Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson
Mrs J Gully, Mr M Daniels, Mrs S Grimes, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk)
There were 3 Member of the public present.
8.1. Members of the Public: – Three resident spoke in opposition to the planning application 20/02420/FUL: Land To North Of The Orchard.
8.2. Apologies for Absence Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Mrs D Custance,
8.3. Notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None
8.4. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 8th June 2020 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman will sign them at the next available opportunity.
8.5. An update on District Matters. Cllr Paul May reported that he had worked towards getting an ecological emergency declared in B&NES. WECA will now be developing a new plan to replace the JSP, but has had a commitment from the Cabinet Member that they will be reviewing all potential housing sites thoroughly. B&NES have made a resolution on Black Lives Matter and how the Council influences the lives of people in the community and its employees. B&NES are adapting to the loss of income due to Covid. There is a countywide problem with Litter.
8.6. Updates on current matters:
a) Vintage Phone Box – Cllr Paul Baxter & Cllr Jenny Gully – An undercoat has been put on the phone box. The new site by the post office, needs to be strengthened before it can be moved.
b) Allotments – Cllr Mike Daniels – The gate has been fixed and the sign is being made to prevent people from parking in Publow lane.
c) Environmental & Climate Emergency working group – Cllr Dawn Custance : the Facebook page ‘Pensford Climate Emergency’ is now active to gather views and contributions from residents. They are planning to contact Avon Wildlife Trust regarding their ecological audit as advised by Paul May. Another meeting will take place early in August. The Parish Council Website now has a section on the Climate Emergency working group.
8.7. Matters for Discussion/ Decision:
a) It was reported that the Footpath Officer has resigned and an advert would be published to fill the position. All applications should be sent to the Clerk by the middle of August.
b) The Parish Council considered the issue of the path behind the Rising Sun which had been closed during the Covid Pandemic. It is thought that an application for a definitive map modification order had been put together by the History Society. The Parish Council resolved that they would support this application in order to confirm this path as a right of way and the Clerk would try to establish the status of the application.
c) it was reported that the Parish Council had received anti-littering posters from B&NES and which would be put up at known problem spots. The Clerk was asked to get hold of some more posters.
8.8. Reports:
a) The Clerks Progress Report, previously circulated, was accepted.
b) The Chairman reported on several virtual meetings she had attended with B&NES. Self-distancing barriers have been placed around Bath. There is concern about the amount of Litter, and therefore Litter picks are now permitted with B&NES providing equipment. Recycling centres are now open. The village agent has kept in touch with vulnerable residents through zoom and telephone throughout the pandemic The Chairman recommended Fix My Street as an efficient way of reporting issues to B&NES. Remembrance Sunday was discussed with regards to restrictions due to Covid and it was agreed to discuss again in September
8.9. Planning:
a) Applications to consult:
i) 20/02420/FUL: Land To North Of The Orchard High Street Pensford. Erection of a 3 bed dwelling with parking. (Resubmission)
The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to the application as it is not in keeping with the character, materials and design of existing neighbouring buildings within the conservation area. The two storey will dominate surrounding buildings. Concerns were raised about the ecology of the site and the removal of trees which are now protected by a TPO and valued highly by residents. Highways concerns were also an issue
b) Decision Notification:
i) 19/02919/MINW: Resourceful Earth Ltd Charlton Field Lane, Queen Charlton. A revised layout and design to the existing AD Plant (approved under 13/04126/MINW) with removal of all bund walling, ponds and soil & stock piles on site with introduction of hard standing, parking, bund walling, silage clamps, CNG gas compressing
compound, digestate storage bunker and associated digestate lagoon, gas. WITHDRAWN
ii) 20/01839/TCA: Kingfisher House Culvery Lane Pensford
Norway Spruce – Fell. NO OBJECTION
iii) 20/01571/CLEU: Sunny Acres Woollard Lane Publow
Use of Annexe attached to Sunny Acres as a separate dwelling (Certificate of Lawfulness for an Existing Use). LAWFUL
8.10. Financial Matters:
Financial Report
i) the financial Report was accepted.
ii) Payments to be authorised at June meeting were approved:
ii) To approve Payments to be authorised at June meeting:
Dom Lowe Footpaths (July) £96.30
DPM Lucas Cut the Green (June) £40
Water2business Water for allotments £41.64
Umang Patel Plants £20
Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk Salary (July) £719.01
H Richardson – Reimburse: Zoom Subscription £4.80
iii) The Internal Auditors Report was accepted.
iv) The period of public rights inspection was confirmed as 27th July – 11th September
v) The Accounting governance Statement was approved and signed by the Chairman
vi) The Annual Return for YE31 March 2020 (Unaudited) section 2 was approved and signed by the Chairman & the Clerk
vii) The Certificate of exemption was signed.
8.11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Dog bins, Mink in River.
8.12. To Note Future Meetings:
B&NES ALCA meeting – Thursday 3rd September 2020
Parish Liaison – Thursday 22nd October 2020
The meeting closed at 20.33 pm