Minutes – 11th March 2019


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice Chairman: Mr T Heaford Mr J Kelly, Mrs J Gully, Mr J Kelly, Mrs T Jones, Mr Tony Jones, Mr S Grimes, Mr P Baxter.
There were six members of the public present.

1. Public Participation:

a) Mr S Harries – A37 Safety Works: Mr Harries did not attend the meeting.
Allotments: An allotment tenant attended the meeting seeking the Parish Councils Membership Number to the National Allotment Association. Clerk to provide this. Member of the Public reported that there is a boat and now a large shed on the allotment plot. Clerk explained the boat will be a planter eventually. The shed is not a concern.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr M Daniels and Cllr P May & Mrs D Custance.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda. No interests declared.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 11th February 2019 after being circulated and read were signed as a true record.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: In the absence of Cllr May the Chairman gave an update from an email received from BANES regarding the completion of the Hill Works and proposed road closures for 16th March, 23rd & 24th March. Clerk had informed BANES of an event-taking place at the Bath & West Showground on the 16th March. They responded by updating their travel advice.
A concern had been raised regarding the kerbing on Pensford Hill. The kerbing now comes out into the road at an angle. It was thought that once the gates are in place it will highlight where the kerb is.
It was noted how incredibly supportive Cllr P May has been with regard to the Pensford Hill Safety Works. Thanks were extended to Cllr May.

6. To receive any updates on current matters

i) PCAA Meeting: The next meeting of the PCAA takes place on the 28th March.

ii) Elections: Clerk distributed Nomination Papers to all of the Parish Council and explained the election process.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Candlestick Brook: BANES are in discussion with Bristol Avon Rivers Trust to remove a weir on Candlestick Brook. This aims to improve the habitat available for small fish. Details were circulated to all Parish Council. No concerns were raised.

b) Festival Woodborough Mill Farm: An application is being submitted for a Festival to be held at this location. The proposal will be for 800+ people, raising money for the Samaritans Charity, it will be held over a weekend and licensed until 2am. Parish Council are concerned about the management of such a Festival and the amount of traffic it will create on such small lanes. An application is awaited.

c) Allotments & Deer Problems: Clerk had circulated links from the National Allotment Society with information about Badgers & Deer to all allotment tenants.
An Allotment Tenant has asked if a large ash tree on site can be cut down. The tree was was coppiced about 20-30 years ago but is now encroaching on allotment land creating shade. He will undertake the work himself and share the logs between the allotment tenants. The Parish Council agreed to this on the condition that the tree is replaced with something suitable.
Parish Council also agreed to the siting of a skip to take away rubbish from the site containing plastic sheets, rusty wheelbarrows, bricks, glass etc. Another allotment tenant will be laying some of the hedge around the perimeter of the allotment site which will block several entry points for the deer.

d) Tennis Club: The Tennis Club have been awarded by the Lawn Tennis Association and Avon LTA the County winner of the ‘Club of the Year Award’. The Tennis Club are now looking at ways to improve its facilities with the possibility of refurbishing the area at the back of the hall.

e) Defibrillators: NHS have approached the Parish Council to take over the guardianship of the Defibrillators. The Defibrillators will be checked once a month as opposed to fortnightly. They will offer this service free of charge. Currently the Parish Council pay £176.40 per year to AED.
Chairman will be having a meeting with an NHS representative to discuss this further.

f) Litter Pick: A litter pick was arranged for 24th March this being the same Sunday when the Main A37 is closed. Mr Hunt will pick the lanes prior to the 24th March and Mrs Jones will pick Old Road.
It was noted that the Bin in Hursley Lane is leaning over. Clerk to report.

8. Reports:

a) Parish Liaison Meeting: Attended by the Chairman and Clerk. A new person in charge of Highways was introduced. Cllr Warren gave a summary of the last 4 years. An update was given on the Community Libraries and a new Mobile Library will be purchased. This will still access all of the rural parishes. It will have free Wi-Fi available. A presentation was given on Fix My Street. The Community Empowerment Fund will be rolled out again for 2019/20. However, the Ward Councillors Initiative Fund will no longer be available. Clerk will circulate the full minutes once available.
b) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Chairman attended this meeting. A presentation was given by the Community First Responder. Thanks were extended to all Parish Councils who had donated to them to provide funding for new equipment.
The Forum heard from the councils Active Lifestyles Team and the West of England Rural Network. They are working to encourage people to become more active using KiActiv wristbands.

c) Bristol Wrong Road Meeting: Mrs Grimes attended this meeting in Whitchurch. Those attending were informed about the Joint Local Transport 4 consultation which is now open. Details of the new road planned to begin at Hicks Gate Roundabout were looked at. The aerial route of the road can be found on www.wrongroad.org.uk Notes from the meeting had been circulated.

d) Clerks Progress Report:

War Memorial: Current photographs have been taken and sent to the War Memorials Trust to support the grant application. Clerk has spoken with the owners of the conifers behind the war memorial. They would be happy to cut them back at any time for us. They are unclear as to ownership of the wall behind.

Bin for Hillcrest: No reply again from BANES…

Old Road Vehicle Activated Sign: Following a further request Clerk has emailed Paul Garrod to ask when the VAS will be installed at Old Road. It is reported that the sign will be installed in the next 2 – 3 weeks.

Public rights of Way: Following the offer of help from Bath Ramblers offer of help circulated, the areas reported so far are steps at Culvery Lane Footpath. This is thought to be the responsibility of the Woodland Trust.
A member of public reported the high pavement along left side of road at Publow as you approach the bridge …used to be a footpath to get people out of the road & mud – there were steps leading up & down at each end . There is also a handrail along it next along riverside which could be restored. Clerk has reported this to PROW and they are saying that it is a Highway concern?
Finally a stile behind Nursery Farm was reported. PROW reply to this has been circulated to all. Landowners are being sought before any works can begin.

Parish Precept: Acknowledgement letter to the Precept request has been received and confirmation of the Precept. The first payment will be received in April and the amount will be £7,100.

BANES Updates; Details have been circulated regarding BANES new Housing in Keynsham called Riverside View. Keynsham residents will be given the first chance to purchase. The Development has been undertaken by a company formed by Bath & North East Somerset Aequus Construction Ltd.
BANES are reviewing the development of Waste Depots. A study into relocating Baths Midland Road Waste depot and Ashmead Road, Keynsham depot to Pixash Lane in Keynsham is being undertaken.
Bath will celebrate the annual UNESCO World Heritage Day with a free event at Green Park Station on Thursday 18 April 2019, from 11am to 3pm.
Reports of Crime: A break in took place on Folly Lane, Stowey, between 11am on Monday 4 March and 2pm on Tuesday the 5th. Items were stolen after the wooden door was kicked in. A three-ton dumper truck was stolen from a layby at a construction site on the A368 near Pensford.
Pensford: Someone slashed the two rear tyres on a van while it was parked off-road at Hillcrest, Pensford. This happened between 5pm on Tuesday 5 March and 3.30pm on Wednesday the 6th.

9. Planning:

Applications received:

19/00689/FUL Ms C Crossman The Wickets Blackrock Lane Publow. Erection of 2 storey dwelling following demolition of existing property. Parish Council support with comments that it is in the Green Belt. It was also noted that some of the demolition work may have already started as there has been a lot of mud on the road by this property.

Planning Appeal Decisions to Note:

18/02761/FUL 49 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of 1 no. 2 bedroom house. Appeal is allowed and planning permission granted.

18/02696/FUL Mr I Macleod Greenfields Blackrock Lane Publow. Construction of a detached single storey dwelling and ancillary works. Appeal is dismissed.

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary £757.92
ALCA Membership Renewal 2019/20 £221.89
Titan Internet Services Renewal £240.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mr D Lowe Footpaths February 2019 £80.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerks Imprest £36.60
Titan Internet Domain Name Renewal £120.00
Mrs J Gully Plants for War Memorial Planter £10.00


10a) Parish Precept: The Chair explained that the advice from BANES Solicitor was to discuss this item without the members of the public being present but one Councillor objected to this so the meeting acquiesced.
A pre-written Flip Chart was produced by a Parish Councillor who then presented to the Council and Members of the Public his version of how the Precept has got to the applied for amount.
Because all minutes have now been signed off and agreed they now form a legal record of what has previously taken place at the meeting. It was agreed that the way forward would be to the following minute being included “last year’s green money was spent on the allotment site, the Parish Council confirm that the precept increase is 2% plus £2000 for the being ring-fenced for the Village Green.”
A reference was made to an email sent to members of the Parish Council headed ‘Precept’. It said that’ our shortcomings range from election fraud to falsification of legal documents to deliberate and dishonest endangerment of the public.’ It was stated that these were serious accusations of impropriety and/or illegality and that the matter should be reported to the Police and that failure to do so casts doubt over the veracity of the statements made.

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Apologies for the April Meeting were received from Mrs J Gully.

12. To Note Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 8th APRIL 2019 AT 7.15 pm.

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