Parish Council Minutes – 10th June 2019


Present: Chairman Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Mrs D Custance, Mr T Jones, Mr M Daniels, Cllr P May, Ms J Flower & Mr P Baxter.
There were 6 Members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public:

Overgrown footpaths around the Church Farm area Publow and Birchwood Lane were reported. Clerk to pass to the Footpaths Officer.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs S Grimes & Mr S Filer.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda. No interests noted.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 13th May 2019 as a true and fair record. After being circulated and read were signed as a true record.

5. To Receive an update from the Staffing Panel Meeting and to note Staffing Panel going forward: An update from the last meeting of the staffing panel was given. The content of the letter read out was challenged by a member of the Parish Council. A Parish Councillor requested a copy of the update read out.

6. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:

Joint Spatial Plan deadline has now passed 28/5/19 with a further deadline of the 28th June 2019.

There will be a review of the decision regarding the Congestion charge in Bath.

7. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Gates on Pensford Hill: An email from a resident on Pensford Hill thanked Cllr May and the parish council for the new gates and the improvements made to date.
It was commented that there are a few issues still left to tidy up, poles with no signs and speed signs in and out of the village differ. It was noted that exiting Short Lane is now easier as the traffic is a lot slower.
A traffic survey is currently being carried out on Old Road.
It was suggested that the Parish should consider making a point to BANES that along with the proposal of all of the new homes for Whitchurch could a decent amount of money be spent on the roads to support the extra traffic that these homes will create, especially through Pensford along the A37.

b) Miners Welfare Car Park: A letter from the Solicitor acting for the Miners Welfare Institute had been sent to residents on Church Street with a rear access seeking rent for the use of the land. There had been some confusion and the request has now been withdrawn. A meeting will be held by the Miners Welfare to discuss the matter further. The ownership of the land is still in three parts.

8. Matters for Discussion/ Decision:

a) Recording of future Meetings: Parish Council voted unanimously to record future meetings.

b) Affordable Housing: An email had been received from BANES looking to close the file on the Affordable Housing. Further information had been obtained regarding the access road and there is now another Registered Provider interested in progressing a rural housing opportunity for Pensford. It was agreed that Cllr May would take this forward inviting them to the next meeting. A request for the provider to offer another Housing Needs Survey will also be made.

c) Noticeboard: The new tenants of the Miners Welfare Café had asked if the Parish Council noticeboard could be painted. The Noticeboard was made specifically out of Oak so that maintenance would be minimal. The noticeboard will be removed, sanded back and oiled.

9. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report:

Public Rights of Way: The amount of £872.20 for this year’s agreement between BANES & the Parish Council with regard to the Footpaths Officer has been received.

Belluton Lane: The request for a new road sign for Belluton Lane has now been “Scheduled for future works” and enquiry closed on Fix My Street. The request for a new “No Through Road Sign” has been marked as “Internal Referral” and enquiry closed on Fix my Street.

Junction of B3130 & A37: Some of the signage has now been removed at this junction. However another sign has been put up.

Telephone Kiosk Hillcrest: Paint has been collected. Volunteers are organising a suitable date – weather dependant between them.

Allotments: Two more enquiries have been received regarding vacant plots. Two plots have come vacant as tenants have moved. Clerk is to arrange a meeting on site with new tenants.

Litter Bin: The litterbin in Hursley Hill layby was reported via Fix My Street as it needed repairs. This has been logged by BANES as being fixed now.

High Street: There is still no update following requests made for a new bin at the top of the High Street/Hillcrest.

Quarry Lodge Woollard Lane: An update on the position of the Log Cabin named as Quarry Lodge Woollard Lane was asked for at the last meeting. Clerk can report that an update was circulated to all Parish Council members on 20th September 2018. The report from Enforcement reported that the Enforcement notice still stands at this address and BANES will not be lifting it. However no planning permissions have been granted. The decision of the Committee is to under-enforce the matter. In the event that the current circumstances change the matter can still be prosecuted or the cabin removed in the future. The decision by the committee is only binding to the current occupier (not her family) and once her current needs pass she is clear that the building will need to go. The case is closed however and will be reviewed by BANES particularly if the ownership changed.

2019 Rotary Community Awards: The Rotary of Chelwood Bridge are again seeking nominations for their yearly Community Award. They are looking for nominations of people who have made a significant voluntary contribution to our community during 2019. Nominations should be submitted by the end of June.

b) BANES ALCA AGM 29th May 2019: Chairman attended this meeting. New members were elected. Dawn Drury is now Chairman. Future meetings will now be held at the same venue in Saltford as the facilities are suitable and there is plenty of parking.

10. Planning:

Applications to Consult: 19/02373/FUL Mr Balzan Hillside Parsonage Lane Publow. Erection of new front porch following removal of existing. Parish Council unanimously voted to support this application.

19/02500/LBA The Grange Stanton Road Pensford Bristol. Internal and external alterations for the installation of new flooring, kitchen, door, ceiling roses alongside various repairs. Parish Council support.

Planning Outcomes:

19/01508/VAR Hareclive Properties Ltd Pensford Garage New Road Pensford. Variation of Condition 15 of application 15/04054/FUL. PERMIT

11. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £770.16
AED Locator Tag Monitoring Service for 3 x Defibs at £49.00 each £176.40
Computer Services Hard Disk replacement and works to Clerks Computer £142.00

Payments to be authorised:

Action Play & Leisure Mushrooms in Pensford Playground £532.80
Mrs J Bragg Clerks Imprest £36.00
Mrs J Bragg Printer Ink £14.50
DPM Lucas Garden Contractors Village Green cutting 8/5 & 20/5 £40.00

Mrs J Gully Plants for War Memorial £20.00
PCAA Membership Renewal £50.00
Water 2 Business Allotment Water 27/11/19-15/5/19 £28.13
Receipts to note:
Memorial Hall Donation for Mushrooms for Playground £444.00
Various Allotment Rental £150.00
Groundworks Grant Donation to Fingerpost Fund £1000.00

12. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Mrs Gully gave her apologies for the next meeting.

Packhorse Bridge: A note relating to the Packhorse Bridge had been given to a Parish Councillor asking for it to be an agenda item next month. The Packhorse Bridge is on Private land in Woollard and any concerns in relation to the bridge will be taken up by the owner of the land separate to a Parish Council Meeting.

Clerks Computer: Storing and backing up using iCloud was suggested and will be looked into.

13. To Note Future Meetings:
Chew Valley Forum Meeting due to be held on Thursday 20th June 2019 has now been postponed. Further date awaited.

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