Parish Council Minutes – 13th June 2022



Present: Mr P Baxter,Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Heaford, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Mr A Lyon, Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Cllr P. May (B&NES) and 3 Members of Public.

Public Submissions: A representative from POKE (Protect Our Keynsham Environment) asked the Parish Council to support them in their opposition to the Appeal for 21/00419EFUL Resourceful Earth (29.5a) A councillor offered to personally pay for the hire of the village hall for an open meeting and the details would be put on the Parish Council Website.

29.1. Apologies: Dr L Malt

29.2. Declarations of Interest: Jane Flower (29.5d)

29.3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 9th May 2022 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

29.4. Planning:

a) Applications to consult:
i) 22/01881/FUL: Brantfell, 14 Woollard Lane, Publow. Renovation and extension of existing dwelling. Erection of new two-storey front porch extension and rear two-storey extension. Raising of existing roof height and alterations to roof shape. Demolition of existing structures. The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to the Application. Although the design is attractive it is in the wrong location as it is in the Green belt and dominant on the Hillside, and significantly larger than the original dwelling.
ii) 22/01990/FUL: 69 Hillcrest, Pensford. Erection of single storey extension following demolition of existing extension/outhouse. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application.

b) Decision Notification:
I) 22/00765/FUL: Devon House, Pensford Hill, Pensford. Conversion of loft space into living space with raised gable roof, 1no. gable dormer to front, removal of lean-to to rear and creation of sliding doors to rear. Addition of solar panels to south elevation. PERMIT
ii) 21/00419/EFUL: Resourceful Earth. Development of an Anaerobic Digester Facility (including retention of the existing Feedstock Reception Building, Digester Tank (x5), Storage Tank, CHP Engine (x4), Transformer, GRP Substation, GRP Technical Room (x5) and Gas Equipment) to produce both gas and electricity for injection into the local grid networks, alongside the restoration of the former Queen Charlton Quarry Site with ecological and landscape enhancements. Notification of PLANNING APPEAL ref 22/00038/RF

29.5. Matters for Discussion / Decision
a) The Parish Council considered a request for assistance from Protect our Keynsham Environment (POKE) regarding the Planning Appeal ref 22/0038/RF and agreed to put details of their campaign meeting on the website. A councillor personally offered to pay for the hire of the village Hall.
b) The Parish Council approved expenditure of £3200 for the installation of ANPR Cameras and signs, allocated from Community Infrastructure Levy Funds for the Crime Prevention.
c) The Parish Council approved annual expenditure of £28 for a server certificate to improve website security.
d) The Parish Council approved a grant application for £77.04 from ‘Friends of Thomas a Becket Church Tower, Pensford’ for refreshments for a jubilee celebration.
e) The Parish Council approved the document ‘Dangers posed by flooding to historic town & village centres’ and agreed to send it to B&NES planning and copied to Cllr Paul May.
f) The Parish Council resolved that they were happy to be represented on the Bristol Airport Consultative Committee.

29.6. Financial Matters
a) The Internal Auditors Report was accepted.
b) The Annual Governance Statement was Approved
c) the Annual Return for Year End 31 March 2022 (Unaudited) was approved.
d) The Financial Report was accepted.
e) June Payments were approved.
Purpose for Expense                                    Amount  VAT Recover
Mark McMullen – Footpath Officer                 £85.00   £-    N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson – Salary –June             £757.05  £-    N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson – Reimburse for Zoom £4.80      £-    N/A
HMRC Month 1-3                                          £705.37  £-    N/A
Water 2 Business – Allotment Water              £18.44    £-    N/A

29.7. B&NES: The Ward Councillor reported that there were problems with WECA and B&NES are continuing with their own Local Plan. He was concerned about the social Care contract and that this month residents have contacted him about the noise from the airport, potholes and parking on the Old Road.

29.8. Reports
a) Allotments: Bills are being sent out. The last available allotment is being split in to two as it was quite large and there are two people on the waiting list.
b) Defibrillators – two options were suggested to improve the visibility at night – a stainless steel canopy, or a secondary light.
c) Parishes Liaison meeting. A report has been circulated. There was a great deal of interest in the outdoor space projects undertaken by Peasedown St John PC for residents. The clerk will be asked to invite a representative of Parish Council to one of our meetings to share their experiences. Similarly, the Ward Councillor will contact the Independent Councillors.
d) Clerks Report – circulated
e) The Chairman- No report

29.9. Reports: Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Birchwood Lane development

The meeting closed at 8.40 pm

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