Parish Council Minutes – 12th October 2015


Present: Chairman – Mrs J Stephenson Mrs L Cains, Mrs J Jones, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mr P Baxter, Mr J Kelly, Mrs D Custance. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
Members of the Public: Mr S King, Mr P Hunt, Mr A Ford, J Flower, Mrs J Bilk, Mrs R Anstey, Mrs S Jenkins, Mr & Mrs Hunt

Members of the public attending reported the problem with cars being parked on the corner outside of Lock Up Cottages. This continues to make this corner dangerous. Members of the public will welcome the Yellow Lines here if they are put down. It was confirmed to Members of the Public that work is due to commence on the potholes at Priestdown on 15th October 2015.

Overhanging hedges were reported from the Car Sales down to the Village. Mr Baxter confirmed that this hedge has now been cut by a volunteer member of the public. Hedges on the opposite side of the road were also reported as overhanging.

1. Mr Simon King & Mr Paul Hunt attended the meeting to donate money from the Music Festival towards the Memorial Seat for Acker Bilk. Mr Hunt reported that Acker often used to play for free at the music festival to help raise much needed funds for the Memorial Hall. Mrs Bilk thanked the Parish Council for their idea of the Memorial Bench. A Photograph was taken of the presentation of the cheque.

The Memorial Bench will be sited next to the Lock Up. The current metal seat will be re-located somewhere in the village.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Gully, Mr T Heaford & Cllr P May.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: A late planning application had been received for St Thomas a Becket Church. Mr Baxter declared an interest.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 14th September 2015 as a true and fair record. The minutes were confirmed as being a true and fair record and duly signed by the Chairman.

5. To receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:

Cllr May submitted a report in his absence. A busy month has been undertaken due to work with senior officers of banes to plan for £38m of savings over the next four years. Cllr May is pushing for parity of services such as highways, parks etc. Cllr May is keen to push the highways match funding scheme with parishes. If the Parish can think of other things which would help them he is keen to listen.

No progress has been made with the highways people despite many requests due to sickness and a change in staff.

Cllr May is now on the Board of Sirona the deliverer of front line health and social needs for the community and has been to the health and well being committee.

In Whitchurch, the horse world application has now been received as a master plan for 200 houses. There are knock on implications re highways, schooling and health which could affect our area as well.

Cllr May has had correspondence with the head teacher at the Primary School about the risks in relation to the A37 to youngsters and their parents. Cllr May to take this further.

6. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

i) Acker Bilk Seat: Chairman reported that the bench cost will now be £4K. The proposed bench will have two sides made of granite with metal in the middle and a plaque. A different stone could be used which would bring the cost down to £500 for each side. It was suggested that alternative materials should be looked into maybe a wood such as Iroko Wood. Unsure if the price included VAT. A grant will be applied for through the Community Trust. A piece has gone into the Parish Magazine asking for any further donations from Members of the Public. A collection box at a local event was also suggested. Further quotes were also suggested.

ii) Play Area: It was suggested by a Parish Council member that the Parish Council should take over the responsibility of the Play Area. Costings have been obtained from the Memorial Hall since 2011. Surrounding Parishes have been contacted to find out who is responsible for the maintenance of their play areas. All appear to be the responsibility of the Parish Council. However some have had the benefit of large cash donations from other sources. Parish Council agreed to look at this further. Cllr May will be asked if there are any projects which he may be able to help with.

iiii) Bus Shelter – planter: The plants had been purchased and a team of helpers arrived to plant up the planter. However the builder had not left enough depth of soil for planting and was asked to come back and remove the stone. This was done and soil was sourced from Hinton Organics who delivered the compost. A member of the public passing by also stopped to help plant up the planter. This was finished on a Thursday, however by Monday one of the plants had been removed…since then pansies and bulbs have been planted.

v) Village Clean Up Day: This will be held on Sunday 25th October at 2.30pm. Starting at the Memorial Hall Concentrating on the Centre of the Village, High Street and Woollard If residents wish they can concentrate on their own areas where they live. Station Approach area is ok. High Viz Jackets, Litter Pickers and hopefully bags and gloves will be provided by BANES.

vi) Remembrance Sunday Parade: All on track. A bugler is in place. L Cains will lay the wreath on behalf of the Parish Council. Clerk will collect the Wreath from the British Legion in Whitchurch. Police have been contacted.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) War Memorial: A notification of designation was received from Historic England who wish to add the war memorial to the List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (‘The List’), as part of their response to the centenary of the First World War. Parish Council supported this.

b) Parish Sweeper Scheme: Clerk contacted BANES who have confirmed that it should be possible to opt back into the scheme. On discussion the areas proposed for the Sweeper to cover would be the Centre of the Village, Church Street, Lock Up area and up High Street, Woollard Bridge. This area would have to be defined on a map and submitted to BANES for them to measure the distance. Clerk to progress

c) Christmas Tree: L Cains will contact J Gully and progress this. Provision of electric was discussed.

d) Tennis Courts: The Committee remain unhappy with the courts. A meeting has been held with the contractor. Remedial work will be carried out. The base of the courts has sunk and patching work was necessary. Another top layer will be put down in Spring. There will be a financial implication involved. Full cost has not been paid to the contractor. The School continue to use the courts and also Cardio Tennis continues.

8. Reports:

a) Neighbourhood Plan: A meeting was held on Wednesday 7th October. This was to put together the questionnaires and accompanying maps. The delivery of the questionnaires took place by designated groups on the weekend of 10th & 11th October. Questionnaires are already being returned. Information has been posted on the Web Site, Parish Notice boards, the Post Office and other various locations around the village. Banners have again been put up on the bridge by the Primary School, Woollard Bridge and on the board outside of the Memorial Hall. There will be 10 prizes of £25 each offered to the winners of the draw who have returned their questionnaires before the 24th October. Local Businesses are being contacted to find out if they wish to be involved. The £25 vouchers will only be redeemable with the Local Businesses who have agreed to be involved. The final date for return is 31st October. A spreadsheet has been produced for the input of the results.

It was reported at the ALCA meeting that the referendum percentage was Backwell 40.7% which is currently the highest in the Country and Long Ashton 30.2%.

b) ALCA AGM: Attended by the Chairman. Well attended meeting. A presentation was given by a lecturer from UWE explaining Planning. Planning proposals made in the 1930’s were compared. It is anticipated that Yearly Subscriptions will be less for small Parish Councils in the future. ALCA are currently looking at either increasing the present Secretaries hours or employing another person due to increasing workload. Parish Council agreed to invite a representative from NALC (National Association of Local Councils) to a future meeting.

c) Clerks Progress Report:

Church Street Yellow Lines: Traffic Management Team have thanked the Parish Council for comments on the proposed scheme. All comments are currently being collated. At the end of the consultation period a report of all comments, both of support and objection will be prepared for consideration by the Executive Member for Transport, Cllr Anthony Clarke. Once the final decision with respect to the proposals being either implemented, amended or withdrawn, has been made BANES will write giving information of the outcome. Please note this is process can take approximately three months.

Priestdown Lane: BANES propose to carry out works to Priestdown Lane starting 15th October 2015 for a maximum period of one week. The road will be restricted when signs are in position. It is anticipated only to be for a period of 1 day between 8am – 4.30p.m. Details circulated to all Parish Council members and the Web Site.

Road Closure Charlton Lane: Notice of Closure of Charlton Lane has been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

Village Signs: No update to offer from Cllr May but he will be progressing this on the Parish Councils behalf

Hillside House Wall: Building control have confirmed that they have not seen a copy of the survey promised by the owners. Building Control suggest that Parish Council request a copy for their records?

Village Green: In response to an email from a Member of Public regarding the lack of cutting of the village green the footpaths officer has been asked to deal with this on his return from holiday. Member of Public has been informed by the Clerk.

Short Lane: Clerk has advised BANES Representative Lyn Parfitt that the Parish Council believe Short Lane to be spelt “Short” Lane and it is the Lane which runs off of Old Road up past Acker Bilks house.

Finger Post: The Highway Inspector Anthony Davies is now helping with finding out about the repairs to the Finger Post – direction sign for Publow. It was also mentioned to Lyn Parfitt that Publow lacks signage and she is going to look into suitable locations for signs.

St Thomas a Becket Churchyard: As part of the process to transfer the responsibilities of Pensford Churchyard from Pensford Parish Council to Bath and North East Somerset Council, the Parks & Bereavements Services Department are required to place public notices issued by the Diocese of Bath & Wells on the notice board at the churchyard for a period of 28 days. Once the notice period has expired they must return the notices to the Chancellor to enable the final process of the addition of Pensford Churchyard to our existing Faculty and Further Orders. Chairman will meet with a representative on Tuesday 13th October at 11am. It is proposed to place the notices in the Notice board of the Church Rooms.

Pensford Play Area: Following a recent inspection it is reported that the set of 2 Flat Swings: Quicklinks of tail chain of both swings are worn and should be replaced on or before 05/12/2015. Details have been forwarded to the Memorial Hall Committee Chairman who has replied and requested that the Clerk ask BANES to repair the swings and invoice accordingly. This has been done.


A37 – An email from Liz Hine informed the Parish Council that a drunk driver drove at speed down Pensford Hill, no other vehicles or pedestrians were involved. Driver detained at the scene. Liz has reported the smashed bollard to Banes and Paul May is aware and added this to the list of incidents.

Planning Policy: 15/03505/FUL Mr. P Moore Foxley 2 Publow Lane Pensford – when the parish council discussed this application it was noted that there was no Design and Access Statement accompanying it and an email was sent to planning asking why. Planning have confirmed that “There is not a requirement for Design and Access Statements for householder applications, although some do include them anyway.”

Primary School Petition Letters: Letters have been received from Pensford Primary school written by year 4, 5, & 6 in late July. It raises their concerns about the A37 and the quantity of accidents which have happened near to their school. A copy of the correspondence will be sent to Kelvin Packer and Cllr May for their attention. A reply from the Parish Council will be sent.

The Landscape Group: A glossy brochure and letter has been received from the Landscape Group who work currently with many local authorities and councils on a national basis. Details will be kept on file.

Church Street: Following the receipt of an un-signed letter put through their door a member of the public contacted the Parish Council raising concerns that there appeared not to have been any information or consultation from the Parish Council or BANES regarding the proposals for Church Street. Parish Council Chairman replied informing the Parishioner that “The matter has been discussed at various Parish Council meetings, namely April, May, June, July, August and September. The Agenda and Minutes of these meetings are displayed on the notice board outside the Miners’ Institute and are on the website – Chairman also confirmed that this was a BANES led consultation and BANES have followed their normal procedure by consulting with the Parish Council and then the Public and the criteria for this consultation process is public safety.”

9. Planning:

Applications considered by Planning Sub-Group:

15/04158/FUL Mr M Sivier Woodcroft Barn Woollard Lane Publow Two Storey front & side extension & alterations to driveway Parish Council Support

15/04201/FUL Mr M McMullen Sherwood Publow Lane Construction of two storey rear extension and additional alterations Parish Council Support

15/04054/FUL Hareclive Properties Redevelopment of Car Sales to include 6 x 3 bed houses and conversion of workshop to 2 x 3 bed cottages (Resubmission) Parish Council Support

Applications received to Consider and Comment:

15/04410/TCA Bluebell Cottage High Street Pensford Leylandii x 4 fell to ground level. Parish Council Support

15/04160/FUL Mr & Mrs Smart Sunningdale Woollard Lane Erection of single storey, rear extension (Resubmission of application 15/01239/FUL) Parish Council Support

15/04222/FUL Mr Nick Cullen Belluton House Stanton Road Pensford Erection of single storey timber built stable block. Parish Council Support

15/04307/LBA Mr P Baxter Internal Alterations to erect a glass screen with doorway between 2nd floor mezzanine and 1st floor living area. Parish Council Support

Planning Outcomes to Note:

15/0367/LBA Mr A. Ringer Cottles Farm House Blackrock Lane (Alterations & Extensions) CONSENT

15/03203/FUL Mr C Dembicki Station House 3 Station Approach. Erection of front wall and gates replacing existing PERMIT

Appeal Decision:

14/05615/ADCOU Appeal No APP/F0114/W/15/3006524 Belluton Barn Belluton Farm Stanton Road. Request for change of use from Agricultural Barn to Dwelling Appeal allowed and approval granted.

Planning Enforcement: An email had been received from Stanton Drew Parish Council reporting that the concerns in relation to The Barn, Old Down had been raised with the Enforcement Department It was confirmed by the landowner attending the meeting that no contact has been received from the Enforcement Officer so far.

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk September Salary 637.32
K C Printing Neighbourhood Planning Questionnaires/Banners etc 904.92
Grant Thornton External Audit 2015 Accounts 120.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 32.30
Mrs J Stephenson Purchase of Plants for Planter 87.93
Note: The plants are guaranteed for five years…

To note Payments Received:

BANES Precept 2nd Part 5500.00
BANES Parish Grant 345.00

Clerk has obtained the forms from the Bank to remove old signatories from the Bank Account and add new ones. There was no second signatory at the meeting; cheques will be signed in due course.

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Defibrillator: Information has been received from AED which informs the Parish Council new Pads & Batteries are needed for the Defibrillators in Woollard and at Hillcrest at a cost of £203.94. AED advise looking at Amazon Web Site for Batteries.

Woollard Bridge Painting works are now complete.

12. To Note Future Meetings: Chew Valley Area Forum Meeting 15th October 2015 at 6pm – Clerk to attend

Mrs Grimes gave her apologies for the November Meeting.

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