Audit Process/Annual Return 15.00
P Holmes Footpaths 7.5 Hours + £38.19 Equipment 98.19

Payments Received:

B&NES 1st Part Precept 5500.00
B&NES Parish Grant 345.00

9) Notice of Future Meetings:

DATE OF NEXT MEETING MONDAY 11th May 2015 AT 7.15p.m.

This will be the ANNUAL MEETING & A MONTHLY Meeting of the Parish Council.
Tower Friends ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING- Church Room Tuesday 21st April at 8pm


Minutes of Neighbourhood Planning Meeting – 4th February 2015


Present: Mr C James, Mr C Taylor, Mr A Ford, Mr S King, Mrs S Grimes, Mr P Tyson, Mrs J Stephenson, Mrs J Bragg.

1) Apologies were received from Jacquie Haigh and James Cogan

2) Chairman’s Remarks: Mr James welcomed new member Mr Tyson to the meeting.
It was also agreed that Mrs Haigh would remain on the circulation list and that Hazel Stockwell would be removed.
Mr James & Mrs Ford had attended a meeting with Cleo Newcombe-Jones at B&NES Council who is our new contact in relation to Neighbourhood Planning. Cleo Newcombe-Jones has shown an interest in visiting Pensford in the near future. Mr James reported a good meeting and in less than 12 hours further information regarding Neighbourhood Planning with useful links had been sent through from Cleo. Cleo is also had close links with Whitchurch.

3) Minutes of Previous Meetings: a) The minutes of 7th January 2015 after being circulated and read were amended to read ‘Hazel’ in replace of Helen and duly signed by Mr James as a true record.

4) Matters Arising: Draft Minutes: Logo: There had been no word back from the Primary School at present.

Financial Officer: The Parish Councils’ Responsible Financial Officer will be asked if he would take up this position. Mr James explained that any Grant monies will be paid directly to the Parish Council and therefore has to be managed by the Parish Council.

5) Feedback from the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 12th January 2015: The formation of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee was accepted by the Parish Council. The questionnaire had been circulated to all Parish Council members prior to the meeting. However it was agreed that these would be left with Parish Councillors until the February meeting for any feedback. It was agreed that any topics which were duplicated between the Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan would be left in the questionnaire.

6) Items for discussion: a) Draft Questionnaire/Timescale: Cleo Newcombe Jones had read the questionnaire and encouraged the Committee to keep all issues in it even if it was felt that we are making unnecessary work by asking questions which cannot be used in the plan. These issues may be picked up elsewhere.
Section 1 of the questionnaire covers Parish Life: The Memorial Hall had been separated from the Playing Fields.
Section 3 of the questionnaire covers Transport & Access. It was reported that there is a good link in the Traffic Management Team who is Jackie Ashman who could be consulted with in the future for help with Air Pollution.

Section 5 of the questionnaire covering Business Development had been split to include Business Units and Office Units.
Items raised after the discussion on the Questionnaire were Can the Housing Development Boundary be moved?
Should Renewable Energy be included in the Questionnaire?
Should the questionnaire be put out first, then have a public meeting to discuss the findings.
After much debate it was agreed that a Public Meeting first would be the way to gain a better response. This would be held after the General Election. It will take the form of an information sharing drop in session from which all feedback can be analysed.
It was agreed that the Memorial Hall would be hired on Friday 22nd May and Saturday 23rd May. Advertising would be paramount and Attractive Displays needed.
Simon King will book the Hall and Alan Ford will book the use of the Display Boards which are in Whitchurch at present. A Banner will be put on the bridge. A licence will need to be obtained from B&NES for this. A letter will be added to the Parish Magazine and details will go on the Parish Council Web Site.
Following the Drop In Sessions the Questionnaire will be issued Week Commencing 1st June 2015 with a One Month Period given to fill out and return the Questionnaire. There will be a box placed in the Post Office and for those who cannot drop off their questionnaires there will be a collection service put in place.
Data will be analysed during the months of July & August.
September there will be a Public Meeting to give feedback.
Simon King, Alan Ford & Phil Tyson will get together to produce advertising on the boards.
Does Woollard need a Banner?
Draft Budget: Application for Grants open in April 2015, however an application form is yet to be published. It is understood that Grants will be allocated on 6 monthly amounts so an application may have to be made a number of times.
If a Referendum is held then B&NES will bear the cost of this.
Budget will be discussed further at the March Meeting when more information is available.
Sue Grimes will research other Parishes Costs.
The use of Dropbox was suggested but thought as we are not downloading large documents at present it would not be necessary.

7) Any Other Business: Woollard, High Street Traffic Speeds were discussed and maybe a 20mph limit could be put into the Neighbourhood Plan. It was confirmed that this is often discussed at Parish Council and a request made recently for a 20mph limit on Old Road was turned down by B&NES.
Terms of Reference to be obtained from Cleo Newcombe-Jones.
Memorial Hall Meeting: Mr Ford had spoken to members of the Memorial Hall Committee at the recent AGM regarding the Neighbourhood Plan all of which was well received. Mrs Grimes will be talking to the Tennis Club. Mr James will prepare a “script” for everyone to follow when talking to other groups in the Parish.

Julie Bragg will email relevant photos from the recent Character Assessments of the Parish to Simon King.

8) Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 4th March 2015 at the Church Room, Church Street, Pensford. Cleo Newcombe-Jones will be informed about the next meeting.

Parish Council Minutes – 9th February 2015


Present: Chairman Mrs J Stephenson, Mrs J Jones, Mrs L Cains, Mr S Filer, Mr J Kelly, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Heaford.
Members of the Public attending were Mrs R Anstey, Mr & Mrs Hunt, Mr L Comber, Mrs J Flower and Mr P Baxter.

At the start of the meeting the Chairman reminded all attending that the first quarter of an hour is dedicated to Members of the Public, each Member of the Public having three minutes to speak. The rest of the meeting will be a closed Meeting during which the Members of the Public cannot comment on what the Parish Council discuss.

1) Members of the Public: A Member of the Public attended the meeting to ask the Parish Council to vote “on an issue by a show of hands”. Parish Councillors were not happy to vote as they were not informed what “the issue” they would be voting on was. The Member of Public continued to ask that “if a vote was taken and a Referendum was held would the Parish Council be happy to back the outcome of the referendum or try to undermine it?” Member of Public was told by the Chairman that items needing discussion at a meeting should be given to the Parish Council in advance of the next Parish Council Meeting. The Member of Public was advised to put in writing to the Parish Council details of “the issue” which needs further discussion.

Birchwood Lane: The sign was reported to be coming off of the post. Clerk to advise Highways.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr P Edwards and Mr L Seymour.

3) Minutes of Monday 12th JANUARY 2015 after being circulated were amended to include Mr Seymour as absent from the meeting. The minutes were then signed as a correct record

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Memorial Hall Charges: Clerk has raised the Parish Councils concerns regarding the rise in Hire Charges. Memorial Hall Committee have reported that the Pavillion Room will not be hired separately in the future. However the Parish Council Meetings can still continue. Parish Council have arranged to half the cost of the Hire of the Hall with the Women’s Institute. The cost will therefore be £4.25 per hour.

Church Farm Footpaths: A reply is still to be sent to B&NES in response to the recent consultation. The safety of the bridge will be reported. However the ground works are all thought to be ok.

Footpaths Officer: The Footpaths Officer has been asked to strim the edge of the Allotment Site on a regular basis and to strim between beds to keep pathways clear. A meeting will be held with Mrs Stephens and the Clerk to define the allotment plots clearly. The Footpaths Officer has been asked to submit his invoice at the end of each quarter a month before the Parish Councils quarter.

Ringspit Lane: The Footpaths Officer has raised concern regarding Ringspit Lane. There is a lot of work needed along the Lane. Horse Owners are reported to be blocking the footpaths with Electric Fencing. Clerk to contact Sheila Petherbridge and ask for her help. Contact will also be made with the owner of the Snack Wagon and inform him of our intentions.

M & M Contractors – Cable Works: It was reported that the anticipated works and road closures have now been changed and will start in Chew Magna in March. There will only be full closures during the four weekends of the month of March.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Co-option of Mrs Tracy Jones: Mrs Stephenson proposed that Mrs Jones is co-opted onto the Parish Council, this was seconded by Mr Kelly.

b) Update on Housing Proposal for Wick Lane following the Public Consultation: The Agent informed the Parish Council that they are in the process of reviewing the comments received from residents who attended the consultation event. Only 6 responses were received and the comments generally related to height and design of the terrace to the centre of the site, density and parking. The architects are currently looking into what they can do to address these points. It is likely that an application will be submitted at the end of the month / early March 2015. A member of the public interjected the meeting and reported that the Mail Shot appeared to have been restricted to the bottom of Wick Lane and the High Street and it should have been mailed out further. Member of the Public raised concerns regarding the Drainage but was advised by the Parish Council that the finer details will be down to the Developer who will obviously be advised by a Structural Engineer. Member of the Public raised concerns regarding the access to the site. Further concerns were raised regarding the large vehicles which may be passing a Grade II Listed Building. Members of the Public were advised to pass all comments to the Agent or the Architect and when the application is received there will be the statutory three week period of consultation during which comments can also be submitted. Clerk to forward details of the Agent to Member of the Public.

c) Quarterly Accounts to 31/12/2014/Budget/Precept 2015/2016: Mr Kelly had prepared the Accounts for the Nine Months ended 31st December 2014 and a forecast for the whole year. These showed a near breakeven situation and contrasted with a surplus of £1256 for 2013/14 so running a 2014/15 deficit would be acceptable. The Balance Sheet showing the assets and liabilities of the council was discussed. The new situation was virtually unchanged from 2014. The Debtors relates to the pre-paid part of the Parish Council Insurance. The Current Liabilities include the Precept and Grant which has been paid in advance. While included in the Creditors is the Clerks Salary, nine months of the Audit Fees and Room Hire.
The Budgeted Income & Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31st March 2016 was circulated this showed a surplus of £882 prior to donations etc. The total budgeted income was explained and Clerk reported that confirmation had been received from B&NES in relation to the £11,000 Precept Money and £690.00 grant money. The Allotment Income is slightly down on previous years as there are available allotment plots. An amount of £150.00 has been put into the accounts expenditure for the Defibrillator to cover an expense of New Pads if necessary, while £500 was allocated for further work if necessary on the allotments. Parish Council supported the Accounts and Mr Kelly was thanked.

d) Neighbourhood Planning Update: No news to date as to whether we have been designated as yet. It was agreed that Local Groups would be spoken to in order raise awareness of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Grant Money: It was reported that any Grant Money received will be paid directly to the Parish Council and has to be controlled by the Parish Council. Mr Kelly kindly agreed to be in charge of this. Two members of the Committee had attended a meeting at B&NES with Cleo Newcombe-Jones regarding the Questionnaire. Some really useful help came out of this meeting. The name of a Traffic Advisory Jacqui Ashman was given. The dates for a drop-in session were agreed as the 22nd & 23rd May 2015. The questionnaire will follow the drop in session with a month to return the questionnaire. Data will be analysed during the July and August holiday period.

e) Update from Community Trust Meeting: Mrs Stephenson and Mr Heaford attended this meeting. The Community Trust have achieved Charitable Status. The AGM will take place on the 23rd March at 8pm. The Community Trust now has 100 members and 13/14k has been raised. Grants have been given to Stanton Drew Primary School garden project and CCTV has been provided for the Memorial Hall. Local Groups are being encouraged to apply for grants. A Grant Making Policy is currently being written and a form will be available to download. A write up will be in the Chew Valley Gazette and the Parish Magazine. The recent Rok the Stones Marathon raised £600 and added this to the funds.

f) PCAA meeting held on 27th January 2015: Mr Heaford attended this meeting. There were thirteen parishes in attendance. As there is money in the bank in the region of 3.5K and no Consultancy Assistance required a Subscription holiday was suggested. This will be debated at the AGM. The Airport is now expanding on the Silver Zone side of the Airport.

g) B&NES ALCA Meeting 29th January 2015: A well attended meeting by 20 parishes. The ALCA Secretary gave a report from the AGM.

In 2016 Employees of the Parish Council will have to have a Pension Scheme. This includes Parish Council Clerks.
Mr Heaford suggested a Training Session for the Parish Council would be a good idea.
Transparency Act: New rules report on how meetings can be filmed and how activities have to be recorded. Payments over £100.00 have to be disclosed publicly. Clerk reported that all payments needing authorisation are put on the Agenda and also added to the minutes.
An open day will be held at the Bath World Heritage Site on 19th April 2015.
A contact from B&NES in relation to Allotments Virginia Williamson was at the meeting.
A discussion took place on Electronic Payments – not widely used.
It was unanimously rejected that the Parish Liaison Meeting will be discontinued.
Mrs Grimes will attend the next meeting on 25th February 2015.

h) BT Infinity Broadband: An email had been received from Compton Dando regarding this. Clerk to circulate the email which has a link to click if interested in BT Infinity Broadband.

i) Woollard Lane – Speed Limits: Concerns have been raised by Members of the Public to the Parish Council Chairman regarding the apparent speed of cars entering Woollard from Hunstrete. The country lanes are the national speed limit which is 60mph. The Parish Council agreed on discussion that it would be desirable to have a lower Speed Limit through Publow, Woollard and parts of Pensford. It is also arguable that 30mph could be too fast in places. Parish Council will challenge the outcome of the recent consultation seeking areas to be designated 20mph limits which refused to include Old Road and Publow Lane as a 20mph Limit.
It was reported that recently a member of the Public was walking on the Pavement coming down Pensford Hill and was clipped by a Wing Mirror of a vehicle. This was extremely distressing for the person involved.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Litter: A member of the public complained to the Clerk about the amount of litter in and around the Bus Stop at the top of Pensford Hill. Clerk contacted Council Connect and the cleansing team were out litter picking shortly after.

Lordswood: A member of the public contacted the Clerk concerned that notices had been put up in Lordswood asking for Dogs to be kept on leads. Clerk emailed Mr Hillman asking for clarification as to who is in charge of the woods now and what the position is. A reply from Mr Hillman reported that sometimes there are the occasional boisterous dogs in the woods and, as we may imagine, dogs rampaging through the undergrowth etc do not help the wildlife! The management have put up signs at the main access points requesting the public to keep to the paths and to control dogs. A contact telephone number is also provided and it is understood that it was the gamekeeper whom has posted signs requiring that dogs be kept on a lead. It was agreed that the signage will be discussed with the Gamekeeper and the shoot management.

Redundant Bus Shelter: Clerk is struggling to obtain three quotes for the alterations to the bus shelter. One local builder has shown an interest in carrying out the works. Further queries have been raised in relation to the positioning of a skip, also would it be necessary to close the footpath and what permissions are needed from B&NES. Clerk will clarify all of this with B&NES Highways Department.

Gritting: The gritting of the High Street has been included during the recent cold weather.

The Orchard: Clerk has asked for a Grit Bin to be replaced at The Orchard.

Allotments: An advert has been placed on the notice board and a further advert sent for inclusion in the next Parish Magazine the advert has also been added as a news item and also a static page on the web site under the Village Life Tab.

Transportation & Highways: An email has been sent to this department of B&NES as follows: – Parking problems on the corner of Publow Lane in front of Lock Up Cottages. There is an advisory white line but motorists ignore it and park on the pavement in front of the new houses. This area is on a blind bend and you face oncoming cars head on if they are avoiding the cars parked on the pavement. Cars continue to park in front of the Ancient Scheduled Monument the Lock Up causing obstruction. The Parish Council would like the consideration of yellow lines being put down and maybe a raised pavement put in too high for cars to park on. This may alleviate the problem without the lines. A site visit to discuss this would be very much appreciated.

Speeding: Cars are reported to be travelling at speed along Publow Lane and through Woollard Village. We would be grateful to know if you are entering Woollard Village from Compton Dando where their 20mph limit ends and a new limit starts? If it is the national speed limit through Woollard Village then the Parish Council would like this reviewed.

Speeding is another issue which is constantly raised along Old Road in Pensford. It has been discussed many times. The Parish Council asked for it to be considered for a 20mph limit but were refused. Please can some sort of traffic calming be considered, in the form of a chicane? Speed humps? Again, a site visit to look at our options would be appreciated.

War Memorial in Church Street: Cars and vans are reported to still park up tight to the wall around this monument. The Parish Council would like to see some sort of deterrent to stop the cars parking here. Suggestions would be appreciated.

Clerk has received no reply or acknowledgement to the email sent to Transportation & Highways.

Highways: Pot holes have been reported to Council Connect for repairs by Publow Church Car Park and the Peats Hill, Priestdown areas of Publow. Council Connect were also informed that there has been a great deal of work carried out in the area by a Cable Company and the roads have suffered through the many lorries and equipment which have travelled them. Clerk asked for a thorough clean and a sweep of the lanes.

Closure of Wick Lane: A Notice has been received from B&NES to report that works are being carried to the disused Railway Bridge and resurfacing of the carriageway from 23rd February 2015 for one week. The road will only be restricted as and when traffic signs are in position and may not be effected for the whole of the period. This is anticipated to be for only 1 Day. Clerk has circulated to all Parish Council and will add a notice to the notice board and the web site.

Chairman’s Community Awards: Unfortunately our nominations were not successful in winning an award for their nominated category. They did however report an enjoyable evening.

Memorial for Acker: Further suggestion has been a village sign or signs somehow incorporating a type of memorial in some creative way with artwork or wording on it.

7) Planning:

Applications discussed:

15/00329/LBA Dr Tricks Parsonage Farm Parsonage Lane Publow. Internal alterations to ground floor south facing rooms. Works to include changes to the fireplace, restoration of a window bay, update radiators and repairs to lath and plaster ceiling. Parish Council Support.

14/05885/AR Summerhouse, Old Stables, Stanton Road, Pensford. Display of 1 number double-sided oak board sign at end of driveway. Parish Council support this application although it is retrospective.

Planning Outcomes:

14/04771/FUL Mr P Sessford Birchwood Lodge Wells Road Pensford. Erection of detached double garage (Resubmission). REFUSED

Planning Appeal Lodged:

14/04826/FUL Appeal Ref: APP/F0114/W/14/3001688
Mr T Gibbons 13 Hillcrest Pensford Bristol. 2no. Bed dwelling to be built on the side of 13 Hillcrest (Resubmission).

Tree Works Outcome: Mr S Raper Bramley Cottage Publow Lane. NO OBJECTION

Tree Works Applications: 15/00119/TCA Woollard House Mill Lane. 1 x Pine Fell. Paris Council Support.

15/00120/TCA Rosemere Publow Lane Woollard. 1 x Bramley Apple – prune overall reduction 15% Parish Council Support.

15/00187/TCA 1 Old School House High Street. 1 x Himalayan Birch – reduce and weight on two limbs overhanging by 2 metres. 1 x Lawson Cypress – fell to ground level. Parish Council Support.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary January 631.52
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 12.13
Memorial Hall Hire for Public Consultation 51.00
Titan Internet Services Renewal 240.00
Church Room Hire for Neighbourhood Planning Meetings 20.00

Payments Received:

Mr P Breach Donation to Hire of the Memorial Hall 51.00

9. Any Other Business:

Defibrillator at Hillcrest: A bill had been received from the Electrician. The bill was for a new bulb. This has been questioned as the Parish Council had not been told about a replacement bulb. It was thought that this bill was an error.
Mrs Stephenson will check.

Memorial Signs: A suggestion of Memorial Signs for the Village in Memory of Acker Bilk had been put forward by a Parish Council Member. Clerk to speak to B&NES and see what they come up with. Mrs Gully will have further conversation with Mrs Bilk for any ideas which she may have.

Your Care Your Way: This is a new project launched for B&NES Council by the Clinical Commissioning Group. It is a consultation about Community Health and Social Care Services, the way these services are organised and delivered and how they can be delivered in a better and more efficient way. It gets started between January 2015 and April 2015. The Launch will be 2017. Further details and leaflets can be obtained from the Village Agents. Clerk to organised Leaflets for Parish Council.

Car Parking: Cars continue to park outside of the Lock Up Cottages and on the pavement in front of Lock Up Cottages. Parish Council to push for Double Yellow Lines to be put down.

Church Farm Sign: Was damaged by the Hedge Cutter recently.

Pavement: Past Garage and up towards Whitley Batts, the pavement is very overgrown it is littered with rubbish and needs repairing in places.

Tennis Club: The Coach will be starting After School Club for Juniors and Improvers. Also Cardio Tennis will be starting. Three Contractors have looked at the courts. The Tennis Club will meet on 15th February to discuss the works.

Road Closures: Mrs Stephenson reported that the recent road closure in Compton Dando had no signage at all from the A368 two headed man towards Marksbury.

Hill House Wall: Further concerns have been raised regarding the wall at this property. Parish Council are still awaiting a report from the Engineers survey/advice that the owners were asked to obtain for Building Control at B&NES.

Pensford Bridge: Member of the Parish Council still has concerns regarding Pensford Bridge.

Banners on the Bridge: Owners of the Banners put up on Pensford Bridge have been advised regarding the necessity of a Licence to display them.

Gritting: There has been no gritting in Woollard or Hunstrete during the recent cold weather. Clerk to follow up.

10. Notice of Future Meetings:

Chew Valley Area Forum meeting on Thursday 12th February 2015 at 6.30pm – 7.30pm (For members of the public) at The Wellsway, Harptree Hill, West Harptree, BS40 6EJ. The formal part of the meeting will commence at 7.30 pm


AGENDA – 9th March 2015


1) Members of the Public

2) Apologies for Absence

3) Minutes of Monday 9th FEBRUARY 2015 to be signed as a correct record

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Update from ‘Being a Good Councillor’ Course
b) Parish Liaison Meeting – 25th February SG
c) St Thomas a Becket Churchyard
d) Neighbourhood Planning Update
e) Chew Valley Forum Meeting
f) Bench for Acker Bilk
g) Elections 7th May 2015-
h) Allotments & Footpaths
i) Pensford Tennis Club
j) Donation from Parishioner

6) Clerks Progress Report

7) Planning: Applications to discuss:

15/00598/FUL Rising Sun Church Street Pensford.
Alteration of existing first floor window openings to create a new escape door access to new external fire escape stair.

15/005548/FUL Mr M Baber 85 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of first floor extension to rear and side with sky light in roof. Erection of wall to be built on boundary. Erection of Porch at the front of the house.

15/0820/OUT Mr & Mrs Fear 31 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of 1no.dwelling (Outline application with access and layout to be determined all other matters reserved).

15/00853/FUL Mr D Lowe Sunningdale Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of a Detached Garage.

Planning Outcomes:

15/00187/TCA 1 The Old School House High Street Pensford. Reduce end weight on tow limbs overhanging on Himalayan Birch. 1 x Lawson Cypress fell to ground. NO OBJECTION

15/00120/TCA Rosemere Publow Lane Woollard. 1 x Bramley Apple – prune overall reduction 15% NO OBJECTION

15/00119/TCA Woollard House Mill Lane Woollard. 1 x Pine – Fell. NO OBJECTION

8) Financial Matters:

Payments over £100.00 to be Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Salary February + 20hrs Neighbourhood Planning Work 801.52

Further payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 15.60
ALCA Being a Good Councillor Course – SG 60.00
ALCA Being a Good Councillor Course – JS 60.00
ALCA Neighbourhood Planning x 2 attendees 40.00 Deposit
ALCA Annual Subscription 2015/16 200.86

Payments Received: None to Report

9. Any Other Business

10. Notice of Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT MEETING: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MONDAY 13th APRIL 2015 AT 7.15 pm

Minutes of Neighbourhood Planning Meeting – 7th January 2015


Present: Mr C James, Mr C Taylor, Mr A Ford, Mr S King, Mr J Cogan, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Stephenson & Mrs J Bragg.

1) Apologies were received from Jacquie Haigh and Helen Stockwell

2) Chairman’s Remarks: Mr James, welcomed new member Mr James Cogan to the meeting.

3) Minutes of Previous Meetings: a) The minutes of 26th November 2014 after being circulated and read were signed by Mr James as a true record.

b) The minutes of 4th December 2014 a meeting which was held with two representatives from the Whitchurch Neighbourhood Planning Group were also signed as a true record.

4) Matters Arising: Draft Minutes: It was agreed that the Draft Minutes would only be submitted to the Chairman who will make any amendments necessary. Once the minutes have been agreed by all members and signed as a true record at the next meeting they will be made available on the web site.
Logo: The Primary School have said that they would like the children to be involved in the creation of a Logo. The Primary School Council made up of school pupils will take this on as one of their projects.
Whitchurch Neighbourhood Planning Group are keen to keep links with Pensford. It was agreed that they would be invited to meet with Pensford every couple of months. It was agreed that we share one common problem which is the A37. We could also share advice with each other on how to get the best advice from B&NES Council. It was agreed to meet as an information sharing meeting rather than a formal meeting. Parish Council members to speak with Paul May.
One matter arising from the 4th December minutes, Mr Taylor had raised a query in relation to the possibility of a Bristol Ring Road. There had been no reaction to this and was dismissed.
5) Feedback from the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th December: It was reported that the Parish Council are happy to lend Financial Support to the Neighbourhood Planning Group for items such as Printing, Room Hire and other smaller costs.

6) Items for discussion: a

) Composition and Membership of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee: Mr James explained that there is now a need to clarify how we want the structure of the group to be. It must be Parish Council lead. However after holding 8 meetings, formalisation of the group is needed. It was confirmed that up until now Mr James
02/15 had chaired all of the meetings, and as the Parish Council have agreed to fund the Parish Council Clerk, Mrs Bragg, she will remain the minute taker. The group Proposed Mr James as Chairman, this was unanimously supported. Mr King was proposed as Vice-chairman and this too was unanimously supported by the other members. A Finance Officer will need to be appointed. Mrs Stephenson will ask the Parish Councils Responsible Financial Officer if he would like to hold this position. The correct procedure for opening a Bank Account will be checked with Julie O’Rourke as will the role of the Parish Council in the funding issue.
Mr James explained that at present we potentially have ten members who will regularly meet to push forward with the Neighbourhood Plan. Therefore what structure would everyone like? It was agreed that we would meet as before and try to recruit other members maybe once the questionnaire has been circulated. Awareness of the Neighbourhood Plan still needs to be achieved. The Public Meetings will hopefully be the next stage in raising awareness and maybe recruiting further members.
Publicity: Further reports will be included in the Parish Magazine.
Draft Timescale/Draft Questionnaire/Draft Budget: A meeting had been held between Mr Ford, Mr Taylor and Mrs Grimes who produced a timescale, questionnaire and budget. Research had been carried out by looking at neighbouring parishes questionnaires. The second questionnaire was brought to the table for the members to discuss. A discussion on the questionnaire took up the bulk of the meeting and changes were suggested. It was agreed that Mr Ford would take away the questionnaire and circulate back to all. Any further responses were again to go back to Mr Ford. Clerk was to circulate the questionnaire to the Parish Council prior to their next meeting and ask them to trial filling it out and bring their feedback to the meeting. Mr Ford would make himself available at the meeting for any comments.
Distribution of the Questionnaire: It was noted that the Post Office had kindly offered to help distribute the questionnaires. It was agreed that a box for responses would be put in the Post Office but also offer a collection service for those who could not get to the Post Office with their form.
It was agreed to avoid the Election Period, and that it would be better to delay the questionnaire going out and get it right.
It was agreed that Public Meetings are going to be vital in the whole process. Initial thoughts were to hold the Public Meeting in April/mid-May onwards. The Consultation will also be a good opportunity for recruitment.
Budget Application: Is now pressing in terms of timescale. It was agreed that Julie O’Rourke would be asked for advice on the budget. Mr Ford & Mr James would visit Julie in Bath if it made things easier for her as she had informed the clerk that the earliest she could visit would be the 20th or 27th February.
Funding: The Parish Council will be asked for a Terms of Reference in respect of funding. There will be referendum costs and a B&NES Inspector which are costs paid by B&NES.
National Money is available in April for which the detailed budget will need to be ready.
Next meeting with Julie O’Rourke: Clerk to ask for a meeting sooner than the end of February.

7) Any Other Business:

Mr Cogan offered assistance with an Air Quality Survey/Traffic Management Survey through his employment.

8) Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 4th February 2015 at The Church Room, Church Street, Pensford.

Parish Council Minutes – 12th January 2015


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson. Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs L Cains, Mr T Heaford, Mrs J Gully, Mr J Kelly. Clerk Mrs J Bragg.
Also present were two members of the public, Mr A Ford, Mr P May and Mrs T Jones.
Mrs Stephenson welcomed all to the meeting and greeted Mrs Jones who was attending the meeting with a view to joining the Parish Council. A Happy New Year was extended to all and the meeting commenced.

1) Members of the Public: Members of the Public raised problems with pot holes by Publow Church Car Park and along Peats Hill travelling towards Woollard. Clerk to inform Highways. Also Priestdown is in need of a clean as the water is not going into the gullies.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Edwards and Mrs J Jones.

3) Minutes of Monday 8th December 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

M & M Cable Works: It was reported that works in Chew Magna were due to commence on 7th February 2015 with a full closure of Chew Magna High Street between the 14th – 22nd of February.

Christmas Tree for the Village Green: Parish Council agreed to look at the provision of a Christmas Tree for this coming Christmas. Parish Council to consider a donation towards the cost of covers for the power cable if it was to be brought across the road as in past years.

Lock Up: The display of the Three Kings was reported to be very well received and created a lot of interest.

Memorial for Acker Bilk: Further discussion will take place.

Neighbourhood Planning: Mr Ford attended the meeting to collate feedback on the Questionnaire which had been produced by the Neighbourhood Planning sub-committee. It was agreed that final feedback would be collated at the February Meeting. It was agreed that some topics may be related to Parish Council and will possibly overlap with topics which are put into the Neighbourhood Plan.
A further Neighbourhood Planning meeting had taken place on Wednesday 7th January. A Chairman, Vice-chair and Secretary had been appointed. A Financial Officer position needs to be filled. The Primary School have been approached regarding producing a Logo and are happy to be involved. 22nd January 2015 will be the final designation date.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Appointment of Vice-Chairman: As the appointment of a Vice Chair is not mandatory, it was agreed to leave it for a while before appointing someone to this position.

b) Nomination of Community Trust Representative: Mr Heaford was nominated as the Representative for the Community Trust, he will attend Community Trust meetings along with the Parish Council Chair Mrs Stephenson.

c) Wick Lane Housing Update: The Public Consultation will be taking place on Monday 19th January between 1pm & 7pm. Clerk had booked the Memorial Hall. Parish Councils comments had been sent to Mr Breach.

d) Chairman’s of the Council Community Awards: The Awards Evening will take place on Thursday 29th January 2015. Mrs Gully & Mrs Stephenson will attend.

e) Memorial Hall Charges: Clerk reported that the fees will rise from January for the hire of the Memorial Hall. The Parish Council have been asked to pay £8.50 per hour which replaces the £9 per meeting which is being paid at present. A monthly meeting charge will now be £25.50. Clerk was asked to write to the hall committee to ask for a review of these charges.

f) Church Farm – Footpaths Consultation: In addition to the consultation sent out in November that outlined the proposed changes to the right of way network at Church Farm in Publow, proposed additions and amendments had been received.
These changes had come about as a result of the initial consultation.
Initial thoughts from the Parish Council were that the changes have put Walkers off of walking the paths now as it is very confusing as to which way to go and the proposed changes have increased the number of fields to cross. It was still thought the wooden bridge installed requires some safety measures as the sides are open and wide. Trees were reported to have been planted where the original landslide occurred to try and stabilise the land, however it was reported that the land has slipped again. Mrs Stephenson will walk the path and report back to BANES.

g) Defibrillators: It was reported that in South Gloucestershire & North Bristol Defibrillators had been stolen. The ones in Pensford and Woollard have remained secure. The Advice from AED was to remove the Defibrillator from the Cabinet and
inform GWA. However the Parish Council made the decision to leave the defibrillators in the cabinets. Members of the Public are asked to be vigilant. It was reported that the Post Office are soon to have CCTV cameras installed which will be able to monitor the Defibrillator outside of the Post Office.
The Parish Council were disappointed to hear that a vegetable box had recently been stolen from outside of the Post Office during daylight hours.
Defibrillator in Woollard: A new bulb has been replaced by the guardian Mrs Stephenson.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Memorial Hall: The AGM of the Memorial Hall will be taking place on Tuesday 3rd February at 7.00 pm followed by a normal meeting. The Memorial Hall Committee have asked that this meeting is promoted on their behalf. Any Agenda items should be submitted to the Chairman as soon as possible.

Accounts: A cheque was raised at the November meeting made payable to Gladwin Electrical Services for a total of £678.00 this was the Parish Council donation to electrical work carried out at the Memorial Hall. An email from the Treasurer on the 1st January 2015 informed the Clerk that because the works are not improvements the Memorial Hall spoke to Gladwin and they invoiced the hall direct. They had already paid this invoice and assumed that the Parish Council knew. The cheque therefore has been cancelled.

Police: I have been advised that PCSO’s no longer have the mobile numbers we have on our records. PCSO 8079 BRAGG and PCSO 6903 BAILEY will soon have new numbers, which will be provided in due course. A new number will also be provided for PC Gemma Hill once she returns from maternity leave. Contact now should be made via 101.

Clerk has notified the Web Site and Parish Mag.

Rok the Stones Marathon (24-Jan-2015)
The Parish Council have been informed of the inaugural Rok the Stones trail marathon will take place on Saturday-24-Jan 2015, to raise funds for the Pensford, Publow and the Stanton’s Community Trust. They are hoping to raise in excess of £1000 for local community projects.

The marathon consists of three separate loops, each starting from Stanton Drew Village Hall. The first loop follows the River Chew to Compton Dando, the second loop climbs onto Dundry and Maes Knoll, and the third includes the Folly Farm estate and Knowle Hill. More details can be found on the event website:

Royal Garden Party: This takes place at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday 12th May 2015. The Parish Council are asked to nominate two attendees by 2nd February 2015. Names will then go into the hat.

Redundant Bus Shelter: Quotes are still awaited for these works.

Hillcrest: No further complaints have been received regarding a car parking on the pavement in front of the Grit Bin by the Old Peoples Bungalows at Hillcrest.

Gritting: No problems have been reported to the Clerk in relation to lack of gritting.

Allotments: An advert has been created and sent to the Parish Magazine advertising vacant plots.

Quarry Lodge Woollard Lane Woollard. A CONFIDENTIAL update has been circulated.

7) Planning:

Applications to be discussed:

14/05615/ADCOU AMP Electrical Ltd Belluton Barn Belluton Farm Stanton Road. Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Barn to Dwelling (C3): Parish Council were minded to approve this, however clarification would be sought regarding which entrance/exit will be used. It was thought that the entrance by the Bus Stop on the A37 was quite dangerous and should have benefitted from Planning Consent for the entrance and the lighting which follows the track. Clerk to write to planning to this end.

14/05467/FUL Mr Monaghan Willow Tree Cottage Old Road Pensford. Erection of a two storey extension. Parish Council support but to bring to the attention of the Planning Department the land slips which have occurred in the past.

Planning Outcomes:

14/04165/FUL 4 Ways Pensford Ltd Development Site the Orchard, Pensford. Erection of 1no.4 bed house with garage and gardens. PERMIT

14/04164/FUL 4 Ways Pensford Ltd Police Lane Pensford. Erection of 2no. Three bedroom semi detached houses with garages and parking. PERMIT

14/04826/FUL Mr Gibbons 13 Hillcrest Pensford Erection of 2no. Bed dwelling to built to the side of 13 Hillcrest Pensford. REFUSE

14/04438/FUL Mr G Tidcombe Brambledene 5 Publow Lane, Pensford. Erection of rear extension and conservatory. PERMIT.

14/05345/TCA Mr Roberts Assured Trees. Pensford Primary School, Pensford.
1 x Willow – pruning works to high pollard effect. No Objection.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary December 631.32
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 14.60
Memorial Hall Hire for 9 months to December 2014 72.00

9. Any Other Business:

Speeding Old Road/High Street: A discussion took place on the speeding issues along Old Road and what possibly can be done to slow motorists down. It was agreed that the Parish Council should contact the Traffic & Safety Department again and ask for another site visit.

Parsonage Lane: It was reported that following works by M & M Contractors the level of the bank has been taken down. The bank needs to be re-instated. Clerk to contact M&M and ask them to look at it.

Tennis Club: It was reported that £500 had been received from collecting Bristol
Evening Post Vouchers. Recommendations are being sought for the re-surfacing of the courts.

New Chairman: Mrs Gully congratulated Mrs Stephenson on Chairing her first Parish Council meeting as the new Chairman.

Sleep Lane: The Give Way Sign has been removed.

Greenspace Designation: Clerk had circulated information from BANES which asked about which Greenspace Areas the Parish Council would like to identify which are of particular importance to them for special protection through designation in the Placemaking Plan. The following were suggested: Allotment Land, Village Green, Old Down, The Common, Land under the Viaduct and Culvery Wood. Clerk and Chairman will reply to BANES.

Parking: Cars continue to park on the pavement by Lock Up Cottages and in front of the War Memorial. Parish Council considered asking BANES for yellow lines to be put at these locations and motorists are ignoring the advisory white line. A raised footpath was suggested in front of Lock Up Cottages and along in front of the Lock Up. It was suggested that a representative from BANES Highways should come out and discuss this further.

Motorists were reported to be parking all day by the Post Office. It was thought that there is a limit there but if not maybe the parking bays should have a time limit on them to deter all day parking.

Grit Bin at the top of the Orchard: Needs replacing. Clerk to pursue.

Banners on Bridge: It was noted that there are more advertising banners on Pensford Bridge. Owners will be reminded that a Licence is necessary in order to put them at the side of the Main Road.

10. Notice of Future Meetings: Chew Valley Area Forum Meeting Thursday 12th February 2015 at The Wellsway Harptree Hill.






1) Members of the Public

2) Apologies for Absence

3) Minutes of Monday 12th JANUARY 2015 to be signed as a correct record

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Co-option of Mrs Tracy Jones
b) Update on Housing Proposal for Wick Lane following the Public Consultation.
c) Quarterly Accounts to 31/12/2014/Budget/Precept 2015/2016 – JK
d) Neighbourhood Planning Update – SG
e) Update from Community Trust Meeting
f) PCAA meeting held on 27th January 2015 – TH
g) BANES ALCA Meeting 29th January 2015 – TH
h) BT Infinity Broadband – JS
i) Woollard Lane – Speed Limits – JS

6) Clerks Progress Report

7) Planning:

Applications to discuss:

Planning Outcomes: 14/04771/FUL Mr P Sessford Birchwood Lodge Wells Road Pensford. Erection of detached double garage (Resubmission). REFUSED

Planning Appeal Lodged: 14/04826/FUL Appeal Ref: APP/F0114/W/14/3001688
Mr T Gibbons 13 Hillcrest Pensford Bristol. 2no. Bed dwelling to be built on the side of 13 Hillcrest (Resubmission).

Tree Works Outcome: Mr S Raper Bramley Cottage Publow Lane. NO OBJECTION
Tree Works Applications: 15/00119/TCA Woollard House Mill Lane. 1 x Pine Fell.

15/00120/TCA Rosemere Publow Lane Woollard. 1 x Bramley Apple – prune overall reduction 15%

15/00187/TCA 1 Old School House High Street. 1 x Himalayan Birch – reduce and weight on two limbs overhanging by 2 metres. 1 x Lawson Cypress – fell to ground level.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary January 631.52
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 12.13
Memorial Hall Hire for Public Consultation 51.00
Titan Internet Services Renewal 240.00
Church Room Hire for Neighbourhood Planning Meetings 20.00

Payments Received:

Mr P Breach Donation to Hire of the Memorial Hall 51.00
9. Any Other Business:

10. Notice of Future Meetings:

Chew Valley Area Forum meeting on Thursday 12th February 2015 at 6.30 pm – 7.30 pm (For members of the public) at The Wellsway, Harptree Hill, West Harptree, BS40 6EJ. The formal part of the meeting will commence at 7.30 pm

DATE OF NEXT MEETING MONDAY 9th MARCH 2015 AT 7.15 pm Clerk: Mrs J Bragg


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