Parish Council Minutes – 7th September 2020



Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson
Mrs J Gully, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mr M Daniels, Mrs S Grimes, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford (part), Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk)
There were 3 Member of the public present.

9.1. Members of the Public: – Representatives of the Bath & West Community Energy gave a presentation on their work with Parish Councils to identify potential community energy projects. It was agreed that the Climate Emergency Working group should work with BWCE to discuss further and report back to the Parish Council

9.2. Apologies for Absence Mr S Filer

9.3. Notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: J Flower 9.7b)

9.4. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 27th July 2020 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman will sign them at the next available opportunity.

9.5. An update on District Matters. – Cllr Paul May reported that B&NES had declared an ecological emergency and he would like to engage more with the Climate Working Group.
-Even though the Resourceful Earth application has been withdrawn, He is liaising with other councillors with regards to the Site and the impact on the surrounding area.
-The Developers have challenged the TPO placed on the trees at the development site at the Orchard.
-The Ward Councillor is concerned about new government housing figures and the impact on the new local plan.
– The Ward Councillor is concerned that some of the Council services that were closed due to Covid are still not operating, and so he is pressing B&NES to open them up again.
The Chairman asked if the Ward Councillor would look at an enforcement issue in Woollard

9.6. Updates on current matters:
a) Vintage Phone Box – Meeting with BANES Highways to look at two locations to position the phone box. One by the planter on the Main Road, and the other is by the lock-up.
b) Allotments– Bills are due to be sent out.
c) Environmental & Climate Emergency working group: The report previously circulated was accepted, an article will be put in the Parish Magazine and expenditure was approved. It was agreed that the Clerk would investigate whether policies could be added to the Neighbourhood Plan without a complete review. Cllr Paul May asked to be invited to the Climate Emergency Working Group discussions /meetings.
d) Dog Bins are on order and should be ready soon.
e) Memorial Hall – The Committee have not met, but there have been a few meetings organised within the current guidelines.
f) PCAA – Bristol Airport are appealing against the decision to refuse their expansions plans. PCAA have asked members to make a donation towards legal costs in having representation at the hearing. The donation will be considered at the next meeting.
g) Parking in the Parish – A TRO has been proposed to restrict parking by the church in Publow and by the Pub in Church Street with Double Yellow Lines. The extent of the double yellow lines in Church Street in front of a private garage was discussed, the Ward Councillor will visit the site and speak to the Clerk once he has done.
It was requested that a proposal for additional parking is discussed at the next meeting.

9.7. Matters for Discussion/ Decision:
a) Footpath Officer Vacancy -Two people have been interviewed, both strong candidates, the staffing panel have one more candidate to interview before making a decision.
 Tony Heaford left the meeting
b) The Parish council was asked to consider assisting residents in eliminating the mink which are present in the river. The mink are destroying all of the other wildlife. The Parish Council asked the residents to comeback with a proposal and costs.
c) it was reported that B&NES have stated that they will not be offering any road closures for Remembrance Day and no more than 30 people can gather at the memorial. The situation will be monitored

9.8 Reports
a) The Chairman reported that an article had been printed in the Chew Valley Gazette recognising the support the Pensford Post Office had provided throughout the pandemic. The chairman gave a report of the ALCA meeting.

9.9. Planning:

a) Applications to consult: None

b) Decision Notification:
i) 20/01520/FUL: Fairfield House Woollard Lane, Publow
The demolition of 2 side glass extensions/conservatories and the erection of a single/double storey side extension. Existing rear balcony is to be extended over the single storey part of the side extension.

9.10. Financial Matters:

Financial Report
i) the financial Report was accepted.
ii) Payments to be authorised at June meeting were approved:
ii) To approve Payments to be authorised at June meeting:
DPM Lucas Cut the Green (July) £60
DPM Lucas Cut the Green (August) £40
ALCA 3 places on Climate Action Planning Day £30
Dm Payroll Service Ltd Payroll Services £73
Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk Salary (August) £728.21
Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk Salary (September) £730.46
H Richardson – Reimburse: Zoom Subscription (August & September) £9.60
HMRC Q2 £637.10

9.11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: CIL Money, PCAA donation, Remembrance Day

9.12. To Note Future Meetings:
B&NES ALCA meeting – Thursday 3rd September 2020
Chew Valley Forum – 15th October 2020
Parish Liaison – Thursday 22nd October 2020


The meeting closed at 21.18 pm


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