Parish Council Minutes (AGM and monthly) – 14 May 2018


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice Chairman: Mr T Heaford.
Mr J Kelly, Mr P Baxter, Mrs Tracy Jones, Mr T Jones, Mrs D Custance, Mrs S Grimes, Mr S Filer, Mr M Daniels, Cllr P May. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
There were four members of the public present.

AGM Agenda:

a) Chairman’s Report: Report from Chairman Mrs Janette Stephenson attached.
b) Financial Report: Report from Mr J Kelly attached.


1. Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson was proposed by Mr Filer for Chairman and this was seconded by Mrs Grimes. Mr T Heaford was proposed by Mrs Jones for the position of Vice Chairman this was seconded by Mr S Filer.

2. Signing of Declaration & Acceptance of Office Book were signed by the newly elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

3. Register of Members Interests: Clerk had emailed out the Register of Members Interests Forms for Parish Councillors to complete.

4. Members of the Public: Member of the Public raised concerns regarding the recent landslip which has affected the A37 and is now under controlled lights. It was confirmed that BANES Council are working closely with the landowner to come to an agreement over the repairs to the situation.

5. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Gully.

6. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: There were none received.

7. To confirm the Minutes of Monday 9th April 2018 as a true and fair record. After being circulated and read Clerk amended 7b in the minutes to read “A37” and the minutes were duly signed as a true and fair record.

8. Appointment of Representatives for:

Memorial Hall Committee: Mrs T Jones & Mrs J Gully.
Parish Council’s Airport Association: Mr T Heaford.
Parish Liaison Meetings: Mrs S Grimes & Mr T Heaford.
ALCA Meetings: Mrs J Stephenson
BANES Local Council Group: Mr T Heaford
Chew Valley Forum: Mrs J Stephenson, Mr T Heaford & Clerk.
Flood Representative: Mrs J Gully will be asked if she wishes to continue representing this group.
Guardians for Defibrillators: Post Office – Mrs Tracy Jones, Woollard – Mrs J Stephenson and
Hillcrest – Mr M Daniels.
Staffing Panel: Mr S Filer, Mrs T Jones and Mrs S Grimes.

9. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: A meeting had taken place with residents of Pensford Hill. A survey regarding potential works will be carried out in May. Works awaited include the VA Sign for Old Road, the crossing at Short Lane, and the widening of the Island by Station Approach Other ideas include Gated access to the village, barriers outside of the school.
An update was given regarding the Clean Air Zone Bath and the hope to add Farrington Gurney and Temple Cloud and eventually Pensford & Whitchurch.
BT will be putting in a road quality chamber on Pensford Hill with concerns that it will encourage lorries to drive over it.
Traffic lights for Pensford Hill were discussed.
Pot Holes: It was brought to Cllr Mays attention the poor road conditions and lack of attention to Pot Holes. It was also reported that the Bollards on Nursery Corner need repairing.

10. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

a) Finger Posts Update: Further donations had been made to the project. A photo opportunity had taken place at the Belluton Fingerpost. The next to be re-furbished will be the one sited at Priestdown. The Community Trust have promised further support. Another fundraising event will be held in July.

b) Tennis Club: The recent open day was a success. New members have signed up. The Tennis Club was awarded “Accreditation”. Unfortunately some vandalism had occurred and the wire around the courts had been cut.

c) Pensford 10K Sunday 29th April 2018: This took the form of a 10K Trail Run which saw 150 runners take part. The numbers were down on the Fun Run.

d) Affordable Housing following Meeting with Gary Ward – Ecology Reports Quotes: A meeting had taken place on the 9th May to discuss the possibility of putting Affordable Housing on the Allotment Site. Curo will need to be consulted in relation to the access. Gary Ward will progress this. Permission from the Secretary of State would need to be obtained to move the allotments to another site. A Housing Needs Survey is no longer required. Residents needing Low Cost/Social Housing need to be registered on the Homesearch Register which can be accessed online. Gary Ward will provide a leaflet in relation to Homesearch which can be distributed around the Parish. A further meeting will be arranged with Parish Council and Curo. Tuesday 29th at 2pm was suggested. Clerk to arrange.

11. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree Salary Rise for Clerk as agreed by NJC from 1st April 2018. This was agreed. Clerk’s Hourly rate will increase by 25p per hour.
b) “Plug –in” for Electric Cars: Should there be a Plug – In for electric Cars at the Memorial Hall? It was thought that there would not be enough take up for this at present.

12. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report:

New Road: An update has been requested on the remedial works needed following the landslip.
Speed Sign for Old Road: The promise of the speed sign has been followed up by a member of the public asking when it will be in place.
Wildthings Farm: A site visit by Planning Enforcement had taken place. There is no breach of planning control occurring at the site.
Parking Problems at the Post Office: Further problems have been experienced with inconsiderate parking outside of the Post Office. The new signs do not appear to be having any effect.
Footpaths: Now that the weather is drier it is hoped to get the ground by some of the “Kissing Gates” and styles levelled and re-surfaced. This has recently been carried out in Stanton Drew and the same surface has been requested for Pensford Parish.
Allotments: Clerk had a site meeting with a Contractor to come in and repair the broken gate post. A new post will be needed. The contractor will also clear the allotment site for us and rotavate plots if necessary. There is a lot of overgrowth to clear. Four people have enquired about taking on a plot with current allotment site holders wishing to also take on extra themselves. Invoices were sent out to existing allotment holders for their rental.
Peats Hill Flooding: It is understood that this is now sorted out.
Woollard Bin: A request has been made for a new Rubbish Bin in Woollard. The existing one is rotted and rusted.
Mill Lane: A request for the potholes at the start of Mill Lane to be filled in has been made again.
Community First Responder: An enquiry has been received from a First Responder who operates in the Chew Valley. A First Responder is a volunteer who works with the Ambulance Service but are trained and equipped to fill the gap between the 999 call and the arrival of an ambulance. As volunteers they fit responding around their lives and pay their own travelling expenses to call outs and training events. They are seeking a donation from Parish Councils in the Valley. Please can we consider this, they are asking for £200.00. It was unanimously agreed to support this and a donation of £200.00 will be made.
Avon & Somerset Police: Wish to recruit people to sit on their Misconduct Hearing Panels. If you are interested contact Clerk.
Police House: The Parish Council were informed that Police House in Compton Martin will be for sale on the open market in the coming months. The police house has not been used as an operational police station for the last three years.

b) General Data Protection Regulation: Clerk had attended a training course arranged by ALCA on this subject. There is a toolkit to help. GDPR comes into effect on 25th May 2018.

c) PCAA Extra Meeting: Mr Heaford to attend this meeting which has been called due to the current 6 open consultations.

d) BANES ALCA Meeting: Not attended.

e) Draft Local Plan /HELAA Training: Chairman attended this Training. It took place in Timsbury between 3.30 & 7.30 notes from the meeting will be available via email.

13. Planning: Applications to Discuss:

18/01501/FUL Ms Bernard 22 Hillcrest Pensford Two storey rear and single storey side extensions. Parish Council support this application however have reservations about the loss of a parking space.

Planning Outcomes to Note:

17/06068/LBA Mrs M Thomas The Grange Stanton Road Pensford. External alterations for the installation of oil tank and base and associated pipelines following removal of oil tank from garage (regularisation). CONSENT

17/06067/FUL Mrs M Thomas The Grange Stanton Road. Installation of Oil Tank and base and associated pipelines, following removal of existing oil tank from garage (Retrospective4) PERMIT.

18/00921/FUL Mr & Mrs Barnes 117 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of elevated single storey rear extension. PERMIT

14. Financial Matters:

a) Financial Accounts to March 2018 to be tabled at the meeting.

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £747.58
Zurich Insurance Parish Council Insurances Renewal £777.33
SLCC Membership Renewal £128.00
Kelston Forge Belluton Fingerpost £1412.50
Kompan Ltd Play Equipment Memorial Hall Playground £5954.74

Payments to be authorised:

Allotment Society Membership Renewal £30.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £23.40
HMRC Q4 Clerk NI & Tax 6/3/18 – 5/4/18 £35.55
Mr D Lucas Cutting of village green x 2 cuts £40.00
ALCA GDPR Training £40.00

Receipts to note:

BANES Finance Instalment 2 of CIL Payment Pensford Garage £3005.36
Pensford Memorial Hall Donation to cost of New Play Equipment £4962.29
Mrs H Cox Allotment Rental £20.00
Mr K Swallow Allotment Rental £40.00
Mrs D Custance Allotment Rental £20.00

15. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:
Suggested donation to Hall in relation to bookings.
Kelvin Packer to be invited to a meeting to update on the A37 Progress.

16. To Note Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 11th June 2018 AT 7.15 pm