Parish Council Minutes – 12th January 2015


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson. Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs L Cains, Mr T Heaford, Mrs J Gully, Mr J Kelly. Clerk Mrs J Bragg.
Also present were two members of the public, Mr A Ford, Mr P May and Mrs T Jones.
Mrs Stephenson welcomed all to the meeting and greeted Mrs Jones who was attending the meeting with a view to joining the Parish Council. A Happy New Year was extended to all and the meeting commenced.

1) Members of the Public: Members of the Public raised problems with pot holes by Publow Church Car Park and along Peats Hill travelling towards Woollard. Clerk to inform Highways. Also Priestdown is in need of a clean as the water is not going into the gullies.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Edwards and Mrs J Jones.

3) Minutes of Monday 8th December 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

M & M Cable Works: It was reported that works in Chew Magna were due to commence on 7th February 2015 with a full closure of Chew Magna High Street between the 14th – 22nd of February.

Christmas Tree for the Village Green: Parish Council agreed to look at the provision of a Christmas Tree for this coming Christmas. Parish Council to consider a donation towards the cost of covers for the power cable if it was to be brought across the road as in past years.

Lock Up: The display of the Three Kings was reported to be very well received and created a lot of interest.

Memorial for Acker Bilk: Further discussion will take place.

Neighbourhood Planning: Mr Ford attended the meeting to collate feedback on the Questionnaire which had been produced by the Neighbourhood Planning sub-committee. It was agreed that final feedback would be collated at the February Meeting. It was agreed that some topics may be related to Parish Council and will possibly overlap with topics which are put into the Neighbourhood Plan.
A further Neighbourhood Planning meeting had taken place on Wednesday 7th January. A Chairman, Vice-chair and Secretary had been appointed. A Financial Officer position needs to be filled. The Primary School have been approached regarding producing a Logo and are happy to be involved. 22nd January 2015 will be the final designation date.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Appointment of Vice-Chairman: As the appointment of a Vice Chair is not mandatory, it was agreed to leave it for a while before appointing someone to this position.

b) Nomination of Community Trust Representative: Mr Heaford was nominated as the Representative for the Community Trust, he will attend Community Trust meetings along with the Parish Council Chair Mrs Stephenson.

c) Wick Lane Housing Update: The Public Consultation will be taking place on Monday 19th January between 1pm & 7pm. Clerk had booked the Memorial Hall. Parish Councils comments had been sent to Mr Breach.

d) Chairman’s of the Council Community Awards: The Awards Evening will take place on Thursday 29th January 2015. Mrs Gully & Mrs Stephenson will attend.

e) Memorial Hall Charges: Clerk reported that the fees will rise from January for the hire of the Memorial Hall. The Parish Council have been asked to pay £8.50 per hour which replaces the £9 per meeting which is being paid at present. A monthly meeting charge will now be £25.50. Clerk was asked to write to the hall committee to ask for a review of these charges.

f) Church Farm – Footpaths Consultation: In addition to the consultation sent out in November that outlined the proposed changes to the right of way network at Church Farm in Publow, proposed additions and amendments had been received.
These changes had come about as a result of the initial consultation.
Initial thoughts from the Parish Council were that the changes have put Walkers off of walking the paths now as it is very confusing as to which way to go and the proposed changes have increased the number of fields to cross. It was still thought the wooden bridge installed requires some safety measures as the sides are open and wide. Trees were reported to have been planted where the original landslide occurred to try and stabilise the land, however it was reported that the land has slipped again. Mrs Stephenson will walk the path and report back to BANES.

g) Defibrillators: It was reported that in South Gloucestershire & North Bristol Defibrillators had been stolen. The ones in Pensford and Woollard have remained secure. The Advice from AED was to remove the Defibrillator from the Cabinet and
inform GWA. However the Parish Council made the decision to leave the defibrillators in the cabinets. Members of the Public are asked to be vigilant. It was reported that the Post Office are soon to have CCTV cameras installed which will be able to monitor the Defibrillator outside of the Post Office.
The Parish Council were disappointed to hear that a vegetable box had recently been stolen from outside of the Post Office during daylight hours.
Defibrillator in Woollard: A new bulb has been replaced by the guardian Mrs Stephenson.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Memorial Hall: The AGM of the Memorial Hall will be taking place on Tuesday 3rd February at 7.00 pm followed by a normal meeting. The Memorial Hall Committee have asked that this meeting is promoted on their behalf. Any Agenda items should be submitted to the Chairman as soon as possible.

Accounts: A cheque was raised at the November meeting made payable to Gladwin Electrical Services for a total of £678.00 this was the Parish Council donation to electrical work carried out at the Memorial Hall. An email from the Treasurer on the 1st January 2015 informed the Clerk that because the works are not improvements the Memorial Hall spoke to Gladwin and they invoiced the hall direct. They had already paid this invoice and assumed that the Parish Council knew. The cheque therefore has been cancelled.

Police: I have been advised that PCSO’s no longer have the mobile numbers we have on our records. PCSO 8079 BRAGG and PCSO 6903 BAILEY will soon have new numbers, which will be provided in due course. A new number will also be provided for PC Gemma Hill once she returns from maternity leave. Contact now should be made via 101.

Clerk has notified the Web Site and Parish Mag.

Rok the Stones Marathon (24-Jan-2015)
The Parish Council have been informed of the inaugural Rok the Stones trail marathon will take place on Saturday-24-Jan 2015, to raise funds for the Pensford, Publow and the Stanton’s Community Trust. They are hoping to raise in excess of £1000 for local community projects.

The marathon consists of three separate loops, each starting from Stanton Drew Village Hall. The first loop follows the River Chew to Compton Dando, the second loop climbs onto Dundry and Maes Knoll, and the third includes the Folly Farm estate and Knowle Hill. More details can be found on the event website:

Royal Garden Party: This takes place at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday 12th May 2015. The Parish Council are asked to nominate two attendees by 2nd February 2015. Names will then go into the hat.

Redundant Bus Shelter: Quotes are still awaited for these works.

Hillcrest: No further complaints have been received regarding a car parking on the pavement in front of the Grit Bin by the Old Peoples Bungalows at Hillcrest.

Gritting: No problems have been reported to the Clerk in relation to lack of gritting.

Allotments: An advert has been created and sent to the Parish Magazine advertising vacant plots.

Quarry Lodge Woollard Lane Woollard. A CONFIDENTIAL update has been circulated.

7) Planning:

Applications to be discussed:

14/05615/ADCOU AMP Electrical Ltd Belluton Barn Belluton Farm Stanton Road. Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Barn to Dwelling (C3): Parish Council were minded to approve this, however clarification would be sought regarding which entrance/exit will be used. It was thought that the entrance by the Bus Stop on the A37 was quite dangerous and should have benefitted from Planning Consent for the entrance and the lighting which follows the track. Clerk to write to planning to this end.

14/05467/FUL Mr Monaghan Willow Tree Cottage Old Road Pensford. Erection of a two storey extension. Parish Council support but to bring to the attention of the Planning Department the land slips which have occurred in the past.

Planning Outcomes:

14/04165/FUL 4 Ways Pensford Ltd Development Site the Orchard, Pensford. Erection of 1no.4 bed house with garage and gardens. PERMIT

14/04164/FUL 4 Ways Pensford Ltd Police Lane Pensford. Erection of 2no. Three bedroom semi detached houses with garages and parking. PERMIT

14/04826/FUL Mr Gibbons 13 Hillcrest Pensford Erection of 2no. Bed dwelling to built to the side of 13 Hillcrest Pensford. REFUSE

14/04438/FUL Mr G Tidcombe Brambledene 5 Publow Lane, Pensford. Erection of rear extension and conservatory. PERMIT.

14/05345/TCA Mr Roberts Assured Trees. Pensford Primary School, Pensford.
1 x Willow – pruning works to high pollard effect. No Objection.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary December 631.32
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 14.60
Memorial Hall Hire for 9 months to December 2014 72.00

9. Any Other Business:

Speeding Old Road/High Street: A discussion took place on the speeding issues along Old Road and what possibly can be done to slow motorists down. It was agreed that the Parish Council should contact the Traffic & Safety Department again and ask for another site visit.

Parsonage Lane: It was reported that following works by M & M Contractors the level of the bank has been taken down. The bank needs to be re-instated. Clerk to contact M&M and ask them to look at it.

Tennis Club: It was reported that £500 had been received from collecting Bristol
Evening Post Vouchers. Recommendations are being sought for the re-surfacing of the courts.

New Chairman: Mrs Gully congratulated Mrs Stephenson on Chairing her first Parish Council meeting as the new Chairman.

Sleep Lane: The Give Way Sign has been removed.

Greenspace Designation: Clerk had circulated information from BANES which asked about which Greenspace Areas the Parish Council would like to identify which are of particular importance to them for special protection through designation in the Placemaking Plan. The following were suggested: Allotment Land, Village Green, Old Down, The Common, Land under the Viaduct and Culvery Wood. Clerk and Chairman will reply to BANES.

Parking: Cars continue to park on the pavement by Lock Up Cottages and in front of the War Memorial. Parish Council considered asking BANES for yellow lines to be put at these locations and motorists are ignoring the advisory white line. A raised footpath was suggested in front of Lock Up Cottages and along in front of the Lock Up. It was suggested that a representative from BANES Highways should come out and discuss this further.

Motorists were reported to be parking all day by the Post Office. It was thought that there is a limit there but if not maybe the parking bays should have a time limit on them to deter all day parking.

Grit Bin at the top of the Orchard: Needs replacing. Clerk to pursue.

Banners on Bridge: It was noted that there are more advertising banners on Pensford Bridge. Owners will be reminded that a Licence is necessary in order to put them at the side of the Main Road.

10. Notice of Future Meetings: Chew Valley Area Forum Meeting Thursday 12th February 2015 at The Wellsway Harptree Hill.



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