Parish Council Minutes – 14th January 2019


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mr M Daniels, Mr J Kelly, Mr P Baxter, Mrs J Gully, Mrs Tracy Jones, Mr S Filer.
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
There were five members of the public present.

1. Public Participation;

a) Jane Flower – Donation to Church Tower: Thanks were extended to the Parish Council for their donation to the Church Tower.

b) True speed: Concerns were raised regarding the works Truespeed have carried out on the Highway. If the trenches sink or turn into potholes do we have any promises they will come back and fix them? It was thought that problems can be reported to BANES Authority who will ask Truespeed to come back.

c) Repair to War Memorial: The Parish Council were asked if they have plans to have the cracks in the wall repaired at the rear of the War Memorial. Ownership of the wall is thought to be Riverside Cottage. Further concern was if the roots from the large conifers behind the War Memorial are causing the cracks in the wall could they be doing damage underneath the War Memorial.

d) Community Award Nominations: Clerk confirmed that nominations had been submitted to BANES Chairman’s Community Awards.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs S Grimes and Mr Tony Jones.
From this point of the meeting Mr Baxter was recording.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda, There were none received.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 10th December 2018 as a true and fair record. After being circulated and read the minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: A start date for the works had been requested. Following investigations the proposed Bell Bollards will not be an option for Pensford Hill. They are too large and would restrict pedestrians too much. BANES will look at alternatives. It was suggested that as the Parish were asked to prioritise the works initially then they should continue with the next work prioritised until BANES decide on which bollards will be installed. It was agreed that a meeting will be arranged with Cllr May, Chairman, Clerk and Kelvin Packer
Clean Air Zone Bath: Vast numbers had responded to the Consultation.
Budgets: A two and a half million pound overspend is expected by BANES.

6. To receive any updates on current matters

i) Fingerposts: Kelston Forge hope to start the Fingerpost at the bottom of Priestdown in approximately 6 weeks’ time. Highways will be asked to help with groundworks at the bottom of the Fingerpost. Tesco blue tokens are now being collected in relation to the Fingerposts.

ii) Pensford A37 Works: Covered under item 5.

iii) Bristol Airport: A brief summary of the soon to be submitted Planning Application to increase the passenger throughput to 12 million per annum was given. It appears there are no significant plans for improvements to infrastructure and it is likely there will be an increase in night flight allocations. Cllr May will ask if the neighbouring Local Authority are consulted on the proposals. The Parish Council concerns would be in relation to Night Flights, Noise, Pollution and increased Road Traffic.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) War Memorial Cleaning Works: A quote for the cleaning had been received. It also includes re-pointing where necessary and letter re-enamelling. Pricing for proposed stone plaque with additional name will be confirmed at a later date. The Parish Council would like to know how long the cleaning works will take as the cost appears to be quite large. Clerk has submitted a pre-grant application to the War Memorials Trust. They will respond with an application for the Grant and they will pay up to 75% of the cost of the works if the grant is successful. An application will also be submitted to the Community Trust. Clerk to proceed.

b) Marble Mantel Clock: It was reported again that an email has been received from
someone who is in possession of a Black marble mantle clock which was donated by the parishioners and others of Publow to “Mr George Smart as a slight recognition of his service rendered as a church warden of Publow for the past 7 years. Easter 1903”. The Mantle clock is currently in Wales. It was suggested that the PCC should be asked to check the Church Records for Mr Smart and try and trace his family. If they cannot be traced or do not want the clock it was suggested that it should be put in Publow Church or the Church Room.

8. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report:

Travellers Rest: Clerk received and circulated the proposals for the site.

Police: A reminder that the Local Neighbourhood Police Team will be holding Beat Surgeries outside the Fire Station in Chew Magna on the following Wednesdays – 23rd January & 20th February between 11am & 1pm

A car was broken into on The High Street Pensford on 5th January 2019. Climbing and walking kit was taken along with a phone, camera, charging cables, USB’s and cash.

Bin for Hillcrest: No further update on the Bin request for Hillcrest. Clerk has chased this up and is awaiting a response.

Community Awards: BANES report there has been a record number of nominations made this year.

Name Plate: A request has been made for a nameplate at the bottom of Police Lane.

Old Road Vehicle Activated Sign: A resident has emailed again asking when the VAS will be installed at Old Road. The resident is seriously concerned about the safety of pedestrians and the speed at which cars travel along Old Road. Cllr May has responded.

Local Plan: Clerk submitted a letter on behalf of the Parish Council. This has been circulated. Cllr May thanked the Clerk for her submission on behalf of the Parish Council.

Memorial Hall Playground: The Memorial Hall will be purchasing some new mushroom seating/play equipment for the Playground. Clerk has confirmed that the usual procedures of invoicing and donations apply in order to reclaim VAT.

Post Office: Clerk gave a Thank You card to Umang and Vaishali at the Post Office for their kind donation of the Christmas Tree.

Allotments: Further enquiries have been received over the holiday period for allotment plots. Clerk will be meeting with future tenants on Saturday 19th January 2019 to look at the remaining plots.

Problems with deer eating the vegetables on the allotment site are still being experienced and is getting quite frustrating for some tenants.

9. Planning:

Applications received Discussed:

None to report.

Planning Outcomes to Note:

18/05022/TCA Mrs K Hunt The Poplars High Street Pensford. T1 – ash: Pollard at secondary forks. T2 – holly: Crown reduction of 2 metres. NO OBJECTION

18/04444/FUL Mr R Wilson Roses Pensford Hill. Extension and alterations. PERMIT

10. Financial Matters:

a) Accounts – Budget/Precept: An Income & Expenditure sheet was circulated. It showed the Actual YE figures to 31st March 2018, the Actual 8 months ended 30 November 2018, the anticipated ye figures to 31/3/2019 and the draft budget figures YE 31/3/2020. Costs for Room Hire for meetings could rise potentially. Clerk will follow up cost of Hire. Administration costs were clarified. Based on these figures the majority of the Parish Council were in favour of a 2% rise to be added to the Precept.

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary £757.92

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £32.00
Mr D Lowe Footpaths 10hours @ £8 £80.00


11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

No items raised.

12. To Note Future Meetings: PCAA 25th January 2018 Felton Village Hall
BANES ALCA Meeting 16th January 2019 at 7.30 pm

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