Parish Council Minutes – 10th March 2014


Present: Chairman Mr T Heaford, Mr L Seymour, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Gully, Cllr P Edwards. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
There were two members of the public present.

1) Members of the Public: Several matters were raised and discussed. Clerk to follow up.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mr J Kelly, Mrs L Cains, Mrs J Jones, Mrs J Stephenson, Mr S Filer.

3) Minutes of Monday 10th FEBRUARY 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Bus Stop: The possibility of putting planters next to the bus stop was discussed. At present there were no further suggestions as to what can be done with it.

Log Cabin: Ongoing.

Directorate of Place: Chairman reported on the restructuring of the Place Directorate. A chart and briefing note outlining the changes made and why had been received from B&NES.

Elm Tree Cottage: The owner has been advised of the necessity to submit a planning application in relation to the newly built wall. Clerk to write and offer advice on how to apply for planning permission.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Chew Valley Area Partnership Connecting Communities: Consideration had been given to all of the issues raised in relation to the new cluster groups. It was confirmed that Pensford would be in the Chew Valley Cluster Group along with 14 other Parishes. The Parish Liaison meetings will remain. There will be an Annual Conference Meeting. Cluster groups shall meet at least three times a year. One of the meetings will be the AGM. The core membership of each group will be made up of six organisations.

b) Parish Liaison Meeting – 19th February 2014: Mrs Grimes attended this meeting and gave an update on the following:

Parish Liaison Meetings: Concern was raised that these meetings would cease with the introduction of Connecting Communities. It was confirmed that there were no proposals to discontinue this meeting. The new forums would replace the Parish Cluster Groups and the PACT Meetings.

Parish Charter: There is now a need for the Parish Charter to evolve to reflect changes.

Centenary Events: These would commence in Bath on August 4th 1914 on the day that war was declared. A Civic Ceremony will take place at the War Memorial in Royal Victoria Park. Further details can be found on

A presentation was given on the Energy @ Home Project with details given on how to promote Energy Efficiency and grants available for people on a low income.

A copy of the slide presentation will be sent to all Parish Councils in attendance.

An update was given on Paperless Planning. Concerns were expressed that some smaller councils do not have the adequate technology or funds to purchase equipment in order to view the larger planning applications. Broadband speeds can make it time consuming downloading applications. Paper copies will continue to be provided for large applications.

Local Development Framework: The Inspectors recommendation that BANES new housing provision would not need to be more than 13,000 had been welcomed although this figure cannot yet be used as the Core Strategy has not been finalised.

Placemaking Plan: Parishes were thanked for their assessments and BANES plan to respond to these by early April 2014.

Gypsy & Traveller Sites: Lisa Bartlett reported that each site will now be taken on its own merit it may be that land will need to be taken out of the green belt to achieve that end.

Wansdyke Broadband: BT Plan to get 90% of residents up to 24mb or above by end of 2014. Wansdyke Telecom gave a presentation and reported that Newton St Loe have an upload and download speed of 800mbps.

Parish Ranger Scheme: An update was given on this new initiative, a Parish Ranger is allocated to different parishes and will litter pick, mend street furniture etc. This Pilot has now been extended to the end of July.

c) St Thomas a Becket Churchyard: The Church Commissioners have written to the Parish Council informing the Parish Council that land is being released to the Churches Conservation Trust and for the Commissioners to sell a further part of the churchyard for use as garden space in connection with use of the nave which is now residential. Parish Council support this scheme. Clerk to reply.

d) Correspondence with BANES re: Clerks Progress Report: The Clerks Progress Report from the February meeting was emailed to Chief Executive Jo Farrar of BANES . In turn it was then passed to Louise Fradd, Director of Place then passed to Wendy Long, PA to Divisional Director of Environmental Services. Replies to some of the issues on the progress report were replied to. Progress with highway issues was reported to have been delayed due to the recent bad weather. Peats Hill was again raised as a major concern as the pot holes are getting deeper and deeper and the flood waters show no signs of receding, the situation is not far from a complete road closure. Clerk reported that discussions are now in place in relation to getting a new litter bin, one of the few positives from this initiative.

e) Contribution to Parish Magazine & Hall Committee: Parish Council agreed to donate £100 to the Parish Magazine. Extracts of meetings will be submitted. Parish Council agreed to donate £30.00 to the Chairman, Vice-Chairman & Treasurer who have just retired from the Memorial Hall Committee. Clerk to obtain details of the new Committee and arrange a meeting between the Chairman & Vice-Chairman with Parish Council representatives.

It was reported that the new Committee are looking into WiFi for the Hall.

Banners displayed on the bridge: Parish Council were made aware that anyone wishing to site a banner on the Bridge, under the Highways Act 1980 would have to obtain a licence from the District Council.

f) Parish On-Line Update: Mrs Bragg, Mrs Stephenson & Mrs Grimes attending an hours training at the Bath Spa University. The Parish Online Tuition was very informative and will prove very useful for the Parish Council. Clerk gave an example of an aerial view of Publow, the Public Rights of Ways had been added, this enabled the Parish Council to see the route of the footpath and anything which may be blocking the route in its path. The maps are updated on a regular basis.

g) Defibrillator Update – Training: The Defibrillator Training will take place on Monday 28th April at 7.00 pm at the Gospel Hall, High Street, Pensford. Clive Setter will be delivering the training. Mrs Stephenson will place an advert in the Gazette. Mrs Cains will book the Gospel Hall and place an advert in the Parish Magazine.
Door on Telephone Kiosk – Hillcrest: It was reported by Members of the Public that the door is difficult to open. Clerk to progress.
Cllr Edwards reported a successful Defibrillator Training evening at Norton Malreward with 14 people in attendance.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Litter Bins: An email has been received from Martin Hellyer in Waste Services who is now responsible for assessing applications for new bins asking where we would like the bin sited and he will look into it. I have replied to Martin that there was a Litter Bin next to the Lock Up originally and we would like another put back there.
With regards to ‘dog bins’ BANES do not install them. Dog fouling has been declassified as non- hazardous waste and can be placed into litter bins, this system mixes the waste making it far better for collection by the cleansing operatives than collecting from dedicated bins.

Parish Magazine: Clerk has emailed Adele to ask about submissions for the magazine and how much text can be sent.

Parish Council Insurance: Zurich Insurance are preparing a quote for the parish council. Clerk has sent them a copy of the schedule of assets needed for insurance purposes. The new defibrillator will be added to the Policy.
Clerk was able to update this at the meeting. Zurich Insurance have provided a quotation of £721.60. The Insurance with AON for 2013/14 was £954.00. Parish Council agreed to change to Zurich. Clerk confirmed that the new policy included the Defibrillator at Hillcrest.

Footpaths Officer: A request has been made for an up to date invoice for hours worked. The Footpaths Officers details have been given to the new Public Rights of Way Officer for future information.

Allotments: Rental letters will be sent out before the end of the Month ready for payment on the 1st April.

Enforcement Matters:

Log Cabin, Woollard Lane: Ongoing.

Railway Bungalow: On the 16th February the Chairman of Norton Malreward Parish Council emailed Enforcement to report that although the site was visited in June 2013 a further complaint regarding works/machinery still on site and a large lorry which appears to make a regular delivery or take a load away from the site was made. It was reported that the visual appearance is worse now too. Clerk emailed to give support to this from Publow with Pensford Parish Council.
A site visit was then made by BANES Enforcement who report that there is no substantive evidence of a business use being established. .
Norton Malreward Parish Council have replied and listed all equipment on site. The matter is ongoing.

Fairer Fares for All Consultation in Bath and North East Somerset: Details have been circulated to all Parish Council Members. Mrs Gully reports that she completed a questionnaire given to her on the bus –Mrs Gully is of the opinion that those who have a bus pass would like to be involved as much as they can -the pass opens many doors for a lot of passengers.

Mystery of the Wansdyke: The Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution are holding The Debate Mystery of the Wansdyke on Saturday 22nd March 2014. This is an open event and details have been circulated to all Parish Council Members. Further information can be obtained by calling 01225 463362

Core Strategy: The Core Strategy Examination hearings are due to recommence on 25th March 2014. The information below is being sent out on behalf of Chris Banks, the Examination Programme Officer. The Inspector has now prepared the programme for the hearings in March/April 2014; brief guidance notes; and detailed agendas for hearing sessions in weeks 1 and 2. These have been published on the Council’s website and can be found at the link:
Cllr Edwards reported that the hearing for Whitchurch is during the morning of April 8th at the Guildhall, Bath.

7) Planning: Applications to discuss:

14/00646/FUL Mr L Grigg 135 High Street Pensford. Subdivision of 135 High Street into 2no bed dwellings. Erection of a single storey extension following the demolition of existing late c.19 century extension. Parish Council have made Mr Grigg aware of the concerns raised regarding possible parking issues which this proposal would create. On checking the web site, it was noted that at that time there had been no objections. There is a report from Highways who wish to see a Transport Plan which the Parish Council would support. Parish Council support the Planning Application.

Planning Outcomes:

13/05079/FUL Mr & Mrs D Jones Nursery Farm New Road Pensford Application Withdrawn.

14/00060/FUL Mr & Mrs G Carpenter Windyridge Woollard Lane Publow. Detached Double Garage. PERMIT.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary January 596.98
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 15.60
Mrs J Bragg Stationery from Staples 14.76
Titan Internet Services Renewal 120.00
ALCA Annual Subscription 14/15 201.19

Payments Received:
HM Revenue & Customs VAT Re-Claim 1016.81

A further cheque was raised for £30.00 donation to Memorial Hall Committee.

9. Any Other Business:

Parking: The use of Disabled Parking Bays in and around the village have been questioned. Clerk to write to Highways and ask if it is necessary to keep the Disabled Parking Bay outside of Schumack House. Curo will be contacted and they will be asked to review their disabled parking bays at Hillcrest.

The Orchard – Overgrown Vegetation: In hand.

War Memorial: Clerk to obtain quotes for cleaning and to find someone to look at the small wall in front of the War Memorial.

Memorial Hall: Clerk was asked to report to the Police Community Support Officers the problem with Youths around the Memorial Hall Grounds. Many nitrous oxide canisters have been recently collected from around the Grounds.

Publow Church: Are purchasing a new Organ. The possibility of the Parish Council donating towards the cost will be discussed at the April meeting.

Rising Sun Car Park: Concerns over a pile of Horse Manure have been raised.

Parking Church Street: It was noted that cars continue to be parked over the No Parking lines outside of the Church Rooms.

10. Notice of Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT MEETING MONDAY 14th APRIL 2013 AT 7.15 pm

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