Parish Council Minutes – 12th February 2020


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Mrs J Gully, Mrs D Custance, Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mr P Baxter, Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk)
There were 7 Members of the public present.

2.1. Members of the Public: – A Resident suggested that an alternative use for the CIL fund could be to extend the Car Park at the Memorial Hall.

2.2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs S Grimes.

2.3. Notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None

2.4. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 13th January 2020 were agreed as a true and fair record.

2.5. An update on District Matters.
(i) B&NES Council and North Somerset Council have withdrawn from the Joint Spatial Plan (JSP) following the inspector’s recommendation. South Gloucestershire are due to withdraw but Bristol are refusing. Bristol with be automatically withdrawn after 3 months. The Ward Councillor has been invited to join the Local development forum who will be progressing the Local Plan.
(ii) The Ward Councillor has spoken to Kelvin Packer regarding the feasibility study for the Village Green, who will look at it again.
(iii) Double white lines have been requested on the road passed Hursley Hill Garage as there have been several accidents due to cars overtaking.
(iv) Sarah Warren, Cabinet member for Climate Emergency & Neighbourhood Services will be speaking at the North Somerset Planning meeting regarding the expansion of Bristol Airport. She will be highlighting the impact on the rural parishes.
(v) Cabinet will be considering the Budget his week.
(vi) B&NES will be cleaning the verges along the A37 on the 10th/11th February and in Belluton on the 2nd March.
(vii) B&NES have been dealing with the clear up of 50 trees blown over in Storm Ciara.

2.6. Updates on current matters:
a) Memorial Hall: Steve Wilcox was re-elected as Chairman, with no Vice-Chairman. The Tennis Club have withdrawn their proposal to refurbish the Changing rooms to a club room. A football team has approached the committee requesting the use of the field and changing rooms. The Committee wants to employ an events manager.
b) The Tennis Club: The Tennis Club Committee met on January 15th 2020, Following lengthy discussion they unanimously agreed to withdraw their proposal to refurbish parts of the rear of the Memorial Hall.
They will now continue with their original plan (from May 2019) to replace the tennis hut with a larger one in the same location. At the Hall Committee Meeting on 4th February 2020, representatives of the Tennis Club Committee therefore asked for an agreement by the Hall Committee meeting to allow them to pursue the original plan. Hall Committee unanimously voted in agreement.
c) Community Speed-watch: Some volunteers have come forward to assist – further update next month.
d) finger posts: The Highways officer is adamant that the Finger Post is at the height it should be, but the level of the ground has been raised over the years. He will find out if the other road signs can be removed and then the Parish Can go ahead and remove the grit that has built up on the corner. Paul May has asked Kelvin Packer to install kerbing around the foot of the finger post.
Paul May is also requesting that Highways consider installing a 30mph limit between Woollard & Publow and to consider a 20 mph zone though Woollard.
e) Vintage Phone Box: a few locations had been identified with the favoured position being on private land,

2.7. Matters for Discussion/ Decision:
a) The Parish council resolved to recognise the existence of a climate emergency. The Parish Council adopted the declaration proposed by a resident. A working group would be set up to include Parish Councillors and residents to advise the Parish Council on environmental matters. Dawn Custance & Mike Daniels volunteered.
b) The budget setting process was reviewed and the Parish Council resolved that they were satisfied with this years process. A councillor had questioned the legality of updating the draft budget after the agenda had been released, but the Clerk and ALCA independently, confirmed that the Parish Council had operated within the Law.
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c) The Parish Council received a report of persistent dog fouling in Hillcrest and the resident had been advised to
contact the B&NES dog warden with their evidence. The Parish Council considered the installation of new bins
and it was agreed that before bins could be installed the procedure for emptying them had to be agreed. It was
resolved that the Village Hall would be approached to discuss a collaboration regarding their commercial waste
d) The Clerks mileage allowance (45p per mile) & Working from home allowance (£18 per month) was approved.
e) The Parish Council expressed thanks to Dom Lowe for organising a litter pick this month, and also the residents
that joined in. The next Litter pick would take place on the weekend of the 4th & 5th April as part of the National
Campaign organised by Keep Britain Tidy – the Great British Spring Clean.
f) The Parish Council received a report that the gritting lorry was unable to drive through the High Street due to
Parked Cars and so the road was not gritted. It was also noted that emergency vehicles would not be able to get
through. It was resolved that the Parish Council would post a leaflet through homes on the High Street asking
residents to park considerately. Steve Filer would draft the leaflet and it could be delivered during the litter pick.
g) A resident reported that brambles were overhanging the pavement outside De Gratton House. The Clerk would
write to the home owner to ask them to cut them back.

2.8. Reports:
a) The Clerks Progress Report had been circulated.
b) The notes from the ALCA meeting 5th February would be circulated
c) The Chairman reported that 10 people had attended the defibrillator training in Pensford and 18 attended the
event in Woolard. It was advised that the training should be repeated every 2 years. It was resolved that the
service provided by AED was not good value for money and the contract would not be renewed at the end of the
current term. The Parish Council would sign up with South West Ambulance Service instead.

2.9. Planning:

a) Applications to consult:
i) 20/00079/FUL: Glyncoed, New Road, Pensford. Erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of
existing lean-to rear extensions. Excavation of rear garden and retaining walls to provide a rear garden terrace and
stepped planters. The Parish Council agreed to support the application.
ii) 20/00315/FUL: Langford Farm, Woollard Lane, Woollard. Erection of a wooden shelter to house a milk vending
machine. The Parish Council agreed to support the application

b) Decision Notification:
i) 19/05219/FUL: Station House, 3 Station Approach, Pensford. Earthworks to existing embankment forming part of
the rear garden of 3 Station Approach to enable the construction of a stepped pathway to a new patio area. PERMIT
ii) 19/04474/FUL: Maryland Old Road, Pensford. Erection of first floor extension and ground floor alterations and
new adjoining residential annex. PERMIT

2.10. Financial Matters:
Financial Report
i) the financial Report was accepted.
ii) Payments to be authorised at January meeting were approved:
Dom Lowe Footpaths £80 (Awaiting Invoice)
Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk Salary February £674.45
NEST Pension £63.53
Mrs Helen Richardson Imprest tbc

2.11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Climate Emergency

2.12. To Note Future Meetings: Chew Valley Forum meeting 24th Feb 2020
B&NES ALCA meeting – Thursday 11th June 2020 Avon Room, Saltford Parish Hall
B&NES ALCA meeting – Thursday 3rd September 2020
Parish Liaison – Tuesday 31st March 2020
Parish Liaison – Thursday 16th July 2020
Parish Liaison – Thursday 22nd October 2020
The meeting closed at 20.51pm

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