Parish Council Minutes – 9th July 2018


Present: Chairman Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford.
Mr J Kelly, Mr S Filer, Mrs T Jones, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mr M Daniels.
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
There were five members of the public present.

1. Welcome Kelvin Packer, BANES: Kelvin Packer was unable to make the meeting but submitted a report which the Chair read out on his behalf.

2. Members of the Public:

Jane Flower – a) Road Subsidence: Member of the public asked if the blocks at the bottom of the landslide could be made permanent to save any more money being spent. It was agreed that the graffiti does not nook very nice.

Flood Commemoration: The Event in Pensford was a great success and thanks were extended to all involved. A donation had been made to the Salvation Army, and further expenses are to be paid. Parish Council agreed that a donation would be made by them once the accounts were complete. A member of the Public had donated the full amount to the cost of the Memorial Plaque.

Traffic Regulation Order Church Street: The Parish Council listened to the concerns raised by Mr Patel regarding the Parking in Church Street. Mr Patel asked the Parish Council to support the TRO. A Traffic Regulation Order had been raised initially for two parking spaces, the order has now been increased to six spaces. Parish Council agreed to support the current Traffic Regulation Order.

3. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Gully, Mr Tony Jones, Mrs S Grimes and Cllr P May.

4. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None received.

5. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree minutes of Monday 11th June 2018 and sign as a true and fair record: After being circulated and read were signed as a true and fair record.

b) Telephone Box Kiosk Woollard: This has now been painted by volunteers. Parish Council agreed to the purchase of “Defibrillator” signs for this kiosk and the one at Hillcrest at a cost of approximately £96.00 incl VAT. The Parish Council are looking for volunteers to paint the Telephone Kiosk at Hillcrest.

c) Woollard Bench: A resident from Farmborough has asked if a plaque can be put on the bench in Woollard to commemorate her father who used to like sitting there. The Parish Council supported this request.

6. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Cllr May had submitted his apologies and submitted the following updates. There has been a lot of Council activity regarding Whitchurch Village. A design and scrutiny group has been set up. The JSP timescale has been put back until the New Year. The survey has been carried out in Pensford by all properties on Pensford Hill. Detailed plans have been prepared for road schemes following some feedback. The sign outside the Post Office will be removed before the meeting and the correct TRO has now been given priority as well as the promised loading bay.

7. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Flood Commemoration Events: The Woollard Flood Commemoration Event took place on Saturday 7th July 2018 and was well attended.

b) Affordable Housing: A meeting of the Steering Group had been held on 27th June 2018. Points on Design to pass to Curo were discussed by the group and agreed. Villagers will be encouraged to register in Affordable Housing provision via Homesearch with the local authority in order to gauge the scale of need. A leaflet had been produced and 500 copies will be printed and distributed by Parish Councillors to every household in the Parish encouraging those eligible to register their Housing Need.

c) Allotments: Clerk reported that all works are now complete. The dead tree had been taken down and removed from site. A new Water Tank had been installed. Further areas had been strimmed and plots had been rotavated. New tenants are progressing their plots. Two vacant plots remain. Clerk reported that the Memorial Hall Chairman is aware of the possible future need to re-locating the allotment site.

d) War Memorial: Clerk reported that Listed Building Consent will be required in order to carry out cleaning works to the Memorial and to add a name to the Memorial. Parish Council agreed for the Clerk to progress this.

8. Reports:

a) PCAA Meeting: Vice-chairman attended the two meetings held on 28th June 2018. This included the AGM. The PCAA now has 19 Parishes who are members. The Yearly Subscription will remain unchanged. The Consultation had now closed. The Consultation precedes a planning application which will be submitted by the Airport later this year. Bristol Airport is the only Airport which does not have a Dual Carriageway or Railway Link to it.

b) Clerks Progress Report:

Community Library Consultation: A reminder that the forthcoming consultation event takes place on Wednesday 11th July at 7 pm until 8.30 pm to explore the opportunity for a Community Library based in the existing school library in Chew Lane. There is also a daytime event on Wednesday 29th August between 4.00 pm and 6.00 pm. Both meetings will be held in the Library at Chew Valley Secondary. All Parish Council have details.

Footpaths: Footpaths Officer has strimmed around the benches owned by the Parish Council and will be strimming around the Acker Bilk Bench next. Other paths with a considerable amount of bracken growing have been attended to. The footpath around Mill Cottage Mill Lane Woollard was very overgrown and has been cut back and strimmed. The Stile at the start of this footpath was damaged by loose sheep/cattle. It has now been mended. It was brought to the attention of Public Rights of Way and following a site visit they are happy with the repairs.

Culvery Wood: The Clerk was notified by a member of public that Culvery Wood paths are becoming overgrown. Also there were some workmen with a van who were seen to push over the wooden bench. They informed the member of public that the bench was going to be renewed. The Clerk has emailed the Woodland Trust who look after Culvery Wood and informed them of this and asked that all vegetation is cut back.

Bristol Water River Chew Restoration: Details of plans to trial a more natural compensation flow release from Chew Valley Reservoir has been received. Comments to be returned by 13th August 2018.

Waste Bin Woollard: Another request for a new bin has been made.

Trees High Street/Old Road: The tall overgrown trees have again been reported as no response has been received since reporting last month.

Chew Valley Reservoir: Details regarding the proposed trial for a more natural compensation flow release from Chew Valley Reservoir have been circulated to all Parish Councillors. Any concerns have to be raised by 13th August 2018.

9. Planning:

Applications to Consult:

18/02696/FUL Mr Macleod The Mead Stables, Blackrock Lane. Detached single storey dwelling and ancillary works. The Parish Council agreed to refuse this application as it is in the Green Belt, outside the housing development boundary and in a different position to the building to be removed.

18/02761/FUL Ms S Tremlett 49 Hillcrest Pensford. Two-storey dwelling. The Parish Council agreed that they were happy to support this application as long as adequate off street parking provision is included.

18/02788/RES Mr T Fear 31 Hillcrest Pensford. Approval of reserved matters (Appearance & Scale) with regard to outline application 15/01672/OUT (Erection of 1 no. dwelling with associated parking (Resubmission). Clerk reported that this application had been previously refused and then allowed at an appeal subject to conditions (Reserved matters). Clerk to re-circulate the application for Councillors to make comment.

Planning Outcomes:

There were none to report.

10. Financial Matters:


To Sign Annual Governance Statement: Clerk had previously circulated a copy of the Annual Governance Statement. It was duly signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £747.58
Mr N Tibbs Further Allotment Works £734.40
Community First Responder – Chew Stoke £200.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £25.00
Water2business Allotment Water £28.37
Mr D Lucas Cutting Village Green 5/6 & 20/6 £40.00

Receipts to note:

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Community First Responder: Parish Council agreed to ask for the Community First Responder to help host a Defibrillator Awareness Evening.

Old Road Speeding Traffic: A member of the public had reported concern regarding the speed of traffic along Old Road.

Erosion and widening of Country Lanes: Concern was raised regarding the widening of the local lanes caused by the increased amount of traffic passing through, and following this the Local Authority are now putting down tarmac where the traffic is passing creating a wider lane which cars can travel at faster speeds. This point will be raised with Kelvin Packer. Clerk will invite Kelvin Packer to attend the August Meeting.

12. To Note Future Meetings: