Parish Council Minutes – 13th January 2014


Present: Chairman – Mr T Heaford Vice-Chair – Mrs J Stephenson
Mrs J Gully, Mr L Seymour, Mrs S Grimes. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were three members of the public present along with Mr L Grigg & Partner Lydia.

1) Members of the Public: Mr Grigg attended the Parish Council to give a brief outline of future plans for recently purchased 134/135 High Street Pensford. The proposal will be to restore the cottages back to two properties as sympathetically as possible and within the constraints of the Conservation Area. The Parish Council supported the proposals so far and look forward to receiving the planning application.

55 Hillcrest: Members of the Public reported that water is running continuously from a manhole by this property. It is lifting the tarmac around it. Clerk to follow up.

Pavement by Post Box: Has been completed and looks good.

Nativity Scenes: The Nativity Scenes in the Village produced by Paul Baxter will be acknowledged by the Parish Council.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mr J Kelly, Mrs J Jones, Mrs L Cains, Mr S Filer and Cllr P Edwards.

3) Minutes of Monday 9th December 2013 after being circulated and read were signed as a true record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Post Office: The note from the Parish Council was held back for distribution until the New Year. The new Licence has now been granted.

Planning Enforcement: There has been no update from Mr Miller regarding an issue in Pensford. There has been no update regarding the Log Cabin in Woollard Lane. Cllr Edwards will be asked to pursue the Log Cabin situation.

Elm Tree Cottage: Concerns were raised with the owner regarding the new wall that has been built. Advice will be sought by the Parish Council regarding the Planning Conditions.

Police House: It is reported that this property is now being marketed.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Placemaking Plan: All in hand. Birchwood Lane is the only area which needs completing. Clerk to submit all to BANES and circulate copies to the Parish Council. Congratulations were extended to all involved.

b) Rotary Club Nomination: Two nominees were suggested at the meeting. Clerk to follow up. Chairman also proposed that a letter should be sent to Mr Pike following his OBE. Chairman to do.

c) Quarterly Accounts to 31/12/2013/Budget/Precept 2014/2015: These were deferred. Chairman proposed that he should proceed with Mr Kelly to prepare the Budget/Precept. Parish Council agreed.

d) Defibrillator Progress Update: Due to the imminent price rise of the Defibrillator the Parish Council went ahead with the purchase of the Defibrillator for Hillcrest. The total cost of which amounted to £2,280.00. Mrs Stephenson confirmed the following donations: Toddlers Coffee Morning £430.00 – Pensford 10K £500.00 – Christmas Fair £20.00 – Valley Property Lets £50.00 – Mummers Play £50.00 – Parish Council £300.00 – Pensford Music Festival £1,350.00. This totals £2,700.00 and leaves an excess of £420.00. However there will be a cost from an electrician for the installation and quotes are in hand for this. Signage and location of the signage needs to be discussed further. A meeting will be organised with demonstrations on how to use the defibrillator.

A plaque will be made to identify all of those who have donated.

e) Chew Valley Partnership Meeting Update: Chairman reported that at the meeting on the 11th December only six out of the 19 Parish Councils attended the meeting, although there was a good representation from Keynsham. Chairman explained that Publow with Pensford Parish Council are designated to the Keynsham Group which is not ideal as we are a Valley Parish and have different issues to those in Keynsham and we would be better located in the Chew Valley Group. Parish Council agreed with this and Chairman proposed that he would write to Sara Dixon with the Parish Councils concerns.

f) Church Farm Footpath Meeting: A meeting had been arranged for Thursday 23rd January with the new Footpaths Officer Sheila Petherbridge to discuss the ongoing problems on this footpath. It was thought that works are being done to improve the footpaths.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Pensford High Street Gritting: Following further queries regarding The High Street still being included on the Gritting List BANES have confirmed that the High Street was last gritted on Thursday 6th December. BANES have reported that the contractor did get through the High Street however the importance of highlighting any access issues has been highlighted and BANES will be printing off some more letters to be left on car windscreens if they do have future access issues.

Highways Contact: Cllr Edwards kindly confirmed to the Clerk the contact for Highway issues following no response from Stefan Chiffers. Clerk has emailed Kelvin Packer and asked for his help regarding the parking problems on the corner of Publow Lane outside of the Lock Up Cottages. Consideration has again been asked for in relation to putting Keep Clear Lines down at this location.

Anti-Skid Surface New Road: Following the attendance of a Member of Public at the December Meeting Clerk has asked Kelvin Packer if the anti-skid surface on the A37 New Road on the bend outside of Nursery Corner can be re-instated. Kelvin was informed that correspondence had taken place with B&NES last October but so far to date nothing has been implemented and no reply had been received. Clerk was asked to re-iterate to Kelvin Packer how important this anti skid surface is.

Litter Bins: An email was received from Joanna Brain asking how many litter bins we have in our Parish and how many are council owned. Clerk replied and referred Joanna back to correspondence dating back to 2011 when the Parish Council were asking for the bin to be replaced that was next to the Lock Up. Clerk informed Joanna that the bins in the parish are B&NES owned, and reminded her that a request had also been made recently for a Dog Litter Bin to be put up by the Memorial Hall. It was suggested that the Dog Litter Bin would be better located in the village somewhere so dogs are encouraged away from the Memorial Hall area.

Post Box – Woollard Lane: Clerk has contacted Royal Mail who have confirmed that this Letter Box is still operational and is emptied every day at 4.45 pm. Clerk has requested that a Day Tag is put back in the box to show that it is in use and a refurb of the paintwork may also help. This is all in hand.

Banner on Pensford Bridge: An enquiry was made asking for the Parish Councils agreement for a banner to be put up on Pensford Bridge to advertise a Slimming Club. Clerk advised them to contact Council Connect to ask permission. Parish Council agreed that they do not support the Banner on the Bridge.

SWAG Scaffolding: It was thought that this has been in situ long enough now. Chairman will speak with SWAG to ask for its removal.

Peats Hill: Complaints have again been received regarding the flooding at this location. Clerk once again contacted Kath Yeo at BANES who confirmed that she would get some more signage put up to warn of the flooding. Once the flooding is under control the road surface will be attended to.

Chairman’s Community Awards: Clerk submitted the nominations for the awards.

Garden Party: ALCA are seeking nominations for this year’s Garden Party. ALCA can send up to 4 people (to include spouse, partner etc.) to the Royal Garden Party. Effectively 2 couples. Any ALCA member councils that would like to make a nomination of the representatives to go to the Garden Party need to send their suggestions by the 6th February at the latest.

Parish Online Training: Clerk has received an email from Carl Greenman a Student at Bath Spa University who has now completed his initial training for Parish Online, and is ready to begin organising training sessions. Clerk has registered our Parish interest and awaits suggested dates to attend the University for training. Dates had been suggested in February. Clerk to find out if Tuesday 18th February or Tuesday 25th February is free to attend the University.

Re-Organics: 13/04126/MINW re AD facility at Queen Charlton site: All Parish Councillors were issued with a copy of the proposed Highway Conditions for the Anaerobic Digestion site at Re-Organics. Any further queries we are encouraged to raise with Anthea Hoey.

Parish Sweeper Scheme: Clerk has now obtained details of who is now in charge of the Parish Sweeper Scheme, it is the Environmental Protection Manager, Aled Williams who has confirmed that it should be possible to opt back into the scheme is we wanted to. He is asking if on a map we can draw the roads for which we wish to be cleaned, they will all need to be connected. The length of road will then be measured and a cost can be calculated. He has said that Parish Online can be used to do this if you are familiar with the programme.

Electoral Role: There will be a new Electoral Role produced in February. Clerk has asked to receive it by Paper Copy.

Junction of High Street & A37: Clerk was asked to report to B&NES that the tarmac is breaking up on this junction.

7) Planning: Applications to discussed by Sub-Committee:

13/05122/FUL Mr & Mrs Sanfillippo Doverhay Woollard Lane Publow Erection of a single storey rear extension with associated decking with balustrade. Parish Council Support

Planning Outcomes:

13/04969/FUL Mrs A Chilcott Windy Willows 3 Publow Lane Publow. Erection of single storey front extension. PERMIT

Planning Issues:

13/03640/VAR Parcel 7100 Woollard Lane Whitchurch Bristol. Removal of Condition 1 and variation of condition 2 to planning permission 10/03798/FUL (Change of use of land (retrospective) to a small private gypsy site for 1 no mobile home and 1 no touring caravan and associated ancillary development including a new access.

This application will be considered by the Development Control Committee on 15th January 2014.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary December 606.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 24.80
KC Printing Printing Leaflets/Post Office 25.00
Bristol Water Allotment Charge 13.05

Payment Authorised in December:

Arrhythmia Alliance Defibrillator for Hillcrest 2280.00

9. Any Other Business:

Woollard Notice board: The Notice board has fallen down and the glass has broken. Mrs Stephenson to progress the repairs to the Notice board.

10. Notice of Future Meetings:

Parish Cluster Group meeting Wednesday 22nd January 2014 Avon Room Saltford 6.30-08.00 pm
PCAA Meeting Tuesday 28th January 2014 Felton Village Hall 7.30 pm

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