Parish Council Minutes – 8th September 2014


Present: Chairman Mr T Heaford Vice-Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson
Mrs J Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mr L Seymour, Mrs J Gully, Mrs L Cains, Mr S Filer

Clerk: Mrs J Bragg

Mr P Breach, Mr Breach’s Sister, Architect & Property Advisor were present along with three further members of the public.

1) Members of the Public: A member of the public attended the meeting to bring to the attention of the Parish Council problems being experienced with 4 x 4 vehicles coming onto land without permission and causing considerable and costly damage. A metal fence was put up by the landowner to stop this problem but this was consequently removed by the 4 x 4 group using a JCB digger. The Police have been informed of the problems here. It was mentioned that the bollards put at the entrance to Ringspit Lane may have created this problem and have diverted the 4 x 4 people onto the private land. Parish Council will assist by supporting the Police & BANES in their suggestions to secure the land.

2) Welcome Mr Breach: Mr Breach (Landowner), an Architect from Alec French & a Property Advisor from Savilles attended the meeting to present to the Parish Council proposals for a piece of land on Wick Lane. A previous meeting had been held with a sub-committee of the Parish Council. Mr Breach gave a brief history of the Breach Family who once owned Guys Farm in Stanton Lane and surrounding land around it. After the sale of land and property this one piece of land in Wick Lane remained. The land is of no agricultural use. The proposal is for 9 homes, 6 of which will be starter type homes and 3 maybe of a higher value. At present the land is overgrown and the site is split into two parts and upper and lower area. One part of the site will be kept for green space. All car parking will be contained on site and four homes will benefit from underground car parking. There will be additional space at the top of the site for extra parking. A major concern has been safe access and the Highways Department of BANES Council have been consulted and have been on site to look at the Vision Splay which they appear to be in favour of. The proposal is within the Housing Development Boundary.

The Parish Council were presented with a slide show showing the location and proposed style of the finished houses. All comments made in relation to style, car parking, & access will be taken away and looked at.

A full Public Consultation will take place although it has not been arranged yet.

Pre-Planning Advice has been sought with BANES Planning Department.

3) Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr P Edwards and Mr J Kelly

4) Minutes of Monday 11th AUGUST 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

5) Matters Arising from the previous minutes: There were no matters arising.

6) Items for Discussion:

a) Allotments: An update was given on the recent thefts from the allotment site and it is hoped that this has now been resolved. Allotment holders have been informed. Allotment holders have shown an interest in forming a committee to meet quarterly. PCSO Martyn Bragg has offered to sit on a committee. Parish Council agreed to proceed with a clean up on site as a starting point. The school will be contacted to find out if they still wish to use their plot along with others who do not appear to be cultivating their plots.

b) Footpaths Officer Position: Applications had been received and further discussion will take place with the Chairman and interviews arranged.

c) Closed Church of Pensford St Thomas: It was reported that there had been one objection received following plans to close the Churchyard. The objection gave concerns in relation to insufficient protection to the existing graves. The Church Commissioners are now likely to insist on a Covenant being put into their documentation. The Parish Council had no further representations to make and confirmation had been emailed to the Church’s Commissioners.

d) Rural 20mph Speed Limit Programme Outcome: Recently the Parish Council had applied for Old Road to be included in the Rural 20mph Speed Limit Programme. BANES reported that the “Mean average vehicle speeds in Pensford were found to be above 26mph according to recent speed surveys undertaken following on from the initial expression of interest from the Parish Council. Pensford therefore does not meet the criteria for a self-enforcing 20mph speed limit at this time and will not be prioritised for funding this year. Parish Council are to challenge this outcome and request a scheme for Old Road.

e) Chairman of BANES Council Community Awards 2014/2015: Chairman asked the Parish Council to consider their nominations for this year’s awards.

f) A37/ Park & Ride: Chairman reported that Cllr Edwards has exchanged e.mails with BANES regarding traffic calming in Pensford and the suggestion again of a traffic light system at both ends of the village. Cllr Edwards suggestions appear to have been met with little interest by BANES and the help of the local MP is now being sought. A Park & Ride suggestion has also been made with the location being land at Whitchurch or Chelwood. Parish Council to support this suggestion.

g) Accounts: The accounts were still at the Internal Auditors.

7) Clerks Progress Report:

Trees in Woollard: Trees in Woollard planted by the Parish Council to celebrate winning the Village of the Year Competition are in need of pruning as they are quite overgrown. Mrs Stephenson has received Quotes.

Alarms at Pensford Garage: Nuisance car alarms at the Car Sales on New Road were reported to be going off during the night. Members of the Public had tried talking to the garage owner but were told that it was cats triggering the alarm and nothing further could be done. Clerk’s advice was to get in touch with the Environmental Protection department of BANES. An e.mail reply to the Clerk read “Thank you so much, you have been really helpful.”

Housing Development Boundary Maps: Julie O’Rourke at BANES has been contacted and larger maps with a key have been received and will be distributed.

Footpath at Church Farm: Sheila Petherbridge has given Parish Council photographs and a news paper cutting relating to the installation of the Wooden Bridge at Church Farm. Clerk has placed them on file.

Church Street: Cleansing Management were asked in July to attend to the problems of litter, weeds and overhanging vegetation in Church Street. Clerk has emailed Wayne Honey to find out if this has been dealt with.

Parking – Post Office Church Street: The Post Office were experiencing problems with inconsiderate parking on the Keep Clear sign and parking across the Post Office Vans Parking Bays. The Police were informed and a visit from the PCSO’s was undertaken.
Pavements: A request has been made to BANES to tidy and clear the pavement from the Car Sales up towards Whitley Batts. This pavement has become overgrown and parts of the pavement are broken up and need resurfacing.

Also BANES have been asked to cut back and uncover once again the pavement which runs alongside Hursley Hill on the right hand side as you go up the hill. This was cleared a couple of years ago but has become overgrown again.

Verges: A request was made in July for the verges to be cut.

Wall on Pensford Hill: A follow up e.mail has gone to Development Control regarding the Wall belonging to Hillside House and the concerns that it may be bowing out into the road.

Kier Recycling, Unit 4 Ashmead Lane: On Saturday 13th September 10.00am – 2pm you can get the chance to see what happens behind the scenes following the collection of your recycling. If anyone wishes to go along please book a place through Council Connect on 01225 394041


Holly House Hillcrest: There has been no sight of a Retrospective Planning Application to date. Clerk has e.mailed the Enforcement Officer in charge to find out when it is likely to receive the application.

Belluton Farm, Stanton Road: Parish Councils concerns have been returned to BANES Planning regarding over development of the site and Highway Access issues this could create for the B3130.

Items following consideration of the Progress Report:

Back Lane: This area still needs attention. Clerk to pursue with BANES.

The Chapel, Woollard: Parish Council have been asked to write to Development Control regarding issues at The Chapel in relation to the lack of an Emergency Escape to the First Floor of the building and the issues with the Septic Tank and proximity to the river.

New Printer: Parish Council supported that a new Printer should be purchased for the Clerk.

Trees in Woollard: Parish Council agreed for Mrs Stephenson to instruct TH Baker Garden Maintenance to prune the Cherry & Oak Tree at a cost of £60 to include the Planning Application.

8) Planning:

Outcomes: 14/00931/FUL Mr J Beacham Chapel, Mill Lane, Woollard. Change of use from building (Chapel) to use as office/business. PERMIT

Tree Works Notification: 14/04046/TCA Former St Thomas a Becket’s Church.
The Churches Conservation Trust. 1 x Sycamore, fell. 1 x Sycamore – crown lift and prune. Parish Council Support.

9) Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary July £604.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £12.00
DCM Computers Remote Support Service £72.00

10. Any Other Business:

Signs around the Village: The problem of the amount of signs advertising business’s in the area were discussed. It was reported that there are some on the roundabout at Chelwood; many are appearing in the village and at bus stop locations. It was reported that the owners of the cafe had been spoken to in relation to the amount of signs for the cafe but as this is a new business and needs support the signs will stay in situ for a while.

Woollard Bridge: Still in need of re-painting. Clerk to chase up.

Pavement by Lock Up Cottages: Cars continue to park on the pavement. Ignoring the advisory Keep Clear Line. Parish Council to pursue Double Yellow Lines.

Seat on Pensford Hill: The seat is completely covered in brambles and needs clearing. Clerk to ask BANES.

Tennis Court: A break-in at the Tennis Court had occurred.

Parish Council Web Site: Has been re-built, take a look!!

Community Trust: Are to be giving the Memorial Hall, Security Equipment including CCTV cameras.

Parking Bays: Parish Council agreed for the removal of the Disabled Parking Bay outside of Schumack House. The Parking Bays at Hillcrest will be questioned as to whether or not they are in use.

Change in Date of Next Meeting: Due to holidays, it was agreed to change the date of the next Parish Council meeting to Monday October 20th 2014.

ALCA AGM: Mrs S Grimes kindly offered to attend this meeting.

11. Notice of Future Meetings:

ALCA AGM Saturday 4th October 2014 10.30am at the Jubilee Centre Bradley Stoke

Chew Valley Area Forum Thursday 9th October at 6.30 pm venue to be confirmed


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