Minutes – 10-11-14


Present: Chairman Mr T  Heaford Vice-Chair: Mrs J Stephenson
Mr L Seymour, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs L Cains, Cllr P Edwards, Mrs J Gully, Mr J Kelly.

Conservative Candidate Mr Paul May was present along with Mr & Mrs Hunt & Mr S Roberts Assured Trees.

1) Members of the Public:

Management of 1 x Weeping Willow at Pensford Primary School. Mr Roberts attended the meeting to run through the options available for the management of the Weeping Willow tree in the playground at the Primary School. Three options were discussed 1) to reduce the crown of approximately 2 – 3 metres 2) Crown removal to create a high pollard effect and 3) total crown removal to create a low pollard effect. The tree was reported as being approximately 80 years old and by pruning the tree it would prolong its life in a good way to 30+ more years. There were no concerns raised with the root system of the tree. On further discussion the Parish Council were of the opinion that option 2 would be more acceptable. Clerk will write to Jane Brewer at BANES with the Parish Councils preference.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Jones.

3) Minutes of Monday 20TH OCTOBER 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Footpaths Officer: Mr Holmes has been appointed as the new Footpaths Officer. The first priorities will be to cut the Village Green and tidy overgrown brambles away from the seat on Pensford Hill. The Parish Council had received correspondence from a Pensford resident who takes pride in the Village Green asking when it will be cut.

Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Chairman will be on holiday. It is hoped that another member of the Parish Council can attend in his absence.

Primary School Donation: The Primary School are to be reminded that the correct procedure for seeking a donation would be through the Parish Council Clerk. Parish Council had previously agreed to donate half the cost of the Number Square excluding VAT.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Parish Liaison Meeting: Chairman had attended this meeting. A briefing on Connecting Communities was given. This is now known as the Chew Valley Forum.
Fracking was discussed. No applications or licences in our area had been applied for.
A presentation was given by Richard Stott who is now in charge of Planning Enforcement in BANES. There are currently 5 officers in the department working on 500/600 enforcement cases. A supporting paper is awaited from Ann Swabey but clerk confirmed it had not been received to date. Cllr Edwards to follow up.

b) M & M Contractors – Broadband Road works: Disruptions and diversions were reported for Pensford and Woollard due to the works being undertaken by M & M Contractors. Chairman had held recent meetings with a representative from M & M regarding diversion routes and concerns. The diversion of traffic from Woollard, Hunstrete & Compton Dando through Smallbrook Lane behind Bell Farm was raised as a major concern as this lane is a non-vehicular access route. This will be raised with BANES & M & M Contractors. No Entry Signs will be put up which will hopefully deter motorists from using the lanes as a ‘Rat Run’.
It was reported that Chew Magna High Street will probably be closed in January and more work is planned for Belluton Narrows. Further details will be posted on the Parish Council Web Site in due course.

c) Neighbourhood Plan Update: Mrs Grimes, Mrs Stephenson & Mrs Bragg had attended the Neighbourhood Plan meeting held on 29th October 2014. It was agreed that all meetings should be well documented and clear and precise minutes taken. It was agreed to defer a public meeting until a much later date. Parish Council Chairman had completed the application form and this was submitted.

A six week consultation period will now commence. Funding was reported to be in the region of 9k to cover venue hire, stationery. There will be a link on the Web Site to keep everyone informed. A further meeting was held with Julie O’Rourke from BANES on 6th November 2014. She advised that all Parish Groups should be approached to help. The Neighbourhood Plan will take 1 – 2 years to complete but it is important to get the whole community involved.

A Logo is needed.

Display Boards can be borrowed from BANES.

Drop In sessions will be organised.

A questionnaire will be produced. Maybe a prize could be offered to encourage completion and return of the form.

A referendum will be held and if 51% return in favour then the Plan will be adopted.

Future meetings will possibly be held in the Church Room.

Parish Council have offered support.

d) Remembrance Sunday – Donation to Bugler/Poppy Wreath: Although the Service went smoothly some parishioners felt that it was a little rushed. The Police were in attendance and halted the traffic for the two minute silence. Donations to the British Legion and the Bugler will remain as last year and an email of thanks will be sent to the Police.

e) Defibrillator Hillcrest: This has now been fixed with no extra charges and is back in service again.

f) Chairman’s Awards: Two nominees were agreed and Clerk will send in the Nomination Forms.

g) Bus Shelter Pensford Bridge: BANES have asked for photographs of the bus shelter as it is at present and details of the proposals to turn it into a planter before they make their decision regarding pre-planning advice. Mrs Cains had taken the photographs and Clerk had emailed them to BANES. A decision is awaited.

h) Allotments: The Allotments have been cleared and tidied. A large amount of rubbish including old sheds, chicken coops, scraps of carpet and metalwork have been removed from site. There are still plots which are overgrown and tenants have obviously left without informing the Parish Council. Clerk will chase these tenants. Parish Council will advertise the vacant plots. It was suggested that the Environmental Health Department should be contacted due to the amount of vermin which were living in the redundant sheds.

Affordable Housing: A resident in Pensford has contacted Curo independently regarding Affordable Housing on the Allotment Site. Should Affordable Housing be built on the Allotment Site the Parish Council have an obligation to provide Allotments elsewhere. Currently the Parish Council have been unable to find any land suitable to purchase for re-location of the Allotment Site hence no further developments on Affordable Housing.

i) Acker Bilk: Following the sad loss of Acker Bilk the Parish Council would like to commemorate his life in Pensford by placing a plaque or similar in the village. The best location was discussed. Clerk will look into the permissions needed to put up a Plaque on the side of a building.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Redundant Bus Stop: Clerk has emailed BANES Planning and re-iterated proposals to turn the Bus Stop into a feature Planter for the centre of the Village and questioned if Planning consent is required to do this. BANES have asked for photos of the Bus Stop and a drawing of the proposal.

Photos have been sent with a description of the proposal.

Woollard Bridge: The Parapets on Woollard Bridge have been looked at (Progress!!), it is BANES intention to include Woollard Bridge on a Parapet repainting package with other sites to be carried out in the New Year. Clerk has emailed BANES back asking for the bridge to be prioritised with the re-painting works as the Parish Council first asked for it to be repainted in February 2013.

Housing Proposal – Wick Lane: Mr Breach & his Architect will be attending the December meeting with an update. Clerk has asked for details in advance of the meeting to allow the Parish Council to consider updates.

Defibrillator: The Defibrillator at Hillcrest is now working again.

Updates from Council Connect: Updates have been requested on overhanging trees at Orchard Leigh, New Road and the lane to the side of this property.
A further email has been sent to Highways regarding the Overhanging vegetation from the centre of the village towards Chelwood on the Car Sales Side. Clerk has again asked BANES if they can maintain the path which was uncovered along Hursley Hill and cut back a couple of years ago.


14/04240 Mr Hill Knights Folly Farm Woollard Lane. Erection of a new dwelling. Clerk has written to BANES with the Parish Councils objections to this application.

14/03999/FUL Mr Rigby Bramley House. Installation of side windows and patio doors and erection of a boundary fence (retrospective). Clerk has written to BANES with objections from the Parish Council in relation to the retrospective application.

7) Planning:

Applications discussed by Sub-Committee:

14/04165/FUL 4 Ways Pensford Ltd Development Site the Orchard Pensford. Erection of 1 No. 4 bed house with garage and gardens. It was commented that the entrance is now better situated. Parish Council Support.

14/04164/FUL 4 Ways Pensford Ltd Police Lane Pensford. Erection of 2 no. Three bedroom semi detached houses with garages and parking. Parish Council Support and comments were that the vision splay is improved.

14/04771/FUL Mr & Mrs P Sessford Birchwood Lodge Wells Road Pensford. Erection of double garage (Resubmission). Parish Council supported this application but were asking for clarification as to the correct position for the garage. Clerk to write to BANES.

Application to discuss:

14/04826/FUL Mr T Gibbons 13 Hillcrest Pensford Erection of a dwelling to be built to the side of 13 Hillcrest (Resubmission). Previously a 3 bedroom property had been applied for and refused by planning and dismissed at an appeal. This application was confirmed to be for a 2 bed dwelling with a parking area to the rear of the house. Parish Council objected to this application and reported to BANES with the following. “The Main issue concerning this application is the effect the proposal will have on the character and appearance of the area. Now it is reduced in size the appearance is not in-keeping with the surrounding properties. The proposal will still have an adverse effect of highway safety”.

Planning Outcomes:

There were none to report.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary October 604.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 16.25
Post Office Donation to Electric for Defibrillator 20.00
ALCA Finance Training Course 75.00
Mr N Tibbs Allotment Works 680.00
Chapel Forge Copy of Key for the Lock Up 168.00

Accounting Training Course: Mr Kelly attended this Training Course which focussed on the 2015 and the demise of the Audit Commission. This will affect the Parish Council accounting year 2016/2017. Councils with an income below 25K will be exempt from an external audit but the internal audit will be more in depth. New finance regulations were discussed. Internet Banking was discussed and it was agreed that cheques with two signatories were to be kept as long as possible. VAT and its pit falls were discussed. It was well attended by 40 people.

9. Any Other Business:

Defibrillator Electric charge at Post Office: An offer of a donation towards the Electricity feed for the Defibrillator was made to Mr Patel which he has refused. The Parish Council extend their thanks to his generosity.

Lock Up Key: The Copy Key for the Lock Up has now been completed and is ready for collection. The cost is £168.00 Clerk raised a cheque for payment.

Lock Up: Clerk reported that there is ivy growing on the side of the Lock Up and that maybe it is time to have the condition of the Lock Up Surveyed. Clerk to contact English Heritage for their advice.

It was noted that cars continue to Park on the Keep Clear line which has recently been put down in front of Lock Up Cottages.

War Memorial: Trees are again overhanging the War Memorial. Concerns were also raised regarding parking in front of the War Memorial. The question of having Yellow Lines put down was mentioned.

Birchwood Lane is suffering with overhanging vegetation.

Tennis Club: Three quotes are being obtained for re-surfacing. An ‘Evening Post’ Grant has been applied for and the Tennis Club are shortlisted. Mrs Grimes asked members of the Parish Council to collect the vouchers please.
A Quiz night was planned and an AGM was to be held.

Village Green: Cars have been noted to be parking on the Village Green. All issues with Parking will be reported to Traffic & Safety at BANES.

Christmas Fair at Memorial Hall: Chairman reported that this event raised £762.00

Primary School Firework Display was reported to be really good and an event well organised.

10. Notice of Future Meetings: Annual Parish Online Meeting Bath Spa University Campus Wednesday 10th December 2014



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