
Planning Notices – 5 December 2023

The Parish Council has received notification of the following Planning Applications relevant to our Parish:

  • Reference: 23/04465/FUL
  • Address of Proposal: 6 Hillcrest, Pensford, Bristol, BS39 4BE
  • Proposal: Erection of first floor extension and alterations
  • Expiry Date for Consultation:21/12/2023
  • Reference: 223/04223/PIP 
  • Address of Proposal: Jat Environmental Reclamation Ltd Pensford Hill Pensford Bristol BS39 4JF
  • Proposal: A Permission in Principle Planning Application for the Erection of up to 4 New Build Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) and Associated Infrastructure at JAT Reclamation
  • Expiry Date for Consultation:22/12/2023

To view full details, or comment individually on these applications, please visit the Bath and North East Somerset Council, Planning Portal.