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Parish Council Minutes – 20th June 2017


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford Mr P Baxter, Mr J Kelly, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer.
Cllr P May. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
There were eight members of the public present.

Chairman explained that as this meeting was a continuation of the meeting of Monday 12th June Standing Orders still prevailed and Members of the Public would not be invited to speak.

It was confirmed that Mr Baxter was recording the meeting for his benefit.

1. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Gully

2. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda. None Received.

3. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree minutes of Monday 10th April 2017, Monday 8th May, Monday 12th June 2017 and sign as a true and fair record. Query raised in relation to the minutes of Monday 10th April and it was agreed they be changed to read Section 2 not Section 4. Item 7 of Monday 8th May minutes were read out by the Chair. April minutes agreed.
Cllr S Grimes confirmed in relation to Item 7 of the May Minutes that she agreed to being on the Staffing panel. However disagreed that the “Staffing Panel oversee the Payroll”. Formal Terms of Reference were requested for the Staffing Panel.
It was confirmed that the Minutes are Draft until signed and the Clerk can change the minutes on the night of the meeting if the Clerk deems to do so.
Suggestion made that maybe the Clerk could circulate a draft to all Parish Council members to get formal approval of the draft. Cllr May suggested moving forward from this discussion as the issue had been dealt with.

b) Speeding Old Road & High Street: Emails of concern regarding speeding on High Street and Old Road had been received from two Residents. Cars are reported to be travelling in excess of 20 mph and drivers becoming aggressive with those who do drive at the speed limit. The 20 mph Limit had been installed following a speed survey. Clerk to write to Stephan Chiffers and request another speed survey is conducted. Cllr May confirmed that the promise of Vehicle Activated Signs still remains and these will be installed on Old Road.

c) Rubbish Collections: A member of the public had raised the concern that rubbish is often dropped from the Lorries on Recycling Day, Clerk to follow up with BANES.

d) Planters for Village: Parish Council support the idea of placing planters next to the Acker Bilk Bench. Donations of plant cuttings will be asked for through the Parish Magazine. The Rubbish Bin still needs re-locating.

e) Pollution: Clerk confirmed that Nicola Courthold and Rob Spalding from Environmental Monitoring at BANES will be attending the July Meeting. The provisional average from Jan-April at the Pensford School Diffusion tube was reported to be 19ug/m3. This is well below the annual air quality objective. Cllr May is would like an Air Pollution Zone. A lot of work has been completed around Pollution in Whitchurch and Temple Cloud. Cllr May would like the pollution monitored further up Pensford Hill.

f) Dog Fouling: An email had been received from a member of public concerned about the amount of Dog Mess not being picked up around Pensford and in particular the Hillcrest area. A lack of bins could be the reason for this. It was confirmed at the meeting that there is only one bin in Hillcrest which is located by the Telephone Box which houses the Defibrillator.
In response to this email Clerk had emailed the current dog warden but no reply has been made. Clerk to follow up.
It was also asked if a bin could be placed by Publow Church Car Park. Many visitors come to the Church and also park by the Church to take advantage of the footpath here.

g) Parish Charter: A draft revised charter had been circulated amongst Parish Council for consideration and comments. Deadline is 31st July 2017. Clerk will add this to the July Agenda.

h) River chew (Hilary Cox email): A member of public concerned about the condition of the banks of the River Chew had been recently written to the Environment Agency and copied the Parish Council in. All Parish Council members had a copy of the correspondence. Parish Council to bring to the attention of the Landowner their obligation under the Riparian Ownership.

4. To receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:

A list of the schemes for Pensford Village had been sent to Kelvin Packer. Clerk to liaise with Kelvins office for a date for the public meeting. Cllr May offered to chair the meeting which will take 2 parts. One – Pensford Hill and two – Belluton Junction Design. Capital Budgets are under review, although previously stated that the budget for Pensford is still ring-fenced.

Re-surfacing works will be undertaken on Hursley Hill.

Leigh Farm: Cllr May had received a Development Enquiry and referred this onwards.

St Thomas a Becket Churchyard: Followed up as promised. Due to holiday awaits a reply.
Whitchurch Village had a workshop with planners & Highways. Land as far as Hursley Hill was discussed. It was suggested that Publow with Pensford Parish Council write to Simon d’Beer and report that our parish is indirectly involved and would like some more information on their long-term proposal.

5. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Lock Up Works: All vegetation had been removed and the pointing works had been carried out by Strachey Historic Conservation. Mr Newey had kindly allowed access through his garden for the works to be undertaken and had met the contractors with the Key for access. This work is a small part of the works as described in the Condition Survey Report prepared by Lydia Robinson.

b) Tennis Club: The courts have been resurfaced and painted in the original colours. A social club night on the 4th June to mark the official opening received a lot of support. The court surface will continue cure for a few months and cannot be played on if the temperature is on or above 20 degrees. The next event will be on 9th July (Wimbledon Mid-Sunday) 2 pm til 5 pm
The Tennis Club are very grateful for all the Parish Council support, the support from the Pensford, Publow and the Stanton’s Community Trust who provided a grant of £3k, the LTA who provided a grant of £2.5k and matching loan and all the community support at our fundraising events. We couldn’t have resurfaced the courts without this support.

c) Fingerposts: Moving forward. Contact has been made with the forge.
The Tennis Club asked about having a direction sign put on the Fingerpost. It was suggested maybe that another sign could go on the post with the other brown direction signs.

d) Acker Bilk Bench Unveiling: Members of the now disbanded Music Festival Committee need to be consulted. It is likely the event will take place on a Friday afternoon.
The Bench continues to be cleaned by Cllr D Custance.

6. Reports:

a) Neighbourhood Planning Workshop: Attended by the Chairman. Included advice on adding Geology and Ecology to your Parish Neighbourhood Plan. Those plans already in place can be reviewed in five years and these subjects could then be added.

b) BANES ALCA Meeting: Officers were elected. An update on the Cotswold AONB was given.
Parish Charter: Rosemary Naish reminded members that the Draft Charter had been circulated. Members were urged to read and comment on the document. If and when the Charter is approved it will be reviewed on a regular basis. The ALCA AGM takes place on Saturday 7th October 2017. Priorities for the agenda of the Parishes Liaison Meeting were discussed.

c) Planning for Local Councillors Course: Chairman and Mr Kelly attended this course provided by ALCA. Planning was explained by a superb presentation. Chairman to circulate the details from the Course.

d) Hall Committee Meeting Update: Salmon & Strawberry event will be reviewed this year.
Weddings provide a good profit for the Hall. Volunteers to help run the bar were being sought. Up and Coming events include a Bavarian Evening and a Tots Toddle. Guides numbers are down. There is a new Treasurer – Donna Squire. Clerk is still not being copied in on Minutes. Bookings are increasing. The Memorial Hall has a new Facebook Page. A Dog Show will be held on 8th July 2017. The Polling Day Fee was increased. A Fun Day is being planned.
Parish Council commend the new Committee for their activity and hard work.

e) Clerks Progress Report: Report Attached. Clerk further reported that an email had been sent to Tracey Mock regarding the Churchyard at St Thomas a Becket. A reply is awaited.

Midas Site – Pensford Garage: Clerk & Cllr May had written to Planning Officer following concerns from a resident about the removal of possibly contaminated material from the top of the site and the dumping of it on the lower site.
Planning Officer now reports that the developer has been advised to cease works on the former garage site until all of the relevant conditions have been discharged.

7. Planning:

Applications to Consult:

17/01569/OUT Mr T Budd Broadoak Sidings Wick Lane Pensford. Erection of 2 no. dwellings. Parish Council commented on the lack of detail on the planning application. Clerk to find out if more detail is available.

17/02704/TCA Rising Sun Church Street. 1 x Sycamore – repollard to 20-25 feet (2 Branches. 1 x Willow – Fell. 1 x Alder (small) – Fell. Parish Council Support.

Planning Outcomes:

16/05653/FUL Midas Recycling Ltd Land to South of South Bristol Motor Company New Road Pensford. Withdrawn

17/00145/FUL Parcel Land 3274 Pensford Lane Stanton Drew. Change of use of land to recreational purposes for use as a part time “Woodland Kindergarten, a day nursery/pre-school and the provision of therapeutic activities for injured veterans, birthday parties and educational courses. Including the erection of a tent (Tipi) to be erected in the Autumn & Winter Months and associated buildings. PERMIT

Appeal Decision:

Hill Cottage Woollard Lane Publow. Construction of a hipped roof over the existing garage flat roof and the erection of a rear garden lobby including fenestration changes to the rear elevation. Appeal dismissed & Planning permission granted.

8. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 26 752.14
First Serve Tennis Court Resurfacing 3603.00

Payments to be authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 26.30
Water2business Allotment Water 19.65
Mr D Lowe Footpaths Clearing April 2017 80.00
ALCA Planning For Local Councillors Course – JS 50.00
ALCA Planning For Local Councillors Course – JK 50.00

Receipts to note:
Tennis Club Final Cheque for donation to Court Resurfacing 3002.50

9. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Neighbourhood Plan Whitchurch: This comes to the end of its formal consultation on 30th June 2017 are Publow with Pensford Parish Council submitting comments and has everyone see the draft plan? Clerk to make sure details are circulated.

Allotments: Rubbish & Brambles need clearing.
Footpath by the Allotment site is very overgrown. Clerk to report to the Footpaths Officer.

10. To Note Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING:   MONDAY 10th July 2017 AT 7.15 pm



Clerks Progress Report: June 2017 Meeting

Highways: An email has been sent to Kelvin Packer asking for dates when he is free for a Public Meeting. The memorial Hall is free every afternoon, Tuesdays the meeting would have to be after 1 pm. A reply is still awaited.

Enquiries from Members of the Public dealt with:-
Clerk received an enquiry from a Member of the Public looking for someone who repairs clocks in the Village. He thinks there is someone on Pensford Hill? Can anyone help?

Public Rights of Way: Public Rights of Way have been asked to look at the footpath at Byemills which comes up between the Woodland owned by Hidden Valley Bushcraft. At the bottom of the steps by the river the footpath has dropped away leaving a gap which drops down into the river. The gap has now been temporarily blocked by a metal gate however the land underneath is eroded. Sheila Petherbridge made a site visit following a request from the Clerk and reported that she is happy with it for now but will make a note to re-visit in the winter. If they have to do something it may involve a new culvert which could be costly. Contact will be made with the landowner who owns the land from the Mill should access be needed for repairs.
Public rights of Way have also confirmed that the Bull in field/footpath Publow would be a Beef Bull and no immediate danger to walkers as Church Farm do not have a milking herd.
The member of public who raised the initial concern has been informed.

Allotments: A meeting with allotment holders is in the process of being arranged.
An allotment holder is not happy because he still experiences problems with Badgers. Clerk has spoken with BANES who have confirmed there is nothing that can be done until they move away of their own accord.
The rubbish inside the gate remains and needs clearing.

Support for New Clerks: The Clerk from Chew Magna contacted me to ask a few questions as she is new to the role. A meeting for support will take place on 22nd June 2017.

Insurance Renewal: Renewal cheque has been sent. The Acker Bilk Bench is on the new policy of insurance.

The Triangle Woollard Lane: Kevin Penney from BANES has reported that his office report that the triangle it is not adopted highways and there is no records of ownership on land registry this can only mean who ever owns this must have for 20 years or more. Clerk has asked if BANES would consider taking on the cutting of the Triangle. A reply is awaited.

Police: On the 29th May a resident of Blackrock Lane, Publow, was awoken by their dogs barking, and witnessed an unknown male attempting to drive off in one of their vehicles. When challenged, the culprit has made off on foot. He was described as being 16-17 years old, dressed in black hooded top.

Station Approach: A car was also broken into and items were stolen from it.
The latest Police & Crime Commissioner June Newsletter has been circulated by email to all Parish Councillors.
South Bath Transport Options: Details have been circulated to Parish Councillors. If you wish to take part the link is www.southbathtransportoptions.co.uk

Highways: Road Closure of Queen Charlton Lane, Whitchurch Bristol between Woollard Lane and Queen Charlton Quarry for a period of 11 days from 20th June have been circulated to all Parish Council. Details have been put on the noticeboard and the Web site. A copy has been sent to Kerry Morgan in Woollard Lane as well.

Parish Liaison Meeting: The meeting of Parish Liaison Meeting scheduled for Thursday, 22nd June, 2017, 6.30 pm has been postponed until Wednesday 12 July, 6.30 pm.

Neighbourhood Plan: The following has been received from Richard Daone
Further to my previous email I am contacting you to advise you that the making of the Publow with Pensford Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) will now be undertaken via a Single Member Decision by Cllr Liz Richardson later this month. This is because the government’s Neighbourhood Planning Regulations require that the Plan is made and brought into force within 8 weeks of the referendum (which is the end of June).

Therefore, the next Cabinet meeting on 19th July is outside this time frame. In order to meet our statutory requirements legal advice is that in this instance the Neighbourhood Plan should be made via a Single Member Decision. I will contact you again to confirm once the Plan has been made. In the meantime and now it has passed its referendum the Plan has full legal effect in decision making.

Play Area: A company called Jupiter Play & Leisure noticed on the Facebook Page of Pensford News that fundraising was being undertaken for the Play Area. They have emailed introducing their company who offer an extensive range of equipment through a network of 8 different bands and partners which means their designs are varied and open to being led by what the public want. I have passed their details on to Laura Baxter.