Parish Council Minutes – 28th June 2021



Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mrs J Gully, Mr M Daniels, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Heaford, and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 6 Members of Public.

Presentation from Young Bristol – Youth Club on Wheels. They have been running sessions in Pensford over the last year and had registered 23 young people between 8-15 years of age providing a safe space to play sport and games and discuss issues such as Mental Health, drugs, alcohol and careers. Initial funding is coming to an end and so they would like to work with the Parish Council to secure funding to continue working in Pensford.

18.1 Public Submissions: The applicant for planning application 21/02575/FUL Parcel 4668, Pensford Lane offered to answer any questions on her planning application and clarified that the proposed facilities were for personal use and not commercial use. A resident requested that the Parish Council carried out some maintenance on the Lock up, he also asked the Parish Council ask B&NES to cut the grass verges and complain to B&NES regarding the recent A37 road closure as it did not appear to be properly signed or prior warning given.

18.2 Apologies: Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones, Cllr P. May (B&NES)

18.3 Declarations of Interest: None

18.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 6th May 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

18.5 Planning

a. Applications to consult:
i) 21/02399/FUL: Lordswood, 7 Station Approach, Pensford. Erection of single-storey rear extension with covered patio following demolition of existing conservatory /extension. The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to this application due to concerns about the negative impact on the neighbours privacy and amenity.
ii) ii) 21/02692/TCA: Bramley Cottage, Publow Lane, Woollard. Willow(T3) – fell as deceased. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application as the tree is deceased.
iii) 21/02575/FUL: Parcel 4668, Pensford Lane, Stanton Drew. Change of use of agricultural building and land to mixed agricultural and equestrian, the erection of a hay barn and the creation of an all-weather riding arena (Part Retrospective). The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT this application as the facilities are for personal use and not commercial use and will result in reduced vehicle movements on Pensford Lane as the applicant will not need to take her horses to train at other facilities.

b. Decision Notification:
i) 21/01512/FUL: Laurel Lea. Pensford Hill, Pensford. Erection of a double storey side extension, porch roof changed from flat roof to tiled pitched roof and a skylight balcony to the rear of the property. PERMIT
ii) 21/01194/FUL: Jasmine Cottage, 153 High Street, Pensford. Erection of Replacement rear lobby. PERMIT

18.6 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) Youth Club on Wheels: Following the presentation at the start of the meeting, the Parish Council suggested a number of funding options for the Youth Club on Wheels to enable it to continue operating in Pensford. It was also suggested that it could be another option for the CIL consultation to be held once Covid restrictions are lifted.

b) Donation of Defibrillator: A resident has offered to purchase and maintain an additional defibrillator to be sited at the Village Hall. The Parish Council supported the suggestion, however the decision would need to be made by the Village Hall committee if it was to be sited at the Village Hall.

c) The Queens Green Canopy: The Parish Council supported the planting of a tree to commemorate the Queens Jubilee in June 2022. It was agreed that the Climate Emergency Working Group should be consulted as part of their tree planting scheme and a location was still to be agreed.

d) Insurance cover for the phone box: The Parish Council agreed that it was not necessary to the insurance premium to cover the phone box for damage. It was already covered for public liability at no additional cost.

e) Litter at Publow Pond and misuse of parish bins: Due to increased popularity of the pond excessive litter is being left after busy/sunny days. The owner of Church Farm has been clearing the litter, but is concerned about pollution in the river, lack of toilet facilities and dogs not being kept on leads. Bins are left overflowing from the people who are trying to clear up after themselves. B&NES have been contacted to see if they can offer any help or advice. Other bins around the Parish are being filled by some householders rather than using their domestic bins, evidence of their contact details have been retained and it was agreed that repeated offenders should be written to and asked to stop.

f) BWCE Renewables audit: Further to the work of the Climate Emergency Working Group who have secured £3050 in grants to cover the cost, the Parish Council resolved to commission the BWCE Renewables Audit costing £3250 + VAT. (Vat to be reclaimed)

18.7 Financial Matters
a) The Internal auditors report was accepted.
b) The Annual Governance Statements were approved & Signed by the Chairman and the Clerk
c) The Annual Return Accounting Statements for YE31 March 21 (Unaudited) Section 2 was approved & Signed by the Chairman.
d) The Certificate of Exemption was approved and signed by the RFO and the Chairman
e) The Financial Report was accepted.
f) June Payments were approved.

18.8 B&NES:The Ward Councillor sent his apologies, but circulated a written report. The application for liveable neighbourhoods would be taken forward in the second phase of funding. The Ward Councillors allowance has been given to the renewables audit. The waste collection team seems to be having major problems.

18.9 Reports (written reports circulated prior to the meeting)

a) Allotments: No update
b) Climate Emergency Working group: The Renewables Audit is ready to progress.
c) Memorial Hall: No update
d) PCAA: The timetable for the appeal has been extended, adding additional legal costs.
e) The Clerks Report was accepted.

18.18 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Maintenance of Lock up, Music Licence at the pub

18.19 To note Future Meetings: Parish Liaison – 6th July; Chew Valley Forum 26th July

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