Parish Council Minutes – 9th November 2015


Present: Chairman – Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford, Mrs J Gully, Mrs J Jones, Mrs L Cains, Mrs D Custance, Mrs T Jones.

Members of the Public: Lydia Robinson, Nick King, Dom Lowe, Pauline Parnell, Sally Jenkins & Mr & Mrs Hunt

Members of the Public: Lydia Robinson & Nick King attended the meeting to inform the Parish Council of their proposals to restore Pensford Parishes Finger Posts of which there are several in the Parish. The first Finger Post to be restored will be at the Junction of the A37 & High Street. Research into the original colour scheme of the posts will be undertaken. The missing finger of this post will need locating with BANES. Funds may need to be raised and this will be done from a range of sources including private donations, the Parish, BANES and Heritage Funds. Once restored a maintenance programme will be put in place to ensure they are cleaned and repainted on a regular basis.

Publow Lane: Member of the Public raised concerns again regarding the parking on the pavement on the corner of Publow Lane. The possibility of bollards being added was suggested. Clerk has forwarded photos to the Traffic & Safety Department for their attention.

The Barn: Sally Jenkins reported that scaffolding will be put up around the barn to enable the roof to be put on.

Peats Hill: A man hole cover by the entrance to Church Farm was reported to have moved. Clerk to report to Highways.

1. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr P Baxter, Cllr P May, Mr S Filer and Mrs S Grimes. Mr J Kelly

2. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: No interests declared.

3. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 10th October 2015 as a true and fair record: After being circulated were altered on page 48/15 “Hillcrest” changed to read Pensford Post Office. The minutes were then signed as a correct record.

4. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May Although absent from the meeting Cllr May submitted a report to the Parish Council the summary as follows:

Neighbourhood plan meetings All future agendas should have a declaration of interest item to ensure proper governance. This also correctly applies to the Parish if anyone has a direct interest related to any consideration of a report.

Councillor report from BANES: The detailed budget review work has now been submitted to the Council Management and the Cabinet. Its focus has been on reducing costs, increasing income and reducing front line service cuts. The target was £38m over four years and the proposals actually are greater. In addition there are proposals to seek greater parity for NES. The Parish match funding scheme is also being worked through. The Council have just published its four-year strategy to achieve the manifesto. There has been a change of cabinet member for planning and housing.
The person appointed is Liz Richardson who is based in the Chew Valley.

Confirmation of the A37 transportation review has now been received. Discussions have taken place between Stefan Chiffers and Kelvin Packer to keep the pressure on for more immediate improvements. A capital package of improvements has been submitted to the Cabinet member for highways. No approval has been received yet.

The council consultation for “Your Care your way” is important because it could change the way that care is provided by seeking more and earlier intervention GP partnerships and area specialism. The worry with a geographic approach is that demand fluctuates and complexity of cases can make this expensive.

5. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

i) Acker Bilk Seat: We await further quotes

ii) Play Area: No further update

iii) Feedback from Village Clean-Up Day: Twenty volunteers turned up to help. A total of 28 bags were collected. A piece will be put in the Gazette. It was suggested that another clear up day should be held in six months time. Member of the Public Mr Hunt asked if he could have a Litter Pick to help keep Old Road clear. He reported rubbish around the bench on Old Road. BANES will be asked if we can keep a Litter Pick in order to do this.

iiii) Feedback from Remembrance Sunday Parade: A good attendance was reported however some thought it a shame that there were very few children attending. The Bugler was very good, his Parents had travelled from Pembrokeshire to support him. Father Robert Webb took the service and thanks will be sent to him. The Police were very good and their presence helped a lot. BANES had delivered No Waiting Signs and Cones for around the War Memorial. Mrs Cains will remind the school next year about the possibility of the children making crosses to go on the war memorial at after school club. There was also a good attendance from the Guides and Mr C Wookey read out the names from the War Memorial. Clerk will send letters of thanks to all.

v) Update from Enforcement Training: Mrs Stephenson attended this lengthy training session. It was disappointing as nothing was really gained. Enforcement report difficulty in Enforcing Issues. They are now a fully staffed department.

6. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Defibrillator: The Pads & Batteries had expired. New ones had now been purchased. There is a 10-year guarantee on the Pads and 5 Year guarantee on the Batteries. Mrs Cains will check the Woollard Defibrillator whilst Mrs Stephenson is away. It was reported that the Hillcrest Defibrillator was recently accessed. Members of the Public have reported they feel it is reassuring to have it in place there. It is anticipated the Telephone Kiosk will be painted in the Spring.

b) Christmas Tree: Jenny Gully & Lisa Cains to progress this Funding for the tree is anticipated to be £25.00

c) Tennis Courts: Mrs Grimes submitted a report in her absence. The committee were advised by the contractors that it will cost a further £5820 for completion of the project. This is due to problems with the weak base and a loss incurred on the day of the 10k when a lorry turned up to site with tarmac but could not get access. The club have offered to meet halfway with the cost. A meeting will be held with the contractor Mid November.

d) Lock Up: Lydia Robinson has kindly offered to help with the application of funding to English Heritage for a grant to help repair the pointing of the Lock Up.

e) Finger Post: See under Members of the Public.

7. Reports:

a) Neighbourhood Plan: The next meeting was due to be held on Wednesday 18th November 2015 where the results of the Questionnaires will be discussed.

Parish Liaison Meeting: As an extra Item the Vice-chairman reported on the recent Parish Liaison Meeting which was held on Wednesday 21st October 2015. There was a presentation on the Joint Strategic Plan which is made up of South Gloucester BANES Bristol & North Somerset and the Strategic Plan for more Housing and the Transport Strategy Plan which have both been launched and open for consultation until 26th January 2016. Displays will be in Keynsham.
There will be a referendum to decide if BANES has an elected Major.

Parish Sweeper Scheme: A review is taking place. Parish Councils should be able to apply to opt back into it.

An update on the progress of Neighbourhood Plans was given.

b) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Clerk attended this meeting held on 15th October 2015 at Chew Valley School. A well attended meeting with presentations of the Chew Valley Transport Strategy given by Peter Dawson, “Your Care Your Way” which is in phase 2 of the consultation on their draft proposals for how community services could be organised in the future.

Maria Lucas Head of Legal and Democratic Services spoke about Declarations of Interest and Dispensations (Parish Councils only). It is advised that the dispensation covers both Neighbourhood Plans and Placemaking Plan. A template to use has been provided by BANES.

The new Chairman was appointed Mr Chris Head from West of England Rural Network and Vice-Chairman is Mr Tony Heaford. The Forum will host the Annual Councils Budget Fair on Monday 23rd November at 6pm which will also include a presentation about the West of England Joint Spatial Plan and Green Space Strategy.

c) Clerks Progress Report:

Church Street Yellow Lines: No update on the consultation yet

Cars parking on the Pavement by Lock-Up Cottages: An email has been received from a concerned member of the public about the cars continually parking on the pavement outside of Lock-Up Cottages and as the nights are now darker it is getting more dangerous. A reply has been sent explaining about the consultation of the placing of yellow lines along here. The correspondence along with pictures of the cars on the pavement has been sent to Stefan Chiffers for his attention also.

Village Signs: No update to offer from Cllr May

Village Green: Has now been cut by Footpaths Officer since the October Meeting.

Finger Post: In hand now with the help of Lydia Robinson and Nick King – see November Agenda.

St Thomas a Becket Churchyard: As part of the process to transfer the responsibilities of Pensford Churchyard from Pensford Parish Council to Bath and North East Somerset Council, the Parks & Bereavements Services Department are required to place public notices issued by the Diocese of Bath & Wells on the notice board at the churchyard for a period of 28 days. Chairman met with a representative on 13th October 2015. The notices were duly put up.

Planter: An email of thanks was sent to Re-organics to pass on to the driver who kindly delivered the compost for the new planter. Jo Downes from Re-Organics replied saying “Thank you for your recent email, the delivery driver was Matt Hall and I will be sure to pass on your thanks to him. We try to accommodate our customers where possible and it is always good to hear feedback on our products and services. Thank you once again.”

Church Street Bin – BANES were notified by Jennie Jones that the bin was overflowing. They promptly came out and emptied it.

Litter Pick: An email of thanks was sent to Mark Hayward at BANES who delivered the Litter Pick Gear and came and collected the bags of rubbish.

Pensford Play Area: The Play Area is on the November Agenda, but in addition to this an email has been received from the Parks Manager Jane Robson informing the Parish Council that BANES will no longer be able to subsidise the inspections and maintenance services to keep the play area within the guidelines. A copy has been circulated to Chairman, Vice Chairman and Finance Officer.

Disused Shop on Pensford Bridge A37: Concerns have been raised regarding the unsightly condition of this property.

Footpaths: Concerns have been raised regarding the condition of the overgrowth on footpaths by Smarts Farm, Old Road. Footpaths Officer to be notified

ALCA Training: The proposed training for 23rd November being offered by ALCA was cancelled due to lack of interest. The cost of the training would have been £200.00 and would not have been cost effective.


Chairman’s Community Awards: Time to nominate up to 27th November 2015…details circulated to all.

Airport Consultative Committee Meeting: Vice-Chairman T Heaford attended. Notes circulated to all PC Members.

Invitation from Bristol Airport: End of year get-together on Wednesday 9th December at 6pm – 6.30pm…

ALCA Newsletter: Copy circulated to all.

Mendip Hills AONB: Invitation to attend Yeo Valley and tour Mendip Hills. Circulated to all PC Members

d) Planning Training: Mrs Stephenson attended the training session. The future of BANES Housing was discussed and the absence of adequate infrastructure when taking into account the future of 200 houses on Charlton road Keynsham, 200 at Horseworld and 800 – 900 on the old Cadburys Site. BANES Housing Department reported that although agreed and a Neighbourhood Plan had been passed it may not be viable. Neighbourhood Plans should be going through within 18months.

Dispensations were discussed and the need for Declarations of Interest and Dispensations.

8. Planning:

Applications received to Consider and Comment:

15/04602/FUL Mr S James Hillside House Pensford Hill Construction of new roof structure with glazed screen to gable end to raise roof and allow new second floor accommodation. Parish Council Support

Planning Outcomes to Note:

15/03505/FUL Mr P Moore Foxley 2 Publow Lane Erection of a single storey rear extension Permitted.

15/04410/TCA Bluebell Cottage 129 High Street 4 x Leylandii – Section Fell. Damson – section fell to ground. No Objection

15/02719/FUL Four Most Homes Ltd Amercombe Bungalow Bristol Road – Loft conversion to include 3 dormer windows. Erection of Porch. 1no. Altered and 1no. New bay window on east elevation. PERMIT

9. Financial Matters:

Accounts: The six months accounts ended 30th September 2015 had been prepared by Mr Kelly. They were circulated prior to the meeting. There were no concerns or queries raised in relation to the accounts.

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk September Salary 637.32
Mrs J Stephenson New Pads for Defibrillators 155.00
Mrs J Stephenson New Batteries for Defibrillators 26.83

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest & Printer Ink 43.21
P Holmes Footpaths 10 hours x £8 80.00
W Sherbourne Cutting of Churchyard at St Thomas a Becket 80.00

10. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Short Lane: Chairman has received enquiries regarding the naming of this lane although no correspondence has been received from BANES.

Riparian Ownership of Watercourses: Clerk to circulate the correspondence received from BANES to all Parish Council members.

Footpaths: Smarts Farm to Birchwood Lane require attention. Clerk to notify Footpaths Officer.

The Orchard: The piece of land by the entrance to the Orchard needs cutting back as there are overhanging branches along High Street

War Memorial: The Leylandii trees are overgrowing the War Memorial once again.

11. To Note Future Meetings:

Online Mapping Event Wednesday 9th December at Bath Spa University 6.30pm – 9pm. – It was suggested that representatives from the Parish Council attend in the New Year for a training session.

Budget Meeting – Chew Valley Area Forum – 23rd November 6-7.30pm – The Library, Chew Valley Secondary School, Chew Lane, Chew Magna, Bristol, BS40 8QB

CPRE AGM Thursday 17th November 2015 at 7pm


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