Parish Council Minutes – 11th July 2016

Present: Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford, Cllr P May, Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Mrs T Jones, Mrs D Custance, Mr J Kelly Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
Members of the Public: There were 8 present.

1. Welcome Steve Wilcox to discuss Wi-Fi proposals for the Memorial Hall: Wi-Fi at the Hall can be provided on a rolling monthly contract at £9.99 per month. It would not be for general public use. Data usage could be monitored and if necessary switch to BT but this would be £26.00 per month.
Member of the public questioned the amount and asked if it is necessary to be spending this money.
The Parish Council can apply for a grant to cover the costs initially. The Parish Council will have control over the use of the Wi-Fi. Parish Council agreed to progress this. Steve was thanked for attending the meeting.

2. Members of the Public: Concerns were raised regarding the proposed re-surfacing of Church Street and the preserving of the Bonding Stone set in the tarmac outside of Coombe House. Members of the Public highlighted that it is in the Conservation Area and can something be done to highlight its historical interest. Move it and put it as a feature somewhere? It was confirmed by the Clerk that an email has gone to Highways highlighting the Bonding Stone. Members of the Public have also been in touch with Highways.
Recent works have seen street furniture being left around the Parish along with the Porta Loos left for some-time on Pensford Bridge, if necessary Contractors will be reminded to remove signs etc. as soon as possible.
It was noted that the gullies were being cleared as they are reported to be blocked with tarmac.
Member of the Public raised concern regarding the Football Huts and felt that they should be pushed back to the edge of the Playing Field.
Bollard on A37 – had been knocked over and is reported to be blocking the pavement.
Hillside Villas – the trees have now been cut so that Lorries do not have to move out to avoid them. The surveyor can now look at the wall in more depth.

3. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Gully, Mrs Stephenson and Mrs Grimes.

4. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: There were none received.

5. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 13th June 2016 as a true and fair record. After being circulated and read the minutes were signed as a true and fair record.

6. To receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Devolution Issue: A funding available of 30 Million for 30 years to open doors for infrastructure. Consultations are taking place. Clerk to circulate dates of Consultations.
A37 Public Meeting: A well-attended meeting with lots of promises being made by BANES representatives which Cllr May is now in the process of following up.
Rubbish Collections: Will move to a two weekly bin collection next year, recycling will remain weekly. Households will be provided with Black Wheelie Bins.
Vehicle Activated Signs: The cost of these signs is being questioned with BANES.
Snack Van Signs: Cllr May will report these signs to Planning Enforcement. It is reported that there are 7 on Hursley Hill. The current details of the Licence Holder will be sought.

7. To receive any updates on current matters:
a) A37 – Cllr May: See item 6.
b) Acker Bilk Bench Update: Progressing with no concerns.
c) Lock Up: Awaiting Survey details.
d) Tennis Club: A meeting has been held with the LTA Regional Facilities Project Manager South West who confirmed that the workmanship on both courts is very poor with a generally uneven
surface and unsatisfactory patching work. The surface will need to be overlaid with a new macadam surfacing layer. A meeting will be held with another member of the LTA to discuss the grant application the club have submitted for a new fencing design etc. and their Business Plan.
Another contractor is being met to discuss the cost of rectifying the court surface.
Coaching activities continue as does the Tuesday after school club and cardio, and Thursday evening Beginners class and Ladies Team coaching.
e) Belluton Narrows Stabilisation Scheme: Clerk had emailed BANES to ask if advertising of the Road Closure can be given well in advance to the proposed works. Also to consider notifying Bristol Airport to add to their web site. The diversion is 14 miles. Parish Council questioned if contractors will be Night Working and the proposed time scale for the works. Clerk to find out.
f) Neighbourhood Plan Update: The Half Hour meeting had been held prior to the Parish Council Meeting for Members of the Public to come along and ask any further questions they may have. The Draft Neighbourhood Plan had been circulated to everyone in the Parish. The deadline for comments is Monday 12th September 2016.
g) Fingerposts: All in hand awaiting an update from new Foundry in respect of costs.

8. Matters for Discussion/Decision:
a) Allotment Site: In need of cutting back.
b) Footpaths Officer: It is hoped to have a new Footpaths Officer in place who is available during the growing seasons to attend to the Footpaths.

9. Reports:
a) Clerks Progress Report:
Parish Council Meeting Dates: Dates for the next Calendar year have been sent to the Parish Magazine. The dates will start from the September Magazine.
Peats Hill, Priestdown, Blackrock Lane: White Give Way Lines are still awaited. Clerk has put in a reminder for these to be done.
Litter Pickers: Clerk has emailed Council Connect and asked if it is at all possible to have a couple of Litter Pickers. Clerk has highlighted that it is not often we have willing Members of the Public to help us keep our Parish tidy.
Pedestrian Crossing – A37: Clerk has emailed Kelvin Packer at BANES asking him to nAnti-Skid Surface on corner above Car Sales: It appears cars are skidding worse, will the surface be re-instated. Clerk to find out
BANES ALCA Meeting: Can someone attend on behalf of Mr Heaford on 19th July 2016.

13. To Note Future Meetings:
Neighbourhood Planning Meeting. Wednesday 5th October 2016



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