Parish Council Minutes – 8th November 2021



Present: Mr P Baxter, Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mrs D Custance, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Dr L Malt, Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman) Cllr P. May (B&NES), and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 7 Members of Public.

22.1 Public Submissions: A Member of Public urged the Parish Council to Object to planning application 21/00419/EFUL from Resourceful Earth raising concerns about a proposed build out on the A37 designed to mitigate the increased HGV traffic caused by the development.

22.2 Apologies: Mrs S Grimes,

22.3 Declarations of Interest: None

22.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 11th October 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

22.5 Planning

a. Applications to consult:

i) 21/00419/EFUL: Resourceful Earth Ltd Charlton Field Lane Queen Charlton: Development of an Anaerobic Digester Facility (including retention of the existing Feedstock Reception Building, Digester Tank (x5), Storage Tank, CHP Engine (x4), Transformer, GRP Substation, GRP Technical Room (x5) and Gas Equipment) to produce both gas and electricity for injection into the local grid networks, alongside the restoration of the former Queen Charlton Quarry Site with ecological and landscape enhancements, The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to the application due to the increased HGV traffic and agreed that it is inappropriate development in the greenbelt.

b. Decision Notification:


22.6 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) Plans for the Parish Consultation on Saturday 13th November were discussed it was agreed that another two projects could be added to the options. The Consultation will help to demonstrate to the Parish Council residents’ priorities. There are still some legalities of some proposals to be investigated.

b) The 1st Draft of Budget 2022-2023 was reviewed, amendments would be made and discussed again next meeting.

c) It was agreed that the Parish Council would not set up a working group for the Queens Platinum Jubilee. A fund (£TBC) would be made available to groups of residents who wish to organise an event. Applications should be made to the Parish Council.

d) The Parish Council discussed a request from a resident to consider introducing residents parking in busy areas. It was agreed to defer the discussion until after the village consultation.

e) The Parish Council agreed that the double yellow lines needed repainting around the lock up and on Hillcrest. The Clerk would send a request to B&NES.

f) The Parish Council discussed a request from Resident to consider compulsory purchase of land to create footpath near the school. It was agreed that Compulsory Purchase was not within the powers of the Parish Council and not a route that the Parish Council wanted to pursue. If an agreement was not able to be made with the landowner then an alternative solution building a pavement around the corner from High Street to Publow Lane should be investigated.

22.7 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.

b) November Payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense Amount VAT Recover
Mark McMullen – Footpath Officer £80.00 £- N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson – Salary – November £694.60 £- N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson – Reimburse for Zoom £4.80 £- N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson – Reimburse for Poppies £170.00 £- N/A
DPM Lucas- Grass cutting £40.00 £- N/A
Mr Mark Goulding – Bugler £30.00 £- N/A

Total value of cheques £1,019.40

22.8 B&NES: The Ward Councillor reported that he was delighted with the responses he has received to his mailout around the parish with over 120 replies. He is compiling the results and will then meet with the liveable Neighbourhoods working group to discuss the findings. He has been working with other councillors and met with the planning officer regarding the Resourceful Earth planning application. He has arranged a meeting with senior planning officers to discuss issues of enforcement.

22.9 Reports

a) Allotments: Nothing to report
b) Climate Emergency Working group: The landowners whose fields are possibly suitable for solar or wind powered generation of electricity have been identified. BWCE have advised completing a desktop review of these 15 or more sites and whittling the number down to the most suitable before approaching any landowners.
c) Memorial Hall – Nothing to report
d) PCAA: No update – Zoom meeting this week.
e) The Clerks Report was accepted.
f) The Chairman had nothing additional to report.

22.10 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Poppies 2022

22.11 To note Future Meetings:
Parish Liaison: 23rd March 2022


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