Present: Chairman Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mr J Kelly, Mr P Baxter, Cllr P May, Mrs T Jones, Mrs J Gully, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs D Custance.
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg. There were twelve members of the public present.
1. Members of the Public:
a) Hidden Valley Bushcraft – Mr Nick Goldsmith: Mr Goldsmith attended the meeting to address concerns relating to the recent application in relation to his woodland for change of use of land to recreational purposes for use as a part time “Woodland Kindergarten” a day nursery/pre-school and the provision of therapeutic activities for injured veterans, birthday parties and educational courses. Including the erection of a tent (Tipi) to be erected in the Autumn and winter months and associated outbuildings. An extensive Woodland Management Plan has been prepared by Mr Goldsmith in relation to this site which is 1.8 acres in total. Concerns for where anyone visiting the site will Park have been addressed and agreement has been reached to park at the Memorial Hall Car Park. Much work has been undertaken by Mr Goldsmith on the footpath, installing wooden steps and a wooden bark path which Public Rights of Way are happy with. A further concern raised was will this application affect the Pre-school in Stanton Drew. It is thought that this resource would not affect it as it is a completely outdoor Educational Resource which will not suit everyone. The Parish Council agreed to support this planning application.
Mr K Breach – Land behind Guys Farm, Wick Lane: Mr Breach gave a summary of previous discussions with the Parish Council and subsequent applications made. An application for 10 houses had previously been turned down. A question raised by a Parish Councillor was how this land was included in the Housing Development Boundary. It is in a Conservation Area. A suggestion of building of two larger scale properties on the site was made. Traffic concerns were raised again with the point being made that this site used to be a Tip Site which is when the access onto Wick Lane was created. All traffic will have to pass the Bridge House which is a concern. It was argued that this access was a historic access and not created for tip purposes.
Bulb Fund: Jane Flower asked if the Parish Council would be happy to pay for bulbs for St Thomas a Becket Churchyard from the Bulb Fund Money donated. Parish Council agreed to this.
Middle Field Compton Dando: Member of the Public attended the meeting to ask for the support of the Parish Council in objecting to an application in relation to Middle Field Charlton Road Queen Charlton in respect of the re-profiling of the land for purposes of agricultural improvement. If this site were to be supported by BANES potentially there could be scope then for 3 tipping sites very close to one another which could include Knights Folly & Resourceful Earth site. Parish Council agreed to submit their objections to this.
2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr S Filer.
3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None Received.
4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 9th January 2017 as a true and fair record: After being circulated and read were signed as a true record.
5. To receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:
A37 Proposals: Proposals made by BANES are being followed up. Safety of pedestrians remains a concern, bollards are constantly being knocked over.
Short Lane: In order to justify the installation of a pedestrian crossing to the Bus Stop the number of pedestrians including children & Elderly need to be counted.
Vehicle Activated Signs: It was confirmed that BANES will be providing these for Old Road.
Ward Councillors Initiative: Bids were received from the Tennis Club and the Memorial Hall Committee for the Play Area. Cllr May suggested his sum of money £4,00 should be donated to the Play Area and asked if matched funding could be provided from the Parish Council.
Parish Council support the funding of the Play Area, however matched funding would have to be discussed and will be put on the Agenda for discussion at the next meeting.
6. To receive any updates on current matters:
a) Lock Up: More clarification on quotes was requested by PPSCT.
b) Tennis Club: Awaiting a decision on an application from the LTA. Hope to resurface the courts mid-March.
c) Fingerposts: No progress to report. The extra street furniture has not been moved yet. There is enough money from fundraising to complete 2 posts. Fundraising will need to continue to complete all of the fingerposts.
d) Stanton Road Pensford Closure Update: Progress has been good and plans are to re-open in early March weather permitting.
e) Acker Bilk Bench & Wall Ownership: Before the bench is put into place it was reported that the Wall is in need of repair. Part of the wall in question belongs to Popham Cottage. Mr Baxter volunteered to discuss costs of repairs with the owner of the wall. A quote received to re-build the wall and install stone slabs to put the bench on was £1,500. A breakdown of this quote will be required.
f) Neighbourhood Plan: The Examiner’s Report contained some recommendations which have to be accepted for the plan to proceed to referendum. A meeting was held to discuss the changes and they have been agreed. The amended plan will be on the Web Site. The Plan will now proceed to Referendum and BANES will advise of date. Thanks were extended to Chris James.
7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:
a) Publow Lane – Weight Restriction & HGV’s: The problems with HGV’s becoming stuck along the small lanes such as Publow Lane was taken up with BANES. They have advised for the removal of Publow Lane and similar on Sat Navs contact is made with Navteq by following the link https://here.com/en/contact
An unsuitable for HGV sign will be placed on the junction of Woollard Lane and Charlton Road. A form to request for a weight restriction traffic regulation order ad sign will be completed.
b) Parking Survey: Problems with Parking in the Village were mentioned at a recent workshop. The question was raised if there had been any surveys in the Village? – Possible as part of the Chew Valley Transport study or the recent Resident Parking Survey. As there have been no recent surveys carried out this will now be progressed with Chris Major from BANES.
c) 17/00145/FUL Parcel 3274 Land Stanton Drew: Discussed under members of the public.
8. Reports:
a) Assets of Community Value Workshop: A meeting attended by the Chairman. This new Community Right (sometimes called the “Community Right to Buy” or “Community Right to Bid”) allows defined community groups, including Parish Councils, to ask the Council to list certain assets as being of “community value”. This is designed to give communities more opportunities to take control of the assets and facilities important to them. If an asset is listed and then comes up for sale, the new right could give communities that want it a total of 6 months to put together a bid to buy it (including a 6-week cut-off for an initial proposal to be put forward). An example would be the Post Office as it is necessary for the Community. Or a Public house should it be at risk of closing, it could then be purchased by the Community.
b) Memorial Hall AGM Update: A new Committee was formed, although the position of Treasurer is still being decided. £5K is needed per year to run the hall. Bookings are encouraged. The proceeds from the Bar have generated a healthy income for the hall in the last year. The Play Area is a continual drain on resources. A survey was carried out and requests were made for a Zip Wire in the Play Area. This may require the removal of more trees? Concerns of light pollution from the Tennis Courts have been made.
Concerns in relation to the Trustees position with the Hall were raised….this will be looked into. Clerk to circulate recent emails in relation to this.
c) Clerks Progress Report:
Overhanging Hedge: BANES have been contacted again and asked to deal with an overhanging hedge in Parsonage Lane. A resident cannot have her gas delivery because of this hedge. It is hoped that BANES will liaise with the resident directly.
Pensford Hill Concerns: An email has been received from a resident of Pensford Hill raising concerns again about pedestrian safety on Pensford Hill. The metal bollard outside of their property no 4 Hillside Villas has just been replaced after being knocked down for 6 times in 3 months. BANES are now planning to replace it with a plastic bollard to avoid such frequent call-outs. Concerns here because a plastic bollard would not stop a lorry mounting the pavement. The resident reports that they are disappointed by the apparent lack of action on any promises made by the local authority. Many follow up requests have been listed. The email has been forwarded to Kelvin Packer at BANES and Cllr May has confirmed that he has a meeting with him today.
Pensford Primary School: Headmaster Mr Barton has been emailed and invited to the March Meeting. He has confirmed his attendance.
Church Street: Concerns have been raised regarding cars travelling down Wick Lane, entering Church Street and turning right instead of left along the One Way system. Clerk has emailed BANES and requested that the White Lines are enhanced.
Log Cabin, Woollard: BANES have been asked for an update on the Log Cabin in Woollard Lane. The last update the Parish Council received was in May 2016 where it was reported that a meeting with the Legal Team was taking place to discuss the legal position in terms of prosecution or an injunction regarding the non-compliance with an enforcement notice.
True Speed Fibre: An email has been received from Charles Turton from True Speed who would like to talk to the Parish Council regarding working together to bring True Speed Fibre to the Home Broadband in Pensford. They have 77 Registrations of Interest in the service. Clerk has suggested that Charles attends the March Meeting to address the Parish Council.
20 mph Old Road: Cllr May has been asked to respond directly to the resident Mr Champion who raised concerns about Old Road last month. Clerk has no update at present.
Brown Direction Signs & 20 mph Sign on corner of High Street adjacent to the A37: Clerk has contacted Stefan Chiffers and asked him to organise the re-location of the brown signs and asked if the 20 mph sign can be moved further into the High Street and not on the corner in its present location. No update back from Stefan at present.
Hursley Hill Lay By Hursley Hill: Concerns were raised last month about the rubbish around this area and reports of human faeces being found on site. All details were logged with Council Connect after a follow up email BANES reported that Officers from the Food Safety Team and Environmental Protection attended the snack van on the 18th January 2017 and conducted an inspection. At the time of the visit there was no evidence to suggest that the operator was in any way conducting his business to the detriment of the area. Rubbish created by his operation is contained and removed by the operator daily; the operator also has facilities within his towing vehicle to conduct his toilet activities. Therefore the conclusion from the site visit is that the operator of the snack van is not responsible and the likelihood is that other users including overnight lorry drivers could be responsible for any waste and other detritus left in the area. Should the Parish council require collection or litter picking we should contact Waste services team on 01225 394041
Flooding: Flooding has been reported to Council Connect at Priestdown and again at Peats Hill. Clerk has followed this up but was told it was logged on 2nd February 2017 and BANES have 28 days to respond to the complaint. As at 9th February there was no update to offer.
Flooding Coombe House: Since the resurfacing of the A37 Coombe House is suffering a slight flooding issue with excess water running off of the A37 and past their front door. This did not happen before the resurfacing took place. A video showing the water run-off and an email has been sent to BANES asking that they look at this as a matter of urgency.
Trees at Memorial Hall: Clerk received an enquiry as to the latest on the trees. Clerk passed the email to the Memorial Hall for their attention. The new Chairman Mr S Wilcox has replied.
Financial: Parish Precept: A meeting was held between the Clerk & Mr Kelly to discuss the Budget for 2017/18 and to set the Precept amount. The amount being requested is £11,440 a 2% rise.
Changes to Rubbish Collections 6th November 2017: Clerk has received details from BANES ahead of letters going out to residents in March regarding changes to rubbish collections. Details have been sent to the Web Site & Parish Magazine. A notice has gone on the Noticeboard. All Parish Councillors have been sent a copy of the details from BANES.
16/05653/FUL Midas Recycling Ltd, Land to South of South Bristol Motor Company New Road Pensford. Demolition of existing commercial structures and the erection of 10no. semi-detached three bedroom dwelling houses with integral garages, including access on to New Road. 10 no off street parking spaces, 6 no visitor parking spaces and associated soft/hard landscaping.
A second response was sent to BANES case officer Alice Barnes following the attendance of
Mr James at the meeting in January. Clerk has circulated a copy of the letter to all Parish Councillors and Mr James.
9. Planning:
Applications Consulted:
17/00145/FUL Mrs L Goldsmith Parcel 3274 Pensford Lane Stanton Drew. Change of use of land to recreational purposes for use as a part time “Woodland Kindergarten” a day nursery/pre-school and the provision of therapeutic activities for injured veterans, birthday parties and educational courses. Including the erection of a tent (Tipi) to be erected in the Autumn and winter months and associated outbuildings. Parish Council unanimously voted to support this application.
17/00355/ADCOU J Wookey Old Steading Belluton Farm Stanton Road. Prior approval request for change of use of part of Agricultural building to Dwelling C3 and associated operational development. Parish Council Support.
17/00354/OUT Mr & Mrs C Smart Leigh Farm Old Road Pensford. Proposed dwelling. Parish Council to submit objections to this proposal which is in the Green Belt and Outside of the Housing Development Boundary.
Planning Outcomes:
None Received
10. Financial Matters:
Payments to be authorised over £100.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 26 £744.57
Titan Internet Services Renewal £240.00
Memorial Hall Hire for 2017 12 Meetings £175.00
Payments to be authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest + Computer Ink @ £9.00 £36.00
Mrs J Bragg Land Registry Charge for ownership details of Wall £6.00
Receipts to note:
None to note.
11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:
Wall on Pensford Hill: Concerns were raised again about the condition of the Wall.
12. To Note Future Meetings:
Chew Valley Forum Meeting Monday 27th February 2017 at 6 pm
Parish Liaison Meeting 15th February 2017 at 6.30 pm in the Community Space Keynsham