Parish Council Minutes – 9th September 2019


Present: Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford, Acting Chair
Mrs S Grimes (Acting Clerk), Mrs T Jones, Mr T Jones, Mr M Daniels, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower & Cllr Paul May There were 10 Members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public: – A resident mentioned the Pensford Stone Home of John Locke (To be discussed in item 7(e). She said that she liked the stone but was concerned that it was obscuring the junction sign towards Bristol. Councillors said that this would be looked into and if necessary contact Highways.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Stephenson & Mrs J Gully.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda. There were none. Three councillors reported that they would try to record the meeting.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 9th July 2019 as a true and fair record. This was agreed

5. To Receive an update on District Matters.

(i) Cllr Paul May reported that he and a Keynsham Ward Councillor would be meeting the BANES Planning Officer on 10 September to ask for a professional view of the Resourceful Earth Ltd application 19/02919/MINW. He noted that the Parish had submitted their objections. The application to increase electricity output would increase the number of HGVS travelling to the site. He said that the site was in a disgraceful state. The Parish supported our local Ward Councillor’s intervention.

(ii) The JSP inspectors have stated that the locations were flawed and they stopped the process.

(iii) Cllr May would meet Paul Garrod BANES Highways to discuss the finishing of works on the Belluton Junction

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Cllr Steve Filer gave an update on the appointment of the new Parish Clerk. He said that there had been 5 applications with interviews this week and next. There was a discussion regarding which councillors should be involved in the interview process. However, it was considered to be daunting for all councillors to interview the candidates. It was agreed that the interviews should be undertaken by members of the Staff Panel. Councillors would be kept informed in due course.

b) Cllr Tony Heaford reported that the decision to increase airport passenger numbers from 10 to 12 million a year had been deferred by North Somerset Council from September to November. Objections included noise, traffic and climate change.
CAP16 airspace changes will be implemented by 2023. ‘Satnav’ in the sky would replace a 50 year old control tower and radar system. Ideas are being collected followed by a wide consultation.

c) Cllr Mike Daniels reported that there had been a meeting of allotment tenants in the Coffee Shop. He would be the Parish Representative and prospective tenant. A committee has been formed and a constitution set up. Committee hopes to tidy up the allotment site. 3 plots are empty. Next meeting 2 November.

d) Cllr P Baxter reported that he had attended 2 Hall committee meetings. Dom Lowe was donating £4K to the Hall following the Jazz event. £2k was available for the Hall to do as it wished and the other £2k for something that would visually improve the hall and increase let ability. A decision would be made on murals/paintings for the outside of the building.
The tennis club had proposed to knock down a wall and demolish changing facilities & showers. A committee member mentioned that it was vital for the playing fields that changing facilities were available and that this proposal was maybe against the constitution. Cllr Baxter said that he had sent an e-mail to the tennis club committee requesting information but hadn’t received a reply. He said that he had been told that the tennis club had informed him that they were going off the idea. The chair of the tennis club said that the tennis club does not wish to cause any problems to the Hall Committee. They just want to upgrade their facilities and if agreed to help upgrade the Hall and outside areas too. They have put their plans on hold and are considering other options.

7. Matters for Discussion/ Decision:

a) Keynsham KTCR FM Radio. There was a discussion about the request for £500 for a new radio station. IT was decided that as Parishes finances were limited we could not support the request for funds. Clerk will email decision.

b) Cllr Tracy Jones expressed concern that she had witnessed a lorry being unable to go up Church Street as a badly parked car had blocked the road outside the Church Rooms. It was also mentioned that an ambulance called to a sick child in High Street had been unable to reach the child’s house because of parked cars. The ambulance had to turn round and access the house from the Chelwood end of the High Street. It was appreciated that there was a parking problem in Pensford but that people would ignore double lines should the Parish make that request. It was suggested that it might be appropriate for the High Street and Church Street residents to police their own communities rather than requiring a formal parking restriction in their areas.

c) Cllr Mike Daniels reported that the Parish Standing orders were out of date, were not GDPR compliant and needed to be renewed. It was decided following a vote that new Standing Orders would be adopted at the next Parish Council meeting.

d) A proposal for a new Village Green had been supported in the Parish’s Neighbourhood Plan but had not been taken forward. It was mentioned that a plan of the village green improvement had been made by John Gully. A resident kindly agreed to ask John Gully for a copy of his sketch as a first step.

e) Pensford Stone Home of John Locke. It was mentioned that there were favourable comments about this stone on Facebook. Councillors supported the stone and suggested that the Parish write to Dom Lowe to thank and congratulate him on behalf of the Parish. Cllr P Baxter agreed to e-mail.
f) It was proposed to have a litter pick on 3 November @ 10.00. The War Memorial could be tidied up too before Remembrance Service.

8. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report: The clerk considered that information on the crashing of the clerk’s computer should be shared. She said that a lot of work had already been put into the Remembrance Day service. More work needed to be done to enable the event to run smoothly for residents. Councillors agreed to assist with the following: Bugler, Rev’d Denise, PR, Guides, Order wreath from British Legion, ask them about large poppies, little wooden crosses, head teacher , road closure signs, cones . A road closure warning would be input to website.

9. Planning:


19/02933/FUL The Wickets, Blackrock Lane, Publow – erection of replacement dwelling (re-submission). – PENDING CONSIDERATION
19/02745/FUL Blannings, Ringspit Lane, Publow – installation of water treatment plant – CONSULTATION
19/03279/CLEU Nursey Farm, New Road, Pensford – erection of orangery/sun room + detached garage (certificate of lawfulness for existing development) – PENDING CONSIDERATION
19/02919/MINW Resourceful Earth Ltd, Charlton Field Lane, Queen Charlton – a revised layout and design to exiting AD Plant (approved under 13/04126/MINW) with removal of all bund walling, ponds and soil and stockpiles on site with introduction of hardstanding, parking, bund walling, silage clamps, CNG gas compressing compound, digestate storage bunker and associated digestate lagoon, gas to grid equipment, a new site office with associated landscaping and drainage infrastructure – CONSULTATION


19/02926/FUL Chew Cottage, Mill Lane, Woollard – erection of single storey storage & office outbuilding following demolition of garage. Alterations to rear, lean-to extension. PERMIT
19/02927/LBA Chew Cottage, Mill Lane, Woollard – Internal and external alterations to include erection of single storey storage & office outbuilding following demolition of garage. Alterations to rear, lean-to extension. CONSENT


19/02373/FUL Hillside, Parsonage Lane, Publow – erection of new front porch following removal of existing. PERMIT
19/02951/TCA Pensford County Primary School – willow re-pollard to previous points removing up to 5 metres re-growth from crown of tree. NO OBJECTION
19/02499/FUL Unregistered Dwelling Old Steading, Belluton Farm, Stanton Road, Pensford – conversion of agricultural barn to dwelling following previous application granting prior approval for change of use. PERMIT
19/02756/ADCOU Southleigh Farm Birchwood Lane Publow. Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Building to Dwelling (C3) and for associated operation development APPROVE
19/01932/FUL 141 High Street Pensford Erection of a rear infill extension with alterations to roof. Replacement of window at rear with French doors. PERMIT

10. Financial Matters:

Cllr Tony Heaford reported that he had hoped to get the annual return approved by the internal auditors, Underwood Lamb. However, they had not received all the information required from the previous clerk in order to complete the audit. Hopefully, we get the completed cash book to the auditors next week. As the Parish turnover is less than 25K the internal auditors will send a certificate to the external auditors to say there is no need for an external audit. Cllr Tony Heaford said that accounts/budgets had been completed up until 31 March and he hoped to get everything completed by the end of September. He will e-mail councillors as soon as everything is completed.

Payments to be authorised:

DPM Lucas Village Green cutting 15 Jul, 30 Jul19 £40.00
DPM Lucas Village Green cutting 12 Aug19, 30Aug19 £40.00
Mrs Helen Richardson Temporary Clerk July 5 hours @ £14.96 £74.80
Cllr Sue Grimes (Acting Clerk) 500 sheets paper & Ink cartridge printer £34.69

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

It was not possible to issue cheques at the meeting, as there were insufficient signatories in attendance. It was agreed that bank signatories needed to be amended.

12. To Note Future Meetings: Chew Valley Forum meeting 30 September 2019

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