Parish Council Minutes – 11th December 2017


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mr S Filer, Mrs D Custance, Mrs T Jones, Mr P Baxter, Mr J Kelly, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Gully, Mr M Daniels, Mr Tony Jones. Cllr P May Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were nine members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public:

Resourceful Earth: A summary of the concerns regarding this site were presented to the Parish Council. A pre-application has been submitted 17/05396/screen explained as a request for screening opinion for the latest redevelopment proposals to include increased levels of composting to the east field and expansion to include the south field where it is proposed to reduce the ground level and install polytunnels. The size of the current site is reported to be much larger than originally applied for, maize has been taken in and stored in large poly tunnels through an entrance created on the corner of Charlton Field Lane.
It is understood that the site is currently in administration.

50th Anniversary of the Great Floods: It was confirmed to Members of the Public that this was discussed at the Chew Valley Forum Meeting and the West of England Rural Network (WERN) have a grant to move celebrations forward and that Pensford will be involved.

Minutes: Member of the public asked why the Clerks Progress was not on the Web Site with the minutes. Clerk reported that it would be added after the meeting as it is an update and circulated last minute to keep it current. Clerk reported that the Progress Report used to be put into the minutes. They were attached at the end to keep the minutes shorter. Clerk suggested that they should be put back into the main part of the minutes, one Parish Councillor objected to this.


a) Affordable Housing b) Joint Spatial Plan: A well-attended meeting was held in Whitchurch.
2,500 houses are proposed for Whitchurch within the JSP, five times the existing size of the village.
Template letters objecting to the proposals have been distributed throughout Whitchurch.
It was suggested that Pensford Parish should be encouraging parishioners to object to the JSP.
The cut-off date is 10th January 2018. Clerk will put specimen letters in the Post Office and on the noticeboards. Details will be added to the web site.

c) Planning Application 17/05538/FUL Nickel Scaffolding Ltd Land to South of South Bristol Motor Company New Road Pensford: The Affordable Housing proposal made at the November Meeting was discussed and Members of the Public were informed of the piece of land identified opposite the Memorial Hall on Publow Lane. Given the size of the land it was thought that up to 26 houses could be built.
A discussion around the proposals at the Garage Site followed. This is for six semi-detached houses to be built. The Parish Council had all seen the plans and comments were relayed to the clerk. Clerk to reply to B&NES Planning.

3. Apologies for Absence: None received.

4. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None Received.

4a) Chairman requested that all correspondence should go through the Clerk and if necessary copy to all Parish Councillors. Replies can also be copied to all if necessary.

5. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree minutes of Monday 13th November 2017 and sign as a true and accurate record: After being circulated and read the minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.

b) Speeding Old Road: A Resident of Old Road had again raised concerns about speeding vehicles along this road. B&NES are still promising the Vehicle Activated Signs.
Clerk and Cllr May to follow up with B&NES regarding a speed count which was undertaken after
the new 20mph limit was implemented.

Garage Site: It was requested that a Vote in respect of the application for Nickel Scaffolding should be taken. 8 Parish Councillors were in favour of the application. 2 voted against and 1 abstained. Clerk will reply to B&NES Planning.

6. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Budget problems continue.
A question being asked about what impact University Students have on financial resources of B&NES.
Cllr May reported feeling uneasy following the November Meeting where a Council Officer attended the Parish Council Meeting with a Developer.

7. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Public Meeting held in Whitchurch: Covered in Item 2b.

b) Tennis Club: The AGM had been held. There are 76 New Members. The Court Resurfacing has been successful. The recent Bavarian Evening held was a great success and thanks were extended to Mike & Jo from the Rising Sun for their help with the tankards and Beer and to Umang for supplying the Butter.

c) Fingerposts: No update.

d) Defibrillator Awareness Evening Update: 33 People attended a successful evening.
Parish Councillor Mr S Filer had kindly offered to purchase the Resussi Ann for demonstrations.
A refresher will be held in the Summer. The Person demonstrating had been thanked with Flowers and a bottle of wine.

Post Office Defibrillator: The light had not been working, the sensor was replaced.

e) Christmas Tree: The tree was put up and unfortunately blew down in the wind. It will be put back up. The Parish Council were disappointed that no-one came to help decorate even though volunteers were asked for. Mrs Gully to find out the cost of the tree.

f) Christmas Event Bristol Airport: The Open Evening provided the opportunity to inform everyone about the Master Plan to increase the 8 million passenger numbers to 20 million by 2040. The consultation closes on 26th January 2018. A booklet along with a feedback form has been produced. Clerk to invite representatives to the January meeting.

8. Reports:

a) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: The AGM was held and present Chairman and Vice-Chairman re-elected. An update from the Police was given with no significant statistics to be reported. Presentations received by Chew Valley Befrienders and the Quartet Community Foundation. A Budget presentation was given. Capital Works programme for the A37 was discussed.

b) Clerks Progress Report: Highways Issues: Hedge by Primary School: B&NES have been asked to cut this back or arrange for it to be cut back.

The Batch Priestdown: The blocked gully and pot hole in the road was reported to Council Connect.

Parsonage Lane: The van parking in the vision splay here has been reported to the PCSO’s to monitor and action.

Parking on Double Yellow Lines: An ongoing issue which has been reported to Parking Services again.

New Access off Ringspit Lane: The response from Public Rights of Way following the query regarding the new access created was “ a 3ft 3 or 3ft 6 access off Ringspit Lane can be installed as there is a Traffic Regulation Order and the bollards do not allow anything wider. The land is due to be sold. Details circulated to all Parish Council.

Environmental Monitoring/Air Quality: A joint meeting between members from Whitchurch Parish Council, Publow with Pensford Parish Council Chairman and Cllr S Grimes has been arranged for Wednesday 13th December to discuss Air Quality along the A37.

Truespeed: An email of thanks was sent to Will Jones for attending the November Meeting. Clerk has asked for an update of where they are now with parishioners signing up.

External Audit Arrangements: The following explains the Audit arrangements for the next financial year. For councils with an income above £25,000 this means that your councils’ External Auditor will now be PKF Littlejohn LPP (replacing Grant Thornton)
For councils with an income below £25,000 who will no longer be subject to External Audit (but will need to comply with the Transparency Code) the services of PKF Littlejohn LLP will only be called upon if the council receives a challenge from a member of the public. Publow with Pensford Parish Council fall into the category of being with an income below £25,000

Community Empowerment Fund: The Parish Council were successful with their application to the Community Empowerment Fund and received the £560.00 applied for.

B&NES Boundary Review: Clerk has received the Draft Recommendations on the new electoral arrangements. Publow with Pensford Parish Council comes under the Ward Publow and Whitchurch. The proposal is that this will remain a Single Councillor Ward. Further information can be found on

Bench on the Common: The bench by the Old Peoples Bungalows had been vandalised. It is a concrete bench with wooden slats the same as the Woollard one. Richard Stevenson who is repairing the Woollard one has agreed to fix both. Historically the Parish Council own and insure this bench.

Remembrance Sunday: The cheque for the donation of the Wreath was sent to the British Legion. The cheque for the donation to the Bugler was sent and a special thank you included. An email of thanks has been sent to the PCSO’s who attended on the day.
Bristol Airport: Further consultation on the Master Plan has been circulated to all on the Parish Council. Please let Clerk have any comments.

Chew Valley Transport Strategy Consultation: This consultation has now ended.

Coombe House Church Street: The reply from Flooding in response to concerns raised last month is as follows: “Our Team have discussed this and having seen the video we are still unsure what the issue is in that the water is flowing in the channel and going into the road gully, you can even see a separate dish channel that has been constructed at some point to take the flow.” The location is at the bottom of a long fairly steep hill leading to a river, it is the flow path, we can’t change this.”

Planning: Clerk has returned all planning application replies which have been submitted along with the following comments with a supplementary comment being returned in respect of 17/04840/FUL Mr P Walsh 40 Hillcrest Pensford: Erection of double and single storey side and rear extension.
Paul Alford – Balloons: Mr Alford informed clerk that he had a personal problem and would be back in touch.

9. Planning:

Applications Consulted: See item 2 b


17/04807/FUL Mr & Mrs Hunt 39 Hillcrest Pensford. Detached Single dwelling with associated works on land adjacent to 39 Hillcrest (Resubmission of 14/02948/FUL) PERMIT

17/04730/ADCOU Southleigh Farm Birchwood Lane Pensford Prior approval request for change of use of Agricultural Building to Dwelling (C3) and associated operational development. APPROVE

17/04853/FUL Mr Sivier Woodcroft Barn Woollard Lane Publow. Conversion of outbuildings for ancillary residential use and alterations to driveway. PERMIT.

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £752.14
AED Locator New Pad Pack for Hillcrest Defibrillator £118.80

Payments to be authorised
Mrs J Bragg Imprest £40.80
Mr D Lowe Footpaths 6 hours @ £8 per hour £48.00
Mrs D Malley Payroll Services Second Half Year 17/18 £40.50
Mr M Daniels Christmas Tree Expenses £7.98
Receipts to note:
B&NES Community Empowerment Fund £560.00

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: There were no items to report.

12. To Note Future Meetings:
DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 8th January 2018 AT 7.15p.m.
Wednesday 13th December – Joint Air Quality Meeting with Whitchurch Parish Council. PCAA 25th January 2018

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