Parish Council Minutes – 11th November 2019


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Mr M Daniels, Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower & Mr P Baxter, and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk)
There were 7 Members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public: – A resident reported that he wanted to consider ways of protecting the Binding Stone which is in the road in Church Street, outside the Old Forge. He said it needs protecting as it is a historical stone and part of Pensford’s heritage. He would like to clear around it and put in some railway sleepers and some drainage. It was suggested that he speak to B&NES in the first instance who may be able to advise and confirm whether the land is privately owned or part of the adopted highway. It was noted that it is one of a sweep of iron works in that area that were in danger of being lost.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from T Heaford, S Grimes, T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES)

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: P Baxter (item 6i)

4. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 14th October 2019 were agreed as a true and fair record.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters.

(i) Cllr Paul sent a written report in his absence to say that Purdah now applies and therefore care needs to be taken when reporting party political issues

(ii) He also reported that a special B&NES council meeting would take place on 16th December to decide how to proceed with the JSP – the public are welcome.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Remembrance Day: It was reported that the event had been attended by about 200 people and all the event management should be in place for next year. Thanks were expressed to the two volunteers who had stepped in with DBS checks as there had not been enough notice to arrange any new DBS checks. Tracy Jones and Jane Flower volunteered to go through the DBS checks for next year. The Parish Council also wanted to pass on their thanks to Umang Patel and the Pensford Post Office for providing the refreshments.

b) Allotments: It was reported that Mike Daniels and the Clerk would be attending training from the National Allotment Association on Wednesday 13th November.

c) Memorial Hall: The Memorial Hall Committee would be meeting on the 12th November.

d) Finger Posts: the renovation of the remaining finger posts was still proving problematic. The original forge had closed and an alternative – A Forge in Somerset had quoted £7290 and £5700 for the two remaining posts. Pete Rogers would be able to renovate most of the posts, but replacement arms were needed. Investigations would continue

e) Litter Pick Over 20 people helped with the Litter pick and lots of rubbish was collected – it was suggested that the frequency of the litter picks was increased to 4 times per year, with the next one in Jan/Feb. A couple of pickers and hi Vis jackets had not been returned and were needed so that they could be returned to B&NES.

f) Defib Awareness session: It was agreed that it would take place on a Monday – date to be confirmed.

g) Distribution of Poppies: It was noted that some areas of the parish had been decorated with more poppies than others. It was reported that the poppies had been arranged by individual residents, not by the Parish Council.

h) Work on the river in Church Street: The Wall has been rebuilt, dead trees have been removed and large cracks have been repaired. However, work has stopped as the bottom of the wall was going to be filled with sandbags filled with sand and cement as a temporary fix with no permanent solution considered. Concerns were raised about pollution of the river and the suitability of the cement sandbags. Waiting for an alternative solution.

i) War Memorial: Three quotes were considered and it was agreed to accept the proposal from P Baxter to clean the Memorial for £200. It was suggested that the Reclamation yard should be contacted to see if they can update the lettering.

j) Traffic Calming on High Street & Old Road: It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the police for more information on Community Speedwatch

7. Matters for Discussion/ Decision:

a) To consider the extension of the Tennis Club Lease: The Parish Council resolved to support the Tennis Clubs request for the extension of the tennis Club Lease and instructed their representative on the Management committee to vote in favour.

b) To consider the offer of the donation of a vintage red telephone box: Deferred to next month as current owner of red phone box was unable to attend.

c) To confirm arrangements for the Village Christmas tree: The Parish Council agreed that they would be pleased to accept the offer of a 10ft Christmas Tree donated by the Pensford Post Office. Volunteers were needed to put up and take down decorations – Date to be confirmed. The Parish Council approved expenditure of up to £50 for new lights.

d) To nominate a representative to the B&NES Rural Transport Group: Jane Flower & Jenny Gully volunteered to join the B&NES rural Transport Group.

e) To consider the installation of waste bins in the Parish. The Parish Council considered the installation of duel use dog bins/waste bin. Cllr M Daniels offered to get some made up and offered to empty them. Design of proposed bins would be circulated by Cllr Daniels.

f) To adopt the Parish Council Complaints Procedure: Deferred to next meeting to give councillors more time to consider the draft procedure.

g) To address a resident’s concerns about visibility at the end of Old Road : It was reported that B&NES had started to cut back vegetation, but more clearance was needed. A resident offered to cut the hedge. It was noted that the wall at the end of Old Road is falling down and there are large cracks in the wall at the Bottom of Short Lane. Both would be reported to B&NES.

h) To approve expenditure for a feasibility study for changes to Village Green. The Parish Council requested a breakdown from B@NES of the proposed fee of £2500 for the Feasibility Study.

8. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report had been circulated.

b) Report from the Chairman: The Chairman reported that Lionel Seymour had passed away. Lionel had served on the Parish Council for many years.

c) Parishes Liaison Meeting: The notes from the meeting would be circulated.

9. Planning:


i) 19/04474/FUL. Maryland, Old Road, Pensford. Erection of first floor extension and ground floor alterations and new adjoining Residential Annex: The parish Council resolved that they had no objection.
ii) 19/0443/FUL & 19/04444/LBA. 184 Publow Lane, Woollard. Erection of single storey extension to the rear : The Parish Council resolved to support this application


i) 19/02745/FUL. Blannings, Ringspit Lane, Publow: Installation of Water treatment plant. PERMIT

10. Financial Matters:

Financial Report

i) the financial Report was accepted.

ii) Payments to be authorised prior to November meeting(retrospective) were approved:

PKF Littlejohn External Audit – Admin Charge £96 (£16 VAT to recover)

iii) Payments to be authorised at November meeting were approved:

DPM Lucas Village Green cutting £30.00
Dom Lowe Footpaths £80.00
Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk November Salary £703.35
Mrs Helen Richardson Imprest tbc

iv) To consider items/projects to include in the first draft of the 2020-2021 budget: The Parish Council agreed that items to be considered in next year’s budget included; the Village Green, Waste bins, more hours for the Footpaths officer, CRB checks, and equipment for regular litter picks.

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:


12. To Note Future Meetings:

Chew Valley Forum meeting 25 November 2019, 24th Feb 2020
Interagency Meetings: 12th November 2019.
Council Priorities & Key financial Plans 17th December 2019.
The meeting closed at 20.52 pm

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