Parish Council Minutes – 8th August 2016


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford.
Mr P Baxter, Mr J Kelly, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Cllr P May, Mr S Filer.
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
There were four members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public:

No issues raised.

2. Apologies for Absence had been received from Mrs J Gully & Mrs D Custance.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda:

There were none forthcoming.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 11th July 2016 as a true and fair record:

After being circulated and read the minutes were signed as a true and fair record.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:

Cllr May has held meetings with key people involved with the Transportation and issues on the A37 keen to keep in mind the commitments made at the Public Meeting. The issues of pedestrian’s crossing on Pensford Hill and BANES creating safe areas to cross. The Pedestrian Crossing at the bottom of Short Lane to the Bus Stop, the junction from Station Approach up to Belluton a consultation to make the pedestrian crossing wider and move the 40mph up the hill. All have been met with a positive response. However more Engineers are needed and someone has to be put in charge of the scheme.


The Devolution Consultations continue with events at Chew Valley School on 8th August and Whitchurch on 10th August.

Peats Hill:

Cllr May reported that ditches have been dug to get the water away however flooding was still occurring. Parish Councillor Mr Filer was to speak further with Cllr May regarding this.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Acker Bilk Bench Update: The Bench is nearing completion. Pictures of the bench were circulated. It was reported that the wall behind the bench is not in a good state. The ownership of the wall needs to be established and then repairs to it need to be looked into. Clerk to contact BANES. A Parish Councillor reported that there is a “Geo Cash” located in the wall and it would be a shame to lose this. There will be a celebration to mark the installation of the bench using money donated from Pensford Music Festival. It was suggested that Chairman to the Council Alan Hale should be invited.

b) Lock Up: Lydia Robinson is progressing with the conditions survey. Vegetation needs to be cleared from the back of the Lock Up. Parish Councillor Paul Baxter volunteered his help to clear this.

Storage: It was agreed by all that equipment from BANES in relation to the restoration of the Finger Post Project could be stored in the Lock Up. Lydia Robinson has the Key at present.

c) Tennis Club: Legal advice has been taken. A letter will now be sent to the Contractor. A meeting will be held with the LTA on 9th August 2016. An Open Day will be held on 25th September 2016 10am – 2pm. It is hoped to advertise this through a banner on the bridge. Confirmation of permission is awaited from BANES. A Duck Race will be held at the Rising Sun on Saturday 27th August 2016 (Regatta Day) with proceeds being donated to the Tennis Club.

d) Fingerposts: Restoration project continues to move forward. Brown signs located at the junction of the High Street will be moved onto another post The four fingers will be taken down to be worked on. Posts will be moved in September. An application to the Community Trust for funding will be made.

e) Accounts: The Accounts had been signed off by the internal auditors Underwood Lamb and the Annual Return had been sent to Grant Thornton for the final part of the Audit process.
7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Church Street Re-surfacing:

Mr Baxter reported that when notified that Church Street was to be resurfaced he, acting as a resident, had contacted BANES with a view to getting the coating upgraded to surface more appropriate to the mixed – pedestrian/vehicles- use of the thoroughfare. He stated that not only would this improve the amenity but also would enhance the value of houses in Church Street. He was informed that while BANES had no objection they had no budget for the more expensive material – the increase being estimated at c £12,000. He further reported that, acting as a member of the public, he had contacted all residents of Church Street who collectively had committed to £9,000 and that he had persuaded BANES to go ahead on this basis. It was explained to Mr Baxter that the project did not meet the charitable criteria of the Community Trust.

It was suggested that longer standing residents of Pensford should be consulted regarding the re-surfacing as they may have an opinion and it may matter to them that something like the road surface in Church Street could possibly be changed so dramatically. Although a Residents meeting was held it was purely for the Residents of Church Street.

b) Pensford Hill:

Concerns continue regarding the Wall on Pensford Hill. Suggestions were made that when the wall is repaired could it be moved further back towards the house to create a chicane. Cllr May confirmed that many are concerned about the wall and he will obtain a full report from BANES for the next meeting. Clerk confirmed that she has made contact with Building Control in the past.

Station Approach:

Land on the corner of Station Approach needs clearing as it is blocking visibility at this junction.

c) Defibrillator Cabinet Refurbishment:

Parish Council agreed to the refurbishment of the Defibrillator Cabinet by the Post Office. This will be a thorough clean of the Cabinet and new labelling. The cost will be £125.00 plus VAT

d) Planter on Bridge:

Cllr D Custance will be tending to the planter and plants.

e) Peats Hill:

Reported under agenda item 5.

8. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report:

Highways Officer: Contact has been made with our Highways Officer who is now Kevin Penney. He has confirmed that the White Lining at Peats Hill, Priestdown and Blackrock Lane will be attended to.

Litter Pickers: He has been asked if we can get Litter Pickers for our Members of Public. Hillcrest Signs: He has confirmed that he has the signs for Hillcrest in his Van and they will be refurbished and put back up.

Wall by Lock Up: Kevin has also been asked to take a look at the condition of the wall here and determine who the owner of the wall is.

Pedestrian Crossing – A37: No word has been received from Kelvin Packer at BANES asking him to consider the location at the bottom of Short Lane for the pedestrian crossing. A follow up email has been sent.

Remembrance Sunday Parade: Contact has been made with Christine Greaves from the Traffic Management Team regarding applying for a road closure. Christine has provided the Clerk with the necessary application form. Christine has also confirmed that the Council are assisting with the Remembrance Sunday Parades’ and there will be no charge to the Parish Council.

Tennis Club: The Tennis Club have contacted the Clerk to ask the procedure for putting a banner on the bridge to advertise their open day in September. Council Connect have been emailed to ask about the correct procedure.

Bollard on Pensford Hill: A member of the public alerted BANES that a bollard had been smashed into outside of their property at Hillside Villas. BANES removed the bollard and filled in the pothole. Contact was made with the Clerk as concerns are that it will not be replaced.

Clerk has sent a request to Kelvin Packer for his attention. A second request has been made on 4th August 2016 as the Bollard is still missing.

West of England Devolution: Clerk has circulated consultation dates to all.

Anti-Skid Surface – A37: Clerk contacted BANES to ask if the Anti-Skid surface will be re-instated on the A37 on the nasty bend just up from the Car Sales. It had been reported by a Member of the Parish Council that since the new surface has been laid there is more screeching of brakes and concerns are that the new tarmac is very slippy. BANES report that the material used on the bend on the A37 has the same grip properties as an Anti-skid surface material but with an increased durability and life expectancy, and when roads are resurfaced it can sometimes lead to an increase in speed which may be the cause of the braking. BANES have suggested speaking to the Police to see if they can undertake some enforcement or speed checks.

Litter Bin Requests: Requests were made to BANES for two new Litter Bins. One to be located by the Primary School and the other by the Hillcrest, bus stop. BANES have replied to say that an assessment form containing all the information provided will be put together and passed to the Cleansing supervisor responsible for this area. The locations will be visited on various different days and times to assess the levels of litter unlawfully dropped that could otherwise be placed in a bin if one were to be provided. Any issues with the siting of these units will also be looked at. The emptying schedules of the operatives will also be looked at to establish whether these bins can be emptied on a regular basis. Once this is completed BANES will get back to us with a decision.

Chairman’s Community Awards: Nominations are now open for these awards. Nominations close Details have been circulated to all Parish Councillors for consideration.
Police/Crime: An email has been circulated informing all of a Motorcycle stolen from Hillcrest and burnt out in Culvery Lane. If you have any information please call the Police on the non-emergency 101.

b) Footpaths Report:

A new Footpaths Officer is now in place who has commenced work on the Footpaths. Footpaths at Whitley Batts have been identified as impassable, and Footpaths at Birchwood Lane, Leigh Farm are difficult to access. A meeting has been arranged with Sheila Petherbridge Public Rights of Way to discuss these paths.

Clerk will undertake a Risk Assessment with the Footpaths Officer Mr Lowe in due course.

9. Planning:

Applications received Discussed by the Sub- Committee:

16/03475/FUL Mr R Fegan Riverside Publow Lane Publow. Erection of single storey extension to an agricultural building. Parish Council Support.

Application to Discuss:

16/03792/TCA Mrs Listor Hill House Pensford Hill. Trees to be felled in line with the repairs to the adjacent retaining wall. It was noted that these works have already been undertaken. Parish Council support.

Planning Outcomes to Note:

16/02204/FUL Mr D Lowe Sunningdale Short Lane Pensford. Erection of Detached Garage. PERMITTED

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 26 £744.77
Mr P Holmes Footpaths 14hrs @ £8.00 £112.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £27.60
KC Printing Planning Application Printing £17.94
Mr P Holmes Petrol/Strimmer Wire £14.84
Mr D Lowe Footpaths 4.25 hours @ £8 + £14.98 Secateurs £48.98

Receipts to note:

None to note

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Cllr P May will be absent at the September meeting.

12. To Note Future Meetings:

Neighbourhood Planning Meeting. Wednesday 5th October 2016



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