Minutes – 09-06-14


Present: Chairman Mr T Heaford Vice-Chair: Mrs J Stephenson Mrs J Gully, Mrs S Grimes, Mr J Kelly, Cllr P Edwards. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were two members of the public present.

1) Members of the Public:

Member of the Public raised concerns regarding the increase of traffic at speed along Old Road since the installation of the traffic lights on the A37. Parish Council confirmed that there has been a Police Presence along here and also an application for the area to be made a 20mph Zone has been applied for through the BANES Council.
Concerns were also raised regarding the Parking of cars on the Corner of Publow Lane outside of Lock Up Cottages.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Jones, Mr S Filer, Mr L Seymour & Mrs L Cains

3) Minutes of an AGM/Annual & Monthly Meeting held on Monday 12TH MAY 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record. It was noted that the Accounts for the 10K would be available in November.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Car Parking: Concerns have been expressed regarding the parking restrictions in Church Street and the possible affect it is having on the businesses in Church Street. Parish Council agreed that School ‘Pick Up’ times are busy and parking is difficult. Other times parking was thought to be no problem.

Neighbourhood Planning: It was agreed to hold a preliminary meeting on Wednesday 11th June. Chairman reported that there are lots of information and advice available on how to apply for Grants or Financial Assistance towards making a Neighbourhood Plan. A presentation on neighbourhood Planning was given to Whitchurch Parish Council by a lady from Clutton. Cllr Edwards to give details to the Clerk.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Financial – Agree Sign Annual Return: Responsible Financial Officer had prepared the Accounts and completed the Annual Return. The Income & Expenditure Account amounts were explained and a Surplus of £1256 reported.
A much improved Balance Sheet was circulated. Parish Council agreed the Accounts and the Annual Return was signed by the Clerk & Chairman.

b) Church Farm Footpaths: Two meetings have been held with the Public Rights of Way Officer and the Landowner. Work had been carried out to remove the Manure Heap which was on the Footpath Line. Plans are to re-grade & re-build the riverbank where the Landslide has occurred. This will be carried out when weather allows.
Once all of the works are satisfactory it is likely that BANES will agree to the change in line of the footpath. The new wooden bridge will form part of the footpath line.
On the South Side of the River land has been offered for a footpath.
Mr Graeme Stark from the Public Rights of Way will take a look.

c) Traffic Count Publow Lane: This was damaged by a vehicle after installation and has now been removed.

d) A37 Roadworks: It is likely that the Roadworks will be in place until at least the end of June. Unfortunately nothing can be done prior to the Glastonbury Festival.

e) Memorial Hall – Invoice for Electrical Works/Swing Seats at Play Area: An invoice has been received from Gladwin Electrical Services Limited for a total of £1,169.76 in relation to Lighting installation, Hand Dryer Installation, Disabled Alarm Installation and additional electrical works. Parish Council to Pay this invoice upon receipt of the donation from the Memorial Hall for the net amount.
Works at the Play Area have been quoted by BANES to be £273.35 + VAT, this invoice is awaited.

f) Electronic Planning: Parish Council agreed to pursue the Electronic Planning Procedure. Hardware will need to be purchased in the form of a Screen, Projector and Laptop. Sources of funding have been offered by BANES. Clerk to circulate the link sent by Sarah Jeffries from the Development Team in BANES.

g) Chew Valley Forum: The meeting of this newly formed group takes place on the 24th July 2014. Terms of Reference have been produced.

h) Re-organics Site – Re-profiling of Land: Chairman reported that the site has been granted permission for the Anaerobic Digestion Facility. There are a number of Conditions to be adhered to prior to the start of Work. These include landscaping, and Risk Assessments.
Concerns have been raised by Compton Dando Parish Council and supported by Publow with Pensford Parish Council regarding the three construction projects which could be running concurrently and the vehicle movements involved with these projects.
An email has been sent to Planning in support of Compton Dando Parish Councils comments and as a Neighbouring Parish Council with Parishioners living in Woollard Lane.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Man Hole Covers at High Street & Pot Holes: BANES have been reminded about the need to repair this area.
An email has again been sent to Council Connect reminding them of these pot holes etc. A copy has gone to Anthony Davies the Highways Inspector. Anthony reported that these should have been completed on 7th June 2014 but will be reviewing the area.

Verge Cutting: An email has been put through Council Connect to try and find out who is responsible for the Verge Cutting. A reply is still awaited. The question has also been put to Anthony Davies the Highways Inspector.

Parking: No update from Parking Services following Clerks enquiry regarding the current use/or lack of use of Disabled Parking Bays in the village. Parking services have now been emailed for the third time. A request has also gone to Parking Enforcement in the hope that they can help with this.

Publow Lane: There has still been no word back from Stefan Chiffers in relation to putting Keep Clear or Double Yellow Lines outside of Lock Up Cottages. Clerk has emailed and flagged the lack of response to Nick Jeanes, Gillian Rice and many others in the Highways and Traffic & Safety Department. A reply from Nick Jeanes reported that the request has been passed to Stefan’s assistant.

War Memorial: Quotes awaited for cleaning the Memorial. Quotes still awaited.
The Primary School have now confirmed that they would like to do something in relation to the WW1 Centenary. Clerk to follow up.

Planning: Parish Council comments have been submitted in relation to the Planning Application for Staney Lodge Ringspit Lane.

Footpaths: The Footpaths Officer has been reminded again that we need his hours in order to finalise payment. He informed Parish Clerk that he no longer has the time to concentrate on the Footpaths. A colleague of his is interested in the position. Clerk to arrange a meeting with Chairman. The Parish Agency for this year has been received. £805.71.

Planters for the Village: It is planned to ask The Pelican Chew Magna about their planters and the cost.

Allotments: A new tenant has just taken an allotment plot. However, one tenant has just given up a double plot. During a visit to the allotment site it was noted again how untidy the site is and there appears to be many plots which are not in use anymore. One allotment tenant has overgrown plots either side of him and has requested that they are cut before he pays his allotment tenancy rent. Clerk is in the process of chasing those tenants who appear not to be working their plots. There is also outstanding rents.

Bollard around the Triangle at the bottom of High Street: Council Connect have been asked to put this right.

Overgrown Foliage outside of Mousehole was reported. This has been reported to Council Connect.

Pensford Hill: Following the concerns raised regarding the wall bowing out by Hillside House, Clerk has put in a request for the Structures Department asking if they are able to have a look at this. The Highways Inspector reported that Structures should be going out today to look at the wall (9th June).

Mobile Library Dates: The new dates have been circulated to the Parish Mag and Web Site for Publication. A copy will go on the notice board. As the Post Office have been extremely helpful in printing a copy of the A37 Roadworks for the shop a copy has been sent to them as well.

Items raised following Clerks Report:

Back Lane: Four pot holes have been filled in and four not. Clerk to report this.

Footpaths: It was agreed that the Footpaths Officer should be given a timescale to the end of July to submit his time sheets and finalise handing back his equipment to the Parish Council.

Allotments: Clerk to liaise with Mr Filer and to arrange to have the site cleared.

Mousehole: Overgrown vegetation remains.

7) Planning:

Applications to be discussed by Sub Committee:

14/01883/FUL Mr Barker & Ms Hales Staney Lodge Ringspit Lane Publow. Erection of one and two storey side extension following demolition of entrance porch and internal and external alterations. Parish Council have reservations regarding the size of the extension but agreed to support the application.

Planning Outcomes:

14/00214/FUL Mrs S Sheppard Blannings Blackrock Lane, Publow. Installation of a ménage 20mx40m to replace existing grass ménage (Retrospective) PERMIT

13/04126/MINW Resourceful Earth Ltd Parcel 5319 Charlton Field Lane Queen Charlton. Construction of facility to process food waste via anaerobic digestion to create electrical energy for export to grid, heat for wood drying and digestate for fertiliser, control building and education centre and ancillary facilities, roads and hard standings, revised junction to Charlton Field Lane. PERMIT

14001844/FUL 13 Hillcrest Pensford: Chairman reported that he had received a telephone call from a Member of Public regarding this application.


14/01767/FULL Mr & Mrs P Sessford Birchwood Lodge Wells road Pensford. Detached Double Garage. BANES Planning have refused this application.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary May 604.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 12.00
PCAA Subscription 50.00
ALCA Chairing Meetings Training – JS 40.00
PCC Donation to All Saints Church Organ 250.00
Bristol Water Allotment Water Costs 19.29

Receipts to Note:

Allotment Rental 40.00

9) Any Other Business:

Tennis Coach: A new Tennis Coach Peter Coniglio has started weekly training for the Juniors.

Woollard Lane: Clerk to report overgrown vegetation by the Triangle.

Paint for Telephone Kiosk has been kindly donated by Mr Filer. It is hoped that
Mr Holmes & Mr Clouting will paint the Woollard Kiosk. Volunteers will be needed to help paint the Hillcrest Kiosk.

Lock Up Key: The spare key situation will be followed up.

Back Lane: Overgrown Vegetation is to be reported to BANES.

10) Notice of Future Meetings:

PCAA including AGM Meeting 26th June 2014 – Mrs Grimes to attend in the absence of Mr Heaford.

Neighbourhood Planning Meeting Wednesday 11th June 2014

Training: Chairing Effective Meetings Tuesday 10th June 2014


MONDAY 11TH AUGUST 2014 AT 7.15 pm


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