Parish Council Minutes – 11th February 2019


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mr M Daniels, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs D Custance, Mr J Kelly, Mr S Filer, Mr P Baxter, Cllr P May. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
There were fourteen members of the public present.

1. Public Participation:

a) Mr S Harries – A37 Safety Works: Mr Harries presented to the Parish Council and members of the public a detailed slideshow presentation in relation to the proposals set out by BANES to improve safety on Pensford Hill for Pedestrians and Road Users. The main points of concern are the road widths and vehicle widths which raise the issues of the give way locations. The centre line should be removed. The kerb heights are different than discussed and the reasoning will be challenged. Questioning why the Bell Bollards are not able to be used. Would like a Safety Audit carried out. A meeting had been arranged between BANES representatives and Mr Harries to discuss these points further.

Precept: A member of the public questioned the rise in the Precept. The Parish Council have submitted a 2% increase to BANES. However the Member of the Public is questioning why the figures appear to total a 25% increase. It was explained however included in this was £2,000 brought forward from 2018/19 and ring fenced for the Village Green Works.

2. Apologies for Absence: There were no apologies.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: No interests to declare.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 14th January 2019.
The minutes were signed as a true record, however it was noted that the figures given for the Precept Requirement were considered inaccurate by Mr Baxter.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May

A37 Safety Works/Road Closure: A summary of how BANES have got to where they are with all of the works for Pensford was given by Cllr May. This included consultation with residents on Pensford Hill and two Public meetings where a list of issues were suggested to improve safety. Phase 1 was carried out and these works included cutting back of vegetation, the re-surfacing of the A37, 30mph limit moved further up the hill. A 20 mph for Old Road and restricted parking by the Post Office to improve business. Alterations by the school will be carried out to improve safety here. Assurances have been received from BANES Officers that if a scheme does not work they will endeavour to put it right.
At this point of the meeting the Chairman read out an update which had been received from BANES Authority headed Pensford Pedestrian Improvements. Improvements being New Village Gateway, improved pedestrian refuge islands, increased footway space outside of the school entrance, new pedestrian refuge island near Short Lane, replacement of bollards on Pensford Hill.
Cllr May committed to taking forward all points discussed by the Parish Council including the unanimous agreement for a further Safety Audit to be carried out.

Clean Air Zone: 8,000 plus responses had been received by BANES in relation to this consultation.

Budgets – Remain tight within the Local Authority.

JLTP4 – The Consultation is now open on the Draft Joint Local Transport Plan 4. This plan sets out the approach to improve transport between now and 2036 in the West of England.

6. To receive any updates on current matters

i) PCAA Meeting: The next PCAA meeting takes place on 25th February 2019. Clerk to circulate the Draft response from the PCAA in relation to the planning application submitted by Bristol Airport.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) CCTV: As a result of recent vehicle theft in the village CCTV had been suggested. Costs and continuous monitoring of the CCTV were considered to be the biggest problem. It was noted that a Listed Building within the Conservation Area could not have CCTV put on it.

b) Footpaths: Suggestions were sought from BANES with regard to any jobs the Parish Council would like carried out in their Parish on Public Rights of Way. A volunteer group Bath Ramblers are working on a Thursday for BANES and are looking for jobs/projects which they can help with. It was noted that Culvery Lane footpath is in need of an extra step putting in. Other suggestions had been made. Clerk will contact PROW with the information.

c) Allotments & Deer Problems: Problems on site are still be experienced with Deer and also Badgers

8. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report:

A37 Boundary Gateway Sign: Following consultation with everyone and a conversation with BANES it was confirmed that we can have Pensford on the sign. The final sign will read “Welcome to Pensford, please drive carefully”. The gateway fencing and sign will follow shortly after the main works are completed this month.

Hall Hire Costs: Hall Hire for meetings will be £20.00 per meeting. Clerk has submitted the future meeting dates to the Hall. The Parish Council will be sent an invoice in due course.

Memorial Hall AGM: Clerk has circulated the minutes to all.

CIL Money: A member of the public questioned the amount of CIL Money that the Parish Council had received from the Pensford Garage Site. Clerk confirmed that although the Parish Council have a Neighbourhood Plan in place and could benefit from 25% CIL money in the future. In relation to this application they only received 15% because the Planning Application for the Garage Site was permitted a few months before the Neighbourhood Plan was agreed.

Clerk has circulated CIL Training notes to all Parish Councillors. Mr Kelly kindly attended this training session.

War Memorial: Current photographs have to be taken and sent to the War Memorials Trust to support the grant application. Clerk to progress. Ownership of the wall is still to be determined.
Clerk has spoken to the Cleaning company who would anticipate it taking a day and a half to clean the memorial and to put the biocide on.

Bin for Hillcrest: Another chase on this has been submitted, although no reply has been received from BANES.

Community Awards: Awards Evening takes place on 27th February 2019, all those nominated will have received their invitations to attend.

Name Plate: Further to our request for the additional name plate at Police Lane the Highway Inspector has reviewed our request and does not think a second street nameplate at this location is necessary.

Old Road Vehicle Activated Sign: A resident has emailed again asking when the VAS will be installed at Old Road.

Allotments: Further complaints have been received from allotment tenants whose crops are continually being eaten by Deer. Quotes being sought for Deer Fencing.

Badgers also continue to be a nuisance.

Public rights of Way: Details of Bath Ramblers offer of help circulated.
Footpaths Officer is putting together a list of possible jobs which can be helped with.
Parish Councillors are invited to report any areas of concern also.

Bristol Airport: Bristol Airport are hosting a Jobs fair on Tuesday 26th February at 10am. Details have been sent to the Webmaster.

The Weirs at the Rising Sun: Clerk was contacted by a member of the public with concerns over the safety of the Weirs at the Rising Sun. They had witnessed three children unaccompanied walking across the Weir but one climbed through the bars and onto the stone support pillar. A copy of the email received was sent to the owner of the Rising Sun who explained that there is a disclaimer on the bridge and that the maintenance of the Weir is obviously tended to as and when necessary.

Recent Crime Statistics: Clerk read out the most recent statistics from the Police.

9. Planning:

Applications received Discussed:

No applications had been received.

Planning Outcomes to Note:

None to report

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary £757.72

Payments to be authorised:

Mr D Lowe Footpaths January 2019 £80.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerks Imprest & Printer Ink £39.60

Receipts: No receipts to note.

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Defibrillator: Mr Daniels has now taken over guardianship of the Defibrillator at Hillcrest. It was reported that the Kiosk door is very stiff and difficult to open. Mrs Stephenson has paint to re-paint the kiosk. Volunteers are being sought for this.

Mr M Daniels gave apologies for the March Meeting.

12. To Note Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 11th March 2019 AT 7.15 pm

Chew Valley Forum Meeting 25th February 2019

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