Parish Council Minutes – 13th July 2015

Present: Chairman; Mrs J Stephenson Vice Chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mrs S Grimes, Mr J Kelly, Mrs J Jones, Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer, Mr P Baxter

There were 15 members of the public present. Clerk had received a request from one member of the public to speak for 3 minutes at the meeting.Mrs Laura Baxter spoke to the Parish Council regarding her concerns in relation to the BANES proposal of Yellow Lines in Church Street. Mrs Baxter parks in front of the Churchyard gates and is concerned that by taking this space away will affect her standard of living and by taking further spaces away it will affect all residents of Church Street. Chairman reminded Members of the Public that this is a BANES decision based on public safety. Once the Consultation is open to the public then the Members of the Public can submit their response. Two further members of the public addressed the parish council reporting that the problem of parking in Church Street is getting worse and is intolerable at times. Members of the Public were concerned that by removing cars from Church Street it will increase speed along Church Street.

George & Dragon Public House: The Landlady from the George & Dragon Public House spoke regarding a proposal to provide parking at the rear of the George & Dragon. She would like the Parish Council to help with access by selling a piece of the allotment land to enable cars to drive through to park at the rear of the George & Dragon on land which will be purchased to accommodate the parking. Parish Council informed her that they have a statutory responsibility to provide allotments. Highways would have to be consulted as would the Housing Association who own the Publow Lane houses. There is also a Public Footpath which runs along this land. Parish Councils advice was to first approach the Local Authority with the proposal.

At this point of the meeting the Agenda was changed and Cllr P May invited Members of the Public to speak on the A37 concerns. Information gathering has continued in relation to any incident occurring on the A37 involving lorries, motor vehicles etc. BANES have agreed to host a meeting to discuss all incidents which have occurred. The Cabinet Member for Transport has been asked to undertake a review of the whole of the A37. The Strategic Department are looking at where the traffic comes from and where it is heading. BANES are undertaking a Transport Study.
The date of Monday 17th August was agreed for the meeting with Traffic & Safety from BANES at 4.00p.m.

1. Apologies for Absence: Were received from Mrs J Gully, Mrs L Cains, Mrs T Jones.

2. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: Mrs Jones notified the Parish Council of her interest in item 6a). Mr Baxter declared an interest in relation to item 8) 15/02257/FUL.

3. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 8th June 2015:
Mr Baxter raised the question of the Village Logo and suggested that the Village choose its own. Mr Baxter again addressed the Voting results and stated that the “68% & 32% is wrong”. Clerk will look into this and amend if necessary.

4. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: It was explained that the Whitchurch Master Plan could include 200 homes on the Horseworld Site. Concerns have been raised regarding Queen Charlton being used as a “Rat Run”.
Currently the Master Plan does not have formal approval. Once approved there will be different timescales from different developers. The CIL is 15% but the Neighbourhood Plan could increase this to 25%. It is hoped the Whitchurch Neighbourhood Plan will be approved by Christmas.

Cllr May reported that he is now on the West of England Scrutiny Panel for Land & Transport.

Cllr May proposed to invite a Senior Civil Servant Mr Duggan to meet with Whitchurch and Pensford Parishes.

Ward Councillors Initiative: An allowance of grant money which can be applied for over the next three years to help towards Community Projects is now available.

5. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

Acker Bilk Seat: Chairman reported that the Music Festival have indicated they would like to make a donation towards the seat. Also an application will be made to the Community Trust for Grant Money. It has now been suggested that a Stone Bench (or stone and Wood) would be more favourable or Stone & Wood. A plaque will also go onto the bench. Chairman to progress this.

Memorial Hall: There has been no meeting to date. The Memorial Hall are hosting a Car Boot Sale on 2nd August 2015.

6. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Bus Shelter Quotes: Clerk confirmed that local builders had been asked to provide a quote for the works but had received only two quotes. It was suggested Clerk could check on availability of builders providing the quotes. It was agreed that TC Builders from Stanton Drew would be asked to do the work. No vote was considered necessary.

b) Neighbourhood Plan Terms of Reference: The Terms of Reference have to be amended due to the resignation of the Vice Chairman. Cllr May offered a copy of Whitchurch Terms of Reference to compare.

7. Reports:

a) PCAA: Vice Chairman attended the AGM on 23rd June 2015. It was agreed there would be no increase in the subscriptions for 2015/16. Airport are opening a new extension at the East of the Terminal for passengers. There will also be an extension to the west part of the terminal for security and baggage. A new hotel is currently under construction in China and will be shipped over in containers. Concerns have been raised regarding a flight taking off at 5.30am. This is a Thomas Cook flight which cannot be changed. There is now a Thompson flight taking off around this time. These concerns will be taken to the Consultative Committee.

b) Parish Liaison Meeting: Mrs Grimes attended on behalf of the Parish Council and Mr Heaford attended in his role as Chairman of ALCA. A presentation was given by the leader of the council Councillor Tim Warren who outlined the new administration’s key commitments for the next four years which included Increased Efficiency and Reduced Spending, Transport, More Homes and Jobs, Young People, Cleaner, Healthier Communities and Dignity for older people.

Fracking: There were currently no licences to allow prospective developers to carry out explorations in the Bath and North East Somerset.

Broadband: The roll-out programme was being co-ordinated by the Connecting Devon and Somerset partnership.
The aim of the current roll-out programme had been to get 90% High Speed Broadband
coverage in the UK including Devon and Somerset; tenders had recently been
issued to increase that by an additional 5%. It was hoped that contracts would be
concluded with BT shortly. Four cabinets had recently been installed in
Batheaston and one in central Bath.

New Monitoring Officer for the Council is Maria Lucas. She said that she would be arranging to attend parish meetings to meet the councillors and speak about standards. She invited Parish Clerks to contact her if they had any queries about standards issues.

A Presentation was given by the Principal of Bath College who reported that a merger of Bath College and Norton Radstock had now taken place.

c) Neighbourhood Plan: The Grant has now been received. Hard copies of the feedback from the Open Days have been placed in 7 locations around the Village. A meeting of the sub-group to discuss the questionnaire had been postponed. Should crime be on the Questionnaire? Date of next meeting Wednesday 29th July 2015. Cllr P May suggested that the Group should consider pre-paid envelopes for the return of Questionnaires as you do not pay for those not sent back.

Flood Risk Management Workshop: Mr Baxter attended this workshop. He reported that it was a Private Company who were collating information for a central database regarding Surface Water Run Off.

d) Clerks Progress:

Village Signs: No further update at present.

Dead Trees on High Street: A member of the Public has reported a couple of dead trees near the top of the High Street, when it becomes Old Road and is concerned that the dead trees are dangerous. Clerk has reported them to Highways.

New Beat Manager for the Chew Valley: We have a new Beat Manager covering the Chew Valley area for the next year whilst PC 4343 Hill is away on maternity leave. He is PC Chris Tearle 760 and has been working as a police officer for the last 10 years, mainly in Bath and Radstock. His previous role has been one of a Response Officer. PC Tearle will be working from the Keynsham Civic Centre or Radstock Police Station over the next year whilst covering the Chew Valley area.

PC Tearle would like to attend a future Parish Council Meeting to introduce himself.

Yellow Lines: A member of public who has heard about the parking restriction proposal would like to add that she would welcome lines across the entrance to Culvery Lane. She lives in Culvery Lane and last April her son needed an ambulance, but it couldn’t get up the lane because a van was parked across the entrance to the lane. She has asked us to raise it as part of the ongoing discussions and is worried in case this happens again. Clerk has advised Member of the Public that once the Consultation goes out to the public then this would be the time to make a representation in writing to BANES, or make a representation to Parish Council Clerk who can then pass comments on to BANES.
Footpaths: An update on the possible landowner where path CL17/26 runs has been fed back to PROW Sheila Petherbridge.

Log Cabin Woollard Lane: Latest information was forwarded to Cllr P May.

Dug Outs: Concerns raised by a member of public relating to the location of the Dug Outs and the possible encouragement of Anti-Social behaviour will be passed to the Hall Committee once a meeting takes place.

Waterside Cottage: BANES have been notified about the overhanging vegetation from this property.

Pensford Hill: BANES have been asked to attend to the overhanging vegetation here.

Wick Lane: Bags of rubbish by the old Doctors Surgery remain. Highways will be asked again to remove it.

Church Street: Works are proposed to carry out surface patching works from 27th July 2015 for a maximum period of one week. However the restrictions may not be effected for the whole of the period but it is anticipated that the road will be restricted as and when traffic signs are in position and only for so long as is necessary to execute the works which it is anticipated will be for 2 Days.

A copy of the notice from Traffic Management will be placed on the notice board.

Code of Conduct: A copy of the Code of Conduct has been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

New Chairman to the BANES Council: The secretary to the Chairman of the Council has been emailed and given dates of future Parish Councils meetings in the hope that Cllr Ian Gilchrist can attend one of them.

e) Financial Report: A summary of the 3 months accounting period to the End of June 2015 was given by Mr Kelly. No queries raised.
Clerk is now the Responsible Financial Officer with Mr Kelly to oversee the accounts.

8. Planning:

Applications considered by Planning Sub-Group:

To receive comments and make a decision on: 15/02257/FUL St Thomas a Becket Church. Change of use of land from graveyard to garden and erection of boundary fence (Retrospective). Parish Council support this application.

15/02719/FUL Amercombe Bungalow. Single Storey Rear extension and loft conversion. Comments to be made by Parish Council that there is no Design & Access Statement. The proposal is possibly overdevelopment as the proposal is extending a currently 2 bedroom bungalow to a 5 bedroom dwelling. Parish Council voted 4 against this proposal, 1 in favour and 2 abstained.

Applications received to Consider and Comment:

None received to date.

Planning Outcomes to Note:
15/01672/OUT Mr & Mrs Fear 31 Hillcrest 1 no.dwelling with associated parking (Resubmission). REFUSED

15/02049/FUL Mr Britton Emndale 9 Police Lane. Single Storey Extension. PERMITTED

15/01415/FUL Mr Baber 85 Hillcrest Pensford. Single Storey Rear Extension. PERMITTED

9. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk June Salary 637.32
Community Bus Donation 500.00

Payments to be authorised:

K C Printing Neighbourhood Plan Open Meeting Results 10.75
K C Printing A37 Accident Results/ Members Interests Printing 8.88
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 23.51

To note Payments Received:

Allotments Rentals 80.00
Groundwork UK Neighbourhood Plan – Grant 2464.00

10. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

None raised.

11. To Note Future Meetings:

Neighbourhood Planning Meeting Wednesday 29th July 2015 7.30 p.m. Memorial Hall Publow Lane.

MONDAY 10th AUGUST 2015 AT 7.15p.m.

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