Parish Council Resolution on Climate Emergency – 10th February 2020

Publow with Pensford Parish Council

Climate Emergency Resolution 10/02/2020

Publow with Pensford Parish Council resolves to recognise the existence of a climate emergency.

This Parish Council welcomes and supports the Bath and North East Somerset Climate Emergency Declaration passed by all parties at a meeting of the full Council held on 14th March 2019. We also note the subsequent recommendations made by the Committee on Climate Change in May 2019 and the Government’s net zero carbon commitment made in June 2019, which provides a national framework for this declaration.

This Parish Council will work with local residents, community organisations, businesses, B&NES Council, other parish councils, neighbouring authorities and organisations to establish specific local initiatives that will contribute to achieving the area wide objective of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

To achieve this aim, we resolve to establish a working party that will report back to this Parish Council in six months’ time having undertaken to;
• Agree terms of reference and set a timescale for the working party;
• Call for experts or interested community members to input into and support the working party;
• Pledge to investigate ways to establish an indicative baseline of our Parish carbon footprint;
• Seek to understand our local impact, whether from transport, built environment, natural environment, energy usage and other activities;
• Show leadership and provide focus;
• Immediately undertake to ensure any future procurement we carry out minimises our carbon footprint and review our own current organisations footprint;
• Support Bath and North East Somerset Council in their delivery of their Climate Emergency Declaration;
• Call on Bath & North East Somerset Council to provide the necessary powers and resources to make the 2030 target possible.

Within this initial six-month period, we will hold a parishioners’ meeting to share information, generate ideas, create actions and empower the local community to help deliver carbon neutrality by 2030 through an agreed action plan and targets.

We agree to be open to working in partnership in the future with other parishes, to make effective use of our resources to achieve our goal but that this is an evolving and dynamic situation and we need to take actions without delay.



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