Parish Council Minutes – 9th November 2020


Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mrs J Gully, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mr M Daniels, Mrs S Grimes, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mr T Jones, & Cllr P. May (B&NES)(Part) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 5 Members of Public

11.1 Public Submissions: – 3 residents spoke in opposition to 20/03861/FUL. The Acting Head Teacher spoke in support of creating a footpath between the playing fields and the rest of the village.

11.2 Apologies: Mrs T Jones

11.3 Declarations of Interest: None

11.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 12th October 2020 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman will sign them at the next available opportunity.

11.5 An update on District Matters. – Cllr May reported that a public meeting was being held regarding the possibility for 8,000 additional houses around Whitchurch.
B&NES are likely to be required to provide 24,000 – 27,000 new houses in the Strategic Development Plan. This would increase the likelihood of building in the greenbelt and so he has contacted Jacob Rees Mogg.
B&NES have lost 8 senior managers in the last year who need to be replaced.
He has also been making enquiries regarding groundworks at the bottom of the old garage site that does not appear to have planning permission.

11.6 Updates on current matters:
a) Vintage Phone Box – Position still needs to be finalised. The box has been renovated, although the windows could be upgraded if anyone has time to volunteer.
b) Allotments – Nothing to report.
c) Environmental & Climate Emergency working group – Report previously circulated, the working group has spoken to Zero Carbon Compton and have collected acorns and given them to the primary school to plant. They are still in discussions with BWCE. The working group have acquired 900 saplings to plant and so are looking for suitable sites to plant them.
d) Dog bins – Due to be delivered this week. The arrangement with the Village Hall for waste removal needs to be confirmed.
e) Memorial Hall -, the Memorial Hall Committee were supportive of the plan to plant trees around the road side hedge, as part of the tree planting scheme. They would also support the proposal to create a footpath from the main road to the playing field.
f) Litter picks – 10 Litter Pickers have been delivered, and they are being distributed.
g) PCAA – Held their Annual general meeting. Finances are now in place to oppose the expansion plans, but the timetable has still not been agreed for the enquiry.

11.7 Matters for Discussion / Decision
a) Footpath CL17/40 was reported as blocked, but has since been reopened, The B&NES footpath officer has asked that any further obstruction is reported.
b) Two options for infrastructure projects are being developed to utilise the CIL money at the Parish Councils disposal.
-To create an additional Car Parking area in the playing fields. (Including an ancillary proposal to pursue the creation of a footpath off road, from the Memorial Hall to the School.
-To make changes to the road layout at the Village Green.
Both CIL proposals need to be costed to be put forward for consultation. The Clerk will chase the Memorial Hall committee to provide more details for the Car Park project.
It was agreed to separate the new footpath project so that it can be progressed irrespective of the result of the consultation. Paul Baxter would add more detail to the footpath proposal.
CIL Funds: Funds from the Community Infrastructure levy need to be spent by 2022.
c) The NALC Consultation: Standards Matter 2 was deferred to next month.

11.8 Reports
a) The Clerks Report was accepted
b) The Chairman reported that she attended the Chew Valley Forum which was about the Climate emergency. The Crocus bulbs have been planted around Hill Crest, Belluton and the Village Green. The Chairman laid the Poppy Wreath at the Memorial on Remembrance Sunday on behalf of residents.
She would be meeting with B&NES highways this week regarding speeding through Hunstrete Lane & Publow Lane.
c) The notes from the Parish Liaison meeting have been circulated

11.9 Planning
a) Applications to Consult:
i. 20/03785/TCA: 144 High Street, Pensford. T1 (Eucalytpus gunnii) – Removal of dead wood, crown reduction of over extended branches by 2m
The Parish Council had no objection.
ii. 20/03888/ADCOU: Publow Farm, Blackrock Lane, Publow – Prior approval request for conversion of agricultural building to dwelling (Use Class C3).
The Parish Council had no objection
iii. 20/03846/FUL: 39 Hillcrest, Pensford – Erection of 1 no 4 bed dwelling.
The vote was split, but the Parish Council agreed that they had no Objection to this application
iv. 20/03861/FUL: Land To North Of The Orchard, High Street, Pensford – Erection of a single dwelling on the land to the north of the Orchard
The Parish Council OBJECTED to this application. The design was not sympathetic to its surroundings within the conservation area and the proposal dominates the landscape. The 3 trees protected by TPO’s will be destroyed and there was concern about how the development relates to the neighbouring property as the finished ground levels are different and may require a retaining wall.
v. 20/04012/TCA: 2 Hillside, Publow Lane, Woollard. T1 (Willow) – Cut back lateral branches emanating from main trunk angled at approx. 40 degrees by approx. 3m.
The Parish Council had no Objection
b) Decision Notifications:
20/03399/TCA: The Hollies, Pensford Hill, Pensford. T1 (Ash) – Remove side limb to wall height, side prune remaining to clear electrical distribution lines. PERMIT

c) Other Planning Issues:
Reports of development activity at the land at the bottom of Wick Lane had been received And reported to enforcement

11.10 Financial Matters
a) The Financial Report were accepted

b) November Payment were approved.

c) The 2021-22 budget was discussed. The Clerk should be informed of any projects to be included in the first draft.

11.11 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: None

11.12 To note Future Meetings:
Parish Liaison – Wednesday 24 March, Wednesday 14 July or Wednesday 21 July, Wednesday 13 October 2021

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