Present: Chairman Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman Mr T Heaford
Mrs J Gully Mrs D Custance Mrs S Grimes Mr P Baxter Mr J Kelly Cllr P May.
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg. There were six members of the Public present.

1. Members of the Public liked the Christmas tree on the Village Green but commented that we need to be mindful of not removing potential business from the Post Office and we should try to support the Post Office as much as possible.
The Mummers Play raised £154.00 and was well attended.
Members of the Public raised concern and disappointment in relation to Wild Things Farm which appears to be boarded up at present. Clerk confirmed that an email had been sent to Stanton Drew Parish Council to find out what the situation is as present.
20mph Signs: Members of the Public are concerned that there appears to be many more 20mph signs around the parish and is not in-keeping with a rural parish. Members of the public are not happy with the new 20mph sign at the bottom of High Street junction with the A37. The Speed Limits are not policed and more street furniture is disappointing.
Cllr May reported that we are still awaiting the flashing 20mph signs for Old Road and will follow this up.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr S Filer and Mrs T Jones.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda – None Received.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 14th November 2016 as a true and fair record. An amendment was made to page 42/16 Item J) “”Church within the Benefice”, after which the Minutes were duly signed as a true record,

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May including meeting with Cllr Clarke to discuss A37 Pensford issues. Cllr May gave an update on current budgets and expected deficits.
Recycling: The new leaflets now report changes to the Recycling and rubbish collections in Autumn 2017 which will see the introduction of collections every other week and wheeled bins for rubbish will be provided to suitable properties.
Devolution: Elections for Mayor will take place in the New Year.
Joint Spatial Plan: Proposals within the plan are for an extra 3,500 houses for Whitchurch which will mean extra traffic for Pensford & the A37. Cllr May had held a Public Meeting in Whitchurch which generated 200 objection letters from residents in Whitchurch area. It was suggested that Pensford would circulate example letters to residents to give them the chance to respond. The closing date was the 19th December 2016. Clerk to place on the Pensford News Facebook Page.
Cllr May, Parish Council Chairman and Clerk had attended a meeting with Anthony Clarke Cabinet Member for Transport to discuss commitments made at the Public Meeting with representatives from B&NES. Accidents on the A37 were discussed concluding that there is no clear pattern to the accidents and maybe a solution would be reducing traffic speed.
Play Areas Press Release: A Press Released reported that B&NES had invested nearly £90,000 to replace worn out playground equipment in parks across the area. Cllr May has emailed B&NES in response to this questioning consistency of Policy
Parking Restrictions in Church Street: A Member of the Public had contacted Cllr May questioning why the White Line by the Rising Sun Public House remained. The understanding by the Member of the Public was that it was to be replaced by Double Yellow Lines. Parish
Council understood that during the meeting with B&NES representatives it was agreed the white line would be enhanced not changed. Cllr May has asked for Double Yellow Lines here and also opposite outside of Nelson House to enable Emergency Vehicles access if needed.
Ward Councillors Initiative Fund: Cllr May had been approached by the Primary School for funding for IT equipment. Cllr May had asked the Parish Council previously to think about how this money would benefit the community and it had been agreed that the money would go towards the Flashing Speed Signs on Old Road. Cllr May to contact the School.
It was suggested that the new Head teacher should be invited to a future Parish Council Meeting.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Acker Bilk Bench Update: The Litter Bin needs to be moved. Nothing will be progressed until Spring.

b) Tennis Club: The AGM had been held. It was agreed not to pursue the contractor. The Tennis Club have the funds to re-surface one court. An LTA approved contractor has been appointed to do the work. Discussion are being undertaken to obtain a grant/loan to do both courts at the same time.

c) Fingerposts: A recent fundraising event raised £761.00. The two new fingers for the post were on display at the event. They have been primed and now need painting. The fingerpost at Belluton Junction will be the second one to be refurbished.

d) Stanton Road Pensford Closure Update: Concerns have been raised that works are taking a long time and that contractors are not on site on a Friday afternoon. Photos have been circulated of works so far. It is anticipated that the road will be open for the two week Christmas period.

e) Informal Consultation Pensford Hill (Extension of 30mph Speed Limit): Details had been circulated and Parish Council had submitted their response.

f) Neighbourhood Plan: An Independent Examiner has been appointed. A report will be released Mid February which may contain recommendations for change. The Referendum will be held two months after the release of the Report. The Election Procedure includes Postal Votes and is the responsibility of B&NES Local Authority. Cllr May reported that Whitchurch Parish Council are now on version 19 of their Neighbourhood Plan.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Traffic Regulation Orders Received: Two orders had been received. One incorrectly stated the “A367 – Bristol to Yeovil at Pensford, District of Wansdyke” Clerk to email B&NES and have notice changed to A37. Copies have been placed on the Noticeboard.

b) Joint Spatial Plan: Discussed under item 5) previously.
However it was commented that the success of the JSP will be heavily dependent on the Finance for the Infrastructure which will be in the region of 7.5billion.

8. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report:

Overhanging Vegetation: Parsonage Lane still not dealt with. No update from B&NES.
Fly Tipping: More fly tipping occurred in Hursley Hill Lay-By Clerk informed Council Connect.
Snack Van Signs: Signs remain in situ…approximately 7 along the A37.
Truespeed: No update on Broadband.
Daffodil Bulbs: Chairman collected Daffodil Bulbs from the B&NES Parks & Recreational Space department.
Pensford Hill: A bollard had been knocked down again and removed by B&NES. An exchange of emails were created between Cllr May, Clerk, Member of Public & B&NES in the hope of getting it put back up again.
High Street, Mud on Road: There was a lot of mud left on the High Street from works being carried out at The Orchard. Pictures were put up on Pensford News Feed Facebook. Clerk sent the pictures to Highways. The Highways Inspector attended the site and put up signs. He was also going to speak with the contractors on site.
The site has permission for a 4 Bedroom house with garage and gardens 14/04165/FUL Permitted.
Pollution Monitoring Pensford: Clerk contacted B&NES and received a reply from
Nicola Courthold from Environmental Monitoring B&NES reports that there are plans to locate a monitor in Pensford, close to the school towards the end of November (so this should have happened). The diffusion tubes are left out for 1 month and then changed and analysed. The results take approximately 1 month to come back i.e. results from tubes collected at the end of December would be available at the end of January. Diffusion tubes will be exposed for a minimum of 3 months before reviewing results and sending any data. Previous results for Pensford recorded by the newsagent was 31 µg/m3 in 2012.
30mph Sign: Highways Inspector has been asked to organise the removal of the 30mph sign which remains by the The Orchard, High Street.
20mph Speed Signs: Clerk was contacted by Member of the Public regarding Speed Limit signs around the village. B&NES had missed some of the repeater signs. If the speed limit signs are not the same and a speeding ticket is issued it could possibly be revoked so it is important to have all the signs correct.
Police Lane is reported to be National speed limit coming from top down to the A37, however going up it is 20mph??
B&NES have replied and report that Pensford is 1 of 5 villages receiving new 20mph speed limits. Contractors will be asked to check signage once all villages are complete. B&NES report there is no plan or budget to do any further traffic calming measures and have suggested a Community Speedwatch is formed.
Litter Picking: High Viz Tabards have been purchased for Litter Pickers to wear. Clerk is looking into ordering the Litter Pickers. Member of the Public has offered to supply the Litter Bags.
Parking on Double Yellow Lines: A member of the public sent photos of a van parked on the double yellow lines by the Lock Up. These were forwarded to Parking Services with a request for some Enforcement of the Yellow Lines.
Plans to improve safety on A37 between Farrington Gurney & Whitchurch: Clerk has circulated a copy of the press release from B&NES reporting speed limits along a busy stretch of the A37 could be reduced as part of the proposals to make the A37 safer. A copy has also been put on the noticeboard and on the Parish Web Site.
Accounts: Footpaths Money: After chasing with Public Rights of Way we have now received the Footpaths Money for 2016/17

b) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: The Agenda was changed slightly and the first part of the meeting was to discuss the impacts of the weather on Monday 21st November with the flooding problems. What went well and what didn’t work so well was discussed. Mainly positive in Chew Magna, all Flood Reps put up barriers in the areas where flooding is bad. Silver Street and round by the Primary School were flooded again but Flood Defence Boards were all in place and no-one suffered flooding in their homes. All Flood Wardens had previously received training from the Environment Agency and all went well. The Old School Room in Chew Magna was opened up and Lin East was their taking calls and liaising directly with her Flood Representatives. A Flood Management Project will be delivered wider in the Chew Valley and is currently being developed.
Highways issues – B3130 closure at Belluton and impact on wider Chew Valley:
A discussion took place on the impact across the valley of the Belluton closure (both positives and negatives). Most were negative comments about the problems the extra traffic is causing on the small country lanes, especially Norton Malreward. The road conditions are really bad and lorries were reported to have got stuck whilst following their sat navs. B&NES had responded by putting up extra signage where necessary.
Police: 3 domestic burglaries one in Bishop Sutton and 2 in chew magna.
7 shed breaks in the areas of Pensford, Bishop Sutton, Chew Magna and the Harptrees.
Following concerns of speeding in Chew Magna Highways have agreed to carry out a speed count.
Flooding: The Police were made aware of the Flood Alerts for the River Chew on the evening of the
19th November. PC S Peard being one of the Beat Manager covering the Chew Valley circulated the
The Flood Plan for Chew Magna to his supervisors.
Chris Head was appointed as Chairman for another year and Tony Heaford was appointed Vice Chair. There was also a presentation on the Councils Budget Challenge. A presentation from the B&NES Planning Policy Team on the West of England Joint Spatial Plan and Transport Strategy. (Links to all this available).
The next Forum dates are Monday 27th February at 6pm and agenda items will include CCG Meeting the provider “Your Care your Way”, Natural Flood Management Pilot.
Monday 3rd July at 6pm – Affordable Housing.

9. Planning:

Applications Consulted:

16/05532/FUL Mr D Baber 83 Hillcrest Pensford. Two storey rear extension. Parish Council Support.

Applications to Consult:

16/05653/FUL Midas Recycling Ltd. Land to South of South Bristol Motor Company New Road. Demolition of existing commercial structures and the erection of 10no. semi-detached three bedroom dwelling houses with integral garages, including access on to New Road. 10no. off-street parking spaces, 6 no. visitor parking spaces and associated soft/hard landscaping. The owner of the site was present at the meeting. It was confirmed by him that the pavement from the garage site to Church Street would be adopted maintained by him. He would like to see the re-introduction of the Speed Camera by the site. The CIL Payment in relation to the Application permitted for the top of the site was discussed. This sum of money arises when work starts on site and 15% should come back to the Parish. If a Neighbourhood Plan is approved then the amount is 25%. On discussion it was agreed that a site visit would be made on Monday 19th December at 2.30pm.

16/052823/LBA & Mr & Mrs Carpenter Bell Farm Hunstrete Lane Woollard. Internal and external alterations to make repairs to the roof structure chimneys and pointing with improved weatherproofing detailing, the re-opening of original windows within East Wall of Farmhouse and insertion of a roof light on rear roof slope. Parish Council Support.

16/05822/FUL Mr & Mrs Carpenter Bell Farm Hunstrete Lane Woollard. Repairs to the roof structure, chimneys and pointing with improved weatherproofing detailing, the re-opening of original windows within East Wall of Farmhouse and insertion of a roof light on rear roof slope.Parish Council Support.

16/03245/FUL Mr C Hill Knights Folly Woollard Lane Publow. Provision of new site access and agricultural engineering works. Revised information received. Parish Council to re-iterate their original response and objections.

Planning Outcomes:

16/04778/FUL Mr B Toase Viaduct House Culvery Lane Pensford. Widening of existing access following the replacement of existing single hinged filed gate with a double hinged gate. PERMIT

16/04933/FUL Mr & Mrs Timson 60 Hillcrest Pensford. Single Storey Rear and Side Extension and Front Porch. PERMIT

16/05137/TCA Mr D Williams 141 High Street Fell 2 x Fir tree. NO OBJECTION

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 26 744.57

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest + Computer Ink @ £9.00 31.60
Mogford Prescott New Bulb to Pensford Hillcrest Defibrillator 87.44
Sally Field Donation to Christmas tree 20.00

Receipts to note:
B&NES Footpaths Officer 830.04
Donation (Brenda Stone & Co.) 741.19

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Nothing to take forward.

12. To Note Future Meetings:

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 9th January 2017 AT 7.15 pm
ALCA Meeting 18th January 2017

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