Parish Council Minutes – 16th April 2020


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson
Mrs J Gully, Mrs D Custance, Mr M Daniels, Ms J Flower(Part), Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Heaford, Mr P Baxter, Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk)
There were 0 Members of the public present.

5.1. Members of the Public: – None

5.2. Apologies for Absence None

5.3. Notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None

5.4. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 9th March 2020 and Monday 6th April 2020 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman will sign them at the next available opportunity.

5.5. An update on District Matters. Cllr Paul May reported that B&NES are working with 3SG (Bath & North East Somerset third sector group) in response to the Covid 19 outbreak and so far it is working well.
The Garden Waste collections have been stopped until June to enable staff to concentrate on the rubbish and recycling collections, however they were working to re-instate it sooner.
They are still aiming to re-open schools in September after the summer break.
Heritage has closed down, they have had problems with property rentals in the centre of bath and there is no income from the carparking so the council is likely to have financial problems long term unless the Government steps in.

3.6. Updates on current matters:
a) Memorial Hall-Cllr Paul Baxter- on lockdown due to Corona virus
b) Community Speedwatch – Cllr Mike Daniels – on hold until we have some normality.
c) Fingerposts – Cllr Janette Stephenson – No progress on Fingerposts at the moment
d) Vintage Phone Box – Cllr Paul Baxter & Cllr Jenny Gully – No progress due to Coronavirus
e) Defibrillators – Cllr Janette Stephenson – Thanks were expressed to Cllrs Tracy Jones and Mike Daniels for continuing their role as guardians of the defibrillators. SWAST Ambulance have asked for daily checks ( increased from weekly) this will be questioned once things settle a bit.
f) Allotments – Cllr Mike Daniels – busy as busy can be in this current situation. Two old tenants have not continued with their tenancy this year one full plot and one half but both have been filled. A new tenant has not responded to any contact and so one available.
g) Review of speed limit through Woollard & Publow – Cllr Janette Stephenson & Cllr Paul May – No progress until we are back to normal
h) Climate Emergency working group – Cllr Dawn Custance. On hold but have been in contact with a group that has bought 1000 oak whips to be planted in suitable places either as hedgerow infills or on sloping ground, they will be taking professional advice on land suitability etc. Pleased to hear Paul May is pushing BANES to declare an ecological emergency. Also have heard many comments from parishioners enjoying the peace and quiet of a village devoid of hurrying vehicles and roar of aeroplanes and being able to hear birds singing.

5.7. Matters for Discussion/ Decision:
a) The Parish Council resolved to extend the delegation of the council decisions to the Clerk during the period of restricted activity declared by the Government in respect of the Covid 19 virus, Such delegation, in line with the agreed procedure described in ‘the business continuity motion’, to enable the council to fulfil its responsibility to its residents

> Jane Flowers left the meeting due to technical difficulties

b) The Parish Council received an invitation to comment on the consultation of the Local Plan Partial Update & Draft Statement of community involvement. The Chairman would review the documents and make a recommendation to council.

c) The Parish Council received an update on the community response to the Covid-19 outbreak & the support available to residents. Simon King has co-ordinated volunteers in the Parish, available to help those self-isolating due to Covid 19. He is now in touch directly with B&NES, 3SG and WERN. B&NES had initially approached the Parish Council for assistance in distributing the food parcels to the shielded. B&NES were concerned about the low numbers that had registered, and they took Simons details to deal direct. Volunteers numbers have been circulated for support with shopping, and medication. B&NES compassionate communities Hub has been set up to offer more support for the vulnerable that cannot be offered by the local volunteers – The Number is 0300 247 0050 or visit
Pensford Post Office is offering a delivery service for groceries and other supplies.
The Community Trust have offered to pay for the leaflets which were distributed
The Parish Council approved expenditure to purchase gloves for volunteers: £54.84 (inc £9.14 VAT)

5.8. Reports:
a) The Clerks Progress Report, previously circulated, was accepted.
b) The Chairman had nothing additional to report.
5.9. Planning:
a) Applications to consult:
20/01339/FUL Sunningdale, Woollard Lane. Erection of two storey rear extension.
The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to the application as it was thought that previous extensions may have extended the original property beyond allowed levels and the site is outside of the development boundary in greenbelt.
b) Decision Notification: None
5.10. Financial Matters:
Financial Report
i) the financial Report was accepted.
ii) Payments to be authorised at January meeting were approved:
Dom Lowe Footpaths (March) £80
Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk Salary (April) £745.54
Gloves for Covid 19 Volunteers £54.84 (£9.14 VAT to recover)
Total value of cheques £880.38
5.11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: None
5.12. To Note Future Meetings: PCAA – Thursday 19th March 2020 (cancelled)
Parish Liaison – Tuesday 31st March 2020 (cancelled)
B&NES ALCA meeting – Thursday 11th June 2020 Avon Room, Saltford Parish Hall
Parish Liaison – Thursday 16th July 2020
B&NES ALCA meeting – Thursday 3rd September 2020
Parish Liaison – Thursday 22nd October 2020


The meeting closed at 19.59pm

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