Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson. Mr J Kelly, Mr P Baxter, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs T Jones, Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer, Mrs J Gully, Cllr P May. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.

There were six members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public: Thanks were extended by Jane Flower to a resident in Church Street who regularly sweeps Church Street and swept around the War Memorial prior to Remembrance Sunday.

Nativity: The opening Nativity Walk will take place on the 2nd December 2016. An advert will be in the Church Magazine. The walks will take place every Friday, Saturday & Sunday in December including Christmas Day.

Bench: Member of the Public asked if the Parish Council would consider placing the Acker Bilk bench on the village green instead of by the Lock Up. This was not thought to be a good option.
Concerns were raised again by cars parking in front of the Lock Up and thoughts are that the new Bench would be blocked by these parked cars. Photographs of cars parking illegally have previously been sent to BANES. Any problems with cars parking on double yellow lines can be reported to or call Parking Services on 01225 477133

Wall by Lock Up: Some re-pointing will be undertaken.

20mph: How long before the Police follow up with Speed checks? It is hoped that the PCSO will be available to stand with a hand held speed camera.

30mph Signs: One remains by The Orchard. Clerk to notify BANES. Members of the Public asked if signs saying “New speed limits in force”, or similar would be available. Cllr May to take this back to BANES.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr T Heaford.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: There were none received.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 17th October 2016 as a true and fair record: After being circulated and read the minutes were signed as a true record.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:

Cllr May has attended 14 budget meetings. A proposal has been made to increase Council Tax next year by 2%…issues still remain with the fortnightly refuse collections proposed.

Devolution: Recommendations are to go ahead with a mayor.

Joint Spatial Plan: An invite has been received to attend a Workshop in Whitchurch. The plan recommends 3,500 new homes for Whitchurch along with a Park & Ride taking 250 acres of land from the Greenbelt. Neighbouring parishes have been invited.

Enterprise Zone: Midsomer Norton has been made an Enterprise Zone to try and get jobs back into the Somer Valley.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Acker Bilk Bench: Pointing of the wall and cutting back of the ivy needs tending to. The concrete base needs preparation for the Bench. The existing rubbish bin needs re-locating.
The engraving is awaited on the plaque. The Old Bench will be re-located to Culvery Wood.
Conversations have been held with two musicians who would like to hold a Jazz Evening in Acker Bilks memory in the New Year.

b) Lock Up: Grants for the works are being applied for by Lydia Robinson.

c) Tennis Club: A successful fundraising Race Night has been held. Three quotes have been obtained for the resurfacing. Each court will cost approximately £10,000. The AGM will be held. LTA are happy with progress.

d) Fingerposts: The foundry will be contacted to check on the estimated time for when the fingers will be re-cast. The second fundraiser takes place on the 4th December.

e) Stanton Road Pensford Closure Update: Clerk had emailed BANES to ask for an update but nothing was received in time for the meeting. Belluton will be open for two weeks during the Christmas holidays.

f) Feedback from Remembrance Sunday Parade: Although the service went well, many complaints had been received as the 2-minute silence was held early. The Parochial Church Council were contacted and by way of reply an article will be placed in the Church Magazine. The Chairman read out the article. Everyone agreed that the refreshments offered at the Church Room afterwards were a nice touch. Thanks were extended to the children who made poppies. The Police will also be thanked for their help.

Clock: It was reported that the mechanism is away at the repairers. Jane Flower will liaise with the Clerk if help is necessary.

g) Village Litter Pick: Well attended and thanks were extended to everyone who helped on the day. It is proposed to hold another in Early Spring. Three bags of rubbish alone were collected on Priestdown. Clerk to look into purchasing Litter Picks and obtaining high viz tabards for those who have volunteered their help with litter picking on a regular basis.

h) Broadband: A meeting is being held next week to pursue this.

i) Parish Sweeper Scheme: the Parish Sweeping Scheme was discussed at the last Parish Liaison Meeting. There is 73K spent on 18 parishes (45 Parish Councils) less than half of parishes benefit from funding. There is no funding for other parishes who may wish to join. BANES are currently looking at a more cost effective scheme that meets the objectives of the Parish Sweeper Scheme but is of benefit to all parishes rather than a small number. This will mean redefining the Parish Sweeper scheme contract to be clear on responsibilities and responses to complaints.

j) Pensford 10K 2017: Will take place on 30th April 2017 it will be the 30th Anniversary. It will clash with a Morning Service at Publow and the PCC are kindly looking into changing to another Benefice.

k) Allotments: Interest has been shown in forming an Allotment Committee. Clerk to pursue this. Some tenants are interested in forming a working party to clear the overgrown vacant plots.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) PCAA: It was explained that Bristol Airport would like to see an end to Off Site Parking many of which are in the Green Belt. Bristol Airport through their planning applications are applying for planning permission to extend parking in the Green Belt. Parking at the Airport is a continuous battle and for the Airport is a very significant revenue earner and if parking can be extended to Green Belt land the revenues are enhanced at little extra cost, compared to having to build multi story car parks. The PCAA fail to see why B A should have a monopoly.

b) Christmas Tree/Decorations: It was agreed that the Parish Council would provide a Christmas tree for the Village Green this year. Decorations and lights were purchased last year.

8. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report: Overhanging Vegetation: Another complaint has been received regarding overhanging vegetation at Parsonage Lane, Pensford Hill area. Member of the public is unable to have gas delivered due to this problem. BANES have again been asked to look into this as a matter of urgency now.

Fly Tipping: Fly tipping up on the Triangle at Woollard was reported to Council Connect.

Snack Van Signs: Signs remain in situ…..approximately 7 along the A37.

Truespeed: Another email has been sent to Mr E Weinburg to invite him to a future Parish Council Meeting, however Clerk has had no reply back to date.

Neighbourhood Planning: A letter has been received from BANES Council, Lisa Bartlett Divisional Director Development confirming that BANES Council have undertaken a validation process to check that the Publow with Pensford Neighbourhood Plan was submitted with the requisite documents and that BANES are satisfied that the plan proposal submitted has met and complied with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations. BANES are now undertaking arrangements to carry out the publicity of the plan proposals. We await now a call from the Link Officer who will liaise with preparations including the proposed date of commencement.

Talk to Mothers Union: The Mothers Union recently contacted me and asked me as Clerk to attend their November meeting and give them a talk on my role as Parish Clerk. This I did on Thursday 10th November at the Church Room.

Footpaths Officer: Has been active in the village cutting back foliage in preparation for the Remembrance Sunday Parade and cutting back overhanging vegetation from the Car Park onto the Pavement by the crossing. Permission was obtained from the hedge owner prior to it being cut back.

Daffodil Bulbs: BANES Parks & Recreational Space department have Daffodil Bulbs for Schools & Community Groups. They are offering 40 bulbs per Parish Council free of charge for their Parish. If we would like some they have to be collected from Bath. It was suggested that the Daffodil bulbs should be placed around the Village signs.

Sheducation at Memorial Hall: This event organised by PCSO Bragg was well attended. The idea was to give members of the public ideas on how to make their outbuildings safe.

Pollution Monitoring School: Clerk has emailed BANES to ask about positioning monitors in Pensford to test Pollution.

9. Planning:

Applications Consulted:

16/04932/FUL Mr Kittel Old Stables Stanton Road Pensford. Conversion of existing garage to provide living room for applicant and conversion of existing outbuilding and conversion and extension of existing stable to provide 5 no bedrooms for B&B clients, to include provision of 9 no. additional parking spaces and installation of septic tank. Parish Council Support. However, concerns were raised regarding the possible increase of traffic onto a small lane.

16/05386/FUL Mr B Coles Hill Cottage Woollard Lane. Construction of a hipped roof over existing garage flat roof and erection of rear garden lobby including fenestration changes to rear elevation. Parish Council Support.

16/05137/TCA Mr Williams 141 High Street Pensford. Fell 1 x Fir Tree Fell 1 x smaller Fir. Parish Council Support.

Planning Outcomes:

16/04545/FUL Mr M McMullen Sherwood Publow Lane Woollard. Single Storey Rear Extension. PERMIT

16/04541/TCA 1 Orchardleigh New Road Pensford. 3 x Conifer remove. No Objection.

The Orchard High Street: Works have now started on this site. Clerk to look at the planning consents.

10. Financial Matters:

Accounts to 30th September 2016 Report: The Income & Expenditure Sheet for the six months ended 30th September 2016 were circulated. All as per budget, however it was noted that we had not yet received the Footpaths Money. Clerk to take this up with BANES. The Balance Sheet as at 30th September 2016 was circulated. The Capital Bank Account has risen with a little interest. It was explained that the money in this account is for “Major Capital Expenditure Projects” only. Cllr May thanked Mr Kelly for a “super report”.

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 26 744.37
P & G Contractors Refurbish Ladies Toilet at Memorial Hall 2952.00
Mr S Wilcox Remote Support (Re issue chq 001264) 72.00
British Legion Poppy Wreath Donation 50.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest + Computer Ink @ £9.00 30.50

Receipts to note: None to note

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Noticeboard: The Parish Council noticeboard outside of the Miners Coffee Shop has recently been blocked by large posters advertising village events. The Parish Council will look at providing another Noticeboard for Village Activities.

A37 Pensford: Following the two accidents which had happened on stretches of the A37 on Sunday evening and early Monday Morning, Cllr May reported that he will be keeping the pressure on BANES in relation to promises made at the Public Meeting in relation to extending the 30mph limit further up Pensford Hill, the crossing from Short Lane to the Bus Stop and the crossing by Station Approach. An email had been received from a resident of Pensford Hill. Her email had been circulated. Clerk had received messages via Facebook in relation to the accidents and the chaos they had brought to the surrounding lanes whilst the A37 was closed and traffic was diverted. It was suggested that maybe motorists could be informed about how many fatalities have occurred along the A37 by way of signage.
Cllr May suggested a joint meeting between the Parish Council, himself and the new Cabinet Member for Transport. Clerk to email and request a meeting.

Church Street: A resident of Church Street raised the issue of Yellow Lines in Church Street and asked if the existing white line by the Rising Sun should in fact be a Yellow Line as cars often park here blocking the road. He reported that recently a Fire Engine on blue lights had been unable to negotiate through Church Street because of a parked car outside of the Pub. Clerk reported that the Fire Engine had been unable to get through due to a car being parked illegally at the entrance to the car park at the rear of the Miners Coffee Shop.

12. To Note Future Meetings:

Joint Spatial Plan Workshop Tuesday 15th November 2016 6.30pm – 8.30pm at Whitchurch Village Hall.

Parish Online Mapping Evening 6th December 6.30pm – 9pm Bath Sap University


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