Parish Council Minutes – 11th August 2014


PRESENT: Chairman: Mr T Heaford Vice-Chair: Mrs J Stephenson
Cllr P Edwards, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Jones, Mr J Kelly, Mr L Seymour.

There were four members of the public present.

1) A member of the public wanted to know what was happening to the piece of land on Stanton Lane. He had heard there was a possible housing development and there had been previous attempts to develop it. His concerns were the vehicular access, narrowness of the lane and also the condition of the lane. The chairman explained there would be a public consultation on this. He was asked how many and how big would the properties be, and were there drawings available. He was told that at the moment there were only talks with BANES re the possibility of it happening.

A further three members of the public wanted to know why there was so little help for the Village Hall. They asked about the running costs and whether the Parish Council could help out with the electricity or oil costs. Local organisations are reluctant to have their fees increased. The Chairman suggested they put forward a business plan taking into consideration what it earns and what it needs. Cllr Edwards agreed that this was the way forward.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Bragg, Mrs L Cains, Mr S Filer and Mrs J Gully. Best wishes were expressed to Mrs Bragg who was recovering from an operation.

3) Minutes of Monday 14th July 2014 were circulated and Mr J Kelly stated he was present at that meeting. This would be amended and were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Edwards asked re involvement of Whitchurch Parish Council with Publow with Pensford. The Chairman said we wanted to go alone.

The white line outside the Lock – up houses has been put in place.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: members elected were Chairman: Richard Currie (Compton Martin), Vice Chairman: Tony Heaford, BANES: Louise Fradd.

b) Housing Development Boundary: Maps to be distributed when copied – initially too small a scale.

c) Financial: Mr Kelly said there was no change. The accounts are with Underwood Lamb. Hopefully available at the next meeting.

d) Allotments: There has been a complaint from one of the allotment holders concerned that vegetables had been dug up and removed. A possibility suggested was that it might be deer. There was considerable discussion about the state of the allotments. It was suggested that a meeting was convened with the allotment holders. An advertisement to go into the Parish Magazine about vacant allotments.

e) Footpaths Officer: He has met with Mr Seymour and has handed over the equipment. He was asked for his action plans and time sheets. He doesn’t want paid because he hasn’t done much of the work.

An advertisement is going into the Parish Magazine and Chew Valley Gazette for a replacement.

6) Clerks Progress Report: None

7) Planning:

Footpath at Church Farm. The work is ongoing. Mrs Stephenson walked the path with Sheila Petheridge

Railway Cottage: Cllr Edwards said Andy Pegler was involved with it now. There has been an objection to this by Cllr Edwards and Liz Richardson.

Holly House: There have been more complaints with Mrs Morgan and Mr Rigby Philip Miller replacing Meg Reyham. A planning application for retrospective work to be in by the 1st September.

Gypsy and Traveller DPD: It will have to go

Windy Willows, Publow La

ne: Seems very large. Supplementary plans may have been submitted. This needs checking.

The Log Cabin, Woollard Lane: No further development

A late Planning Application:

Belluton Farm: There are already 3 houses. Access and overdevelopment were discussed.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments authorised in August:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary July £604.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £15.90
Mogford Prescott Installation of Defib at Hillcrest £354.00

Payments Received:


9) Any Other Business:

Footpaths Officer when appointed to do The Green, Pensford. At present a local resident is doing it.

Travellers: Cllr Edwards said they are at Hartcliffe and Hengrove

Trees in Woollard: By the Bridge. They need some work as overhanging the seat. Mrs Stephenson to get 3 quotes.

Large Lorries: 2 have been reported coming into Woollard and have got stuck. Possibly more signage needed.

Bank: Badly eroded on the (L) side coming towards Woollard at the junction of Priestdown / Woollard

Defibrillator: A cheque for £100 has been received from Pensford PSA as a donation to the defibrillator at Hillcrest


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