Parish Council Minutes – 14th December 2015


Present: Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford, Mr P Baxter, Mr J Kelly, Mrs T Jones, Mrs J Gully, Mrs S Grimes, Cllr P May,
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg. Mr S Filer.

There were four members of the Public Present.

1. Public Participation: Member of the public reported a successful Mummers Play raising £112.05 which will be donated to the St Thomas a Becket Church Tower Fund.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Jennie Jones, Lisa Cains, Janette Stephenson and Dawn Custance.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: Received from Mr Baxter in relation to the Lock Up.

Items for Attention:

Clerks Position: Acting Chairman Mr Heaford read out a statement to the Parish Council as follows – “I would like to take this opportunity of reminding everybody that Julie is an employee of the Parish Council. On the other side of the equation, we the Parish Council are collectively her employers. This relationship is governed by the Comprehensive Employment Law Legislation. Julie is therefore protected under the Law against Discrimination, Intimidation, Bullying and any other act of aggressive behaviour. Were she to feel that she had suffered in this respect she would be quite at liberty to pursue an action against the Parish Council. I sincerely hope this will not occur but I just wished to draw our responsibilities to your attention.”

Resignation: A letter had been received from Lisa Cains asking the Parish Council to accept her resignation from the Parish Council. Acting Chairman Mr Heaford reported that Lisa had been a very good councillor and extended thanks to her for her hard work and contribution to her position as a Parish Councillor. It was agreed that Lisa should continue as guardian of the Defibrillator at Hillcrest.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 9th November 2015 as a true and fair record: Minutes were confirmed as a true and fair record and duly signed by Mr Heaford.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Cllr May gave an update on Budgets. However residents may have to pay a possible 2% rise in Council Tax. It is hoped that Adult Social Care will not be cut.

Waste Collection & Recycling: Officers are pushing for a two weekly collection which is being resisted. Collection costs are high but waste and recycling costs are higher. An update was given on Sirona the Healthcare Body. Devolution & Equalisation was explained.

The Joint Spatial Strategy including Transportation is a major worry for Whitchurch.

Vice -Chairman Mr Heaford recently attended a Roadshow in Keynsham which was not very informative.

The Masterplan had been discussed and especially the Horseworld Site, with routes being agreed to take the pressure off of Sleep Lane.

Whitchurch Neighbourhood Plan continues slowly. They are now getting help to write it.

Ward Councillors Initiative: Funding from the Ward Councillor available for local schemes.

Three schemes have been suggested 1) Donation to the Acker Bilk Seat 2) A Camel for the Nativity 3) CCTV for Whitchurch. These will need further discussion.

6. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

i) Acker Bilk Seat: The Community Trust have agreed a donation of £1200 towards the seat. Chairman will progress this in the New Year.

ii) Christmas Tree: Has now been put up. It has battery-operated lights. Pauline Parnell offered advice in restraining the tree in high winds.

iii) Tennis Courts: A meeting had been held with the Contractor. The black surface will be painted and a curtain put between the courts. £2k will be paid by the Tennis Club. It is hoped that in the Spring the top court will be re-surfaced. There will be a further £2k to pay. The Court surface is not slippy now. The Tennis Club had been lucky to receive a grant from the Community Trust Fund. Cllr May offered to look into the spending of monies on the courts in relation to the money which Bath Parks receive and see if a balance can be claimed back. Mrs Grimes to give accounts details to Cllr May.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) The Old Colliery Site: The Parish Council were made aware that a new application had been lodged to put Mobile Homes on the Old Colliery Site. A total of 6 – 8 units. Stanton Wick Action Group have been reformed. Stanton Drew Parish Council have written to the Planning Authority highlighting errors on the application. An extension for consultation has been given. It is suggested that all comments/objections should be made by the 31st December 2015. At this point in time the Parish Council suggest informing as many residents as possible. However it will be SWAG responsibility to send out communication. Cllr May offered help as District Councillor if required and will liaise with Cllr Warrington. Clerk to circulate the link to the Planning Reference to all Parish Councillors. Publow with Pensford Parish Council unanimously voted to Object to the proposal.

b) Lock Up: The Wise Men have been placed in the Lock Up again this year as part of the Nativity in the Parish. It will be open Friday, Saturday, Sundays in December and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. A piece has been put in the Chew Valley Gazette.

c) Electronic Planning: It was agreed to invite Mark Reynolds Group Manager BANES to a future meeting. Electronic Planning will start on 1st April 2016.

8. Reports:

a) Neighbourhood Plan: A meeting was held on 9th December 2015. The 2nd Grant had been applied for and granted. A total of £1460.00 to spend by the end of the financial year 31/3/2016. The process of the Plan was discussed and we are thought to be half way through it at present. Draft Policies are going to be written. The Analysis will be publicised and distributed prior to Open Days which will be planned for Mid March 2016.

b) Clerks Progress Report:

Old Road: The speed of cars travelling along Old Road has again been reported to the Clerk. Details will be passed to Traffic & Safety again.

Finger Posts: No further update.

War Memorial: Our War Memorial has now been given a listing of Grade II Monument by Historic England.

The Barn Old Down: A letter had been received from Member of Public and circulated to all on Parish Council. A reply will be sent. There has been no update from Stanton Drew Parish Council and the concerns lodged with Planning Enforcement.

Riparian Ownership & Watercourse Maintenance: Further details have been received from BANES regarding this.

A query has been received from a resident in Salters Brook.

Parking at George & Dragon: An email had been received by the clerk from a resident concerned about inconsiderate parking and the concern for an emergency vehicle not being able to access High Street. The resident has tried to ease the situation by speaking to the Landlord. A discussion ensued between the Parish Council and all agreed that while a village car park was desirable the matter was complicated due to the different landowners and other stakeholders involved. As the Parish Council cannot be seen to be favouring any one party, it was inappropriate for it to become involved before all the parties had agreed the proposed course of action amongst themselves. Clerk to reply to the email.


Parish Precept Requirements: Correspondence received. Form has to be returned to BANES by 3rd February 2016.

Joint Spatial Plan Consultations: All received and circulated to all PC Members.

Parsonage Lane: There will be a temporary road closure at Parsonage Lane on 7th January 2016 for BT Works.

Christmas Fair: Made a profit of £672.00 this year compared to £777 in 2014.

9. Planning:

Applications received to Consider and Comment & Discussed by the Sub-Committee:

15/04585/FUL Mr M Ford Publow Passion Alpacas Priestdown Lane Publow. Construction of garage/agricultural machine building. Parish Council Support. BANES are now waiting for Eco reports to be obtained before making a decision.

15/04995/ADCOU AMP Electrical Ltd Belluton Farm Stanton Road Pensford. Prior approval request for operational development in conjunction with the change of use from Agricultural Dwelling (C3) reference 14/05615/ADCOU approved on appeal. Parish Council Support.

15/04996/ADCOU AMP Electrical Ltd Belluton Yard Belluton Farm. Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Building to Dwelling (C3) and associated operational development. Parish Council Support.

Planning Outcomes to Note:

15/04201/FUL Mr M McMullen Sherwood Publow Lane. Construction of two storey rear extension and additional alterations. PERMIT
15/04160/FUL Mr & Mrs Smart Sunningdale Woollard Lane. Erection of a single storey rear extension. (Resubmission). PERMIT
15/04307/LBA Mr P Baxter The Former St Tomas A Becket’s Church. Internal alterations. Glass screen with doorway behind 2nd floor mezzanine and 1st floor living area. CONSENT
15/04158/FUL Mr M Sivier Woodcroft Barn Woollard Lane. Two storey front and side extension and alterations to driveway. REFUSED
15/04222/FUL Mr N Cullen Belluton House Stanton Road Pensford. Single storey timber built stable block. WITHDRAWN.

Pensford Garage Site: A letter had been received from a Member of the Public asking for the Parish Council to re-consider their decision in relation to the recent application at this site. Parish Council agreed that having made their decision they could not retrospectively change it. It was suggested that the Parish Council write to Planning and ask them to take into consideration the email from the Member of the Public and the concerns raised within it.

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk November Salary £909.00
Including 40hours Neighbourhood Planning Work June, July, August & September 2015

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £30.80
Mr P Tyson Neighbourhood Plan Posters £88.92
Mr D Lewis Dustin Time Vouchers Neighbourhood Plan £50.00

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: There were no items to carry forward. Thanks were extended to Cllr May for his help since his election.

12. To Note Future Meetings:

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