Parish Council Minutes – 10th July 2017


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford. Mrs S Grimes, Mr P Baxter, Mrs T Jones, Mr S Filer.
Members of the Public: There were seven Members of the Public present.

1. Members of the Public: A Licence review in relation to The Rising Sun, Church Street Pensford is being undertaken by BANES following complaints from a resident living opposite in relation to noise levels emitting from the Pub. Owner of the Pub Jo Drury attended the Parish Council to seek their support. Parish Councillors were asked to reply personally or as a whole if they felt they would support the Pub.

Member of the Public who lives opposite the Pub and has submitted complaints and requested the review attended the meeting reporting that he felt the need to complain about the excessive noise, abusive language which are not acceptable. Parish Council heard that noise-monitoring equipment installed at his property had showed no excessive noise.

The Parish Council agreed that the Pub is now a great asset to the village and support its position in the Community. It was suggested that Parish Council support individually as a resident of the Parish.

2. Welcome Environmental Monitoring Team BANES: The Environmental Team attended the meeting to address concerns regarding the possible pollution problems in Pensford. The Council is legally bound to review air quality. Two monitoring tubes had been placed in Pensford and are changed monthly. One by the School and one just further up the hill. Reports are submitted to DEFRA on a monthly basis. The monitor by the school shows pollution levels relatively low and will probably be taken out. The tubes will be re-prioritised and re-located. Suggested locations can be emailed to the Team at as they are open to other locations. The Team suggested coming back to Parish Council at the end of the Year or early into 2018 to report back. A slide show presentation was given which covered eight different slides. Clerk will circulate to all Parish Council.

3. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr J Kelly, Mrs J Gully & Cllr P May.

4. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda. None Received.

5. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree minutes of Monday 12th June 2017 & Tuesday 20th June 2017 & sign as a true and accurate record. Mr P Baxter’s comments had been noted in relation to the External Audit. The minutes were signed and agreed as a true and accurate record.

b) Parish Charter: All Parish Councillors had received a copy of the Parish Charter. All were reminded that the deadline is the 31st July 2017. Clerk had received 2 responses.

c) Foundation Parish Status: Clerk will progress this with Chairman.

6. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Although absent Cllr May submitted the following comments to report:
A member of the public remains concerned about the work at the garage site.
The Roadworks up the hill had started but the white lines have been stopped because a central line is not appropriate on such a narrow stretch. The opinion of a three-lane stretch at the top of the hill will be consulted at the Public Meeting.

7. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Pensford Garage Works CIL Payment: Clerk reported that the first CIL Payment in respect of application 15/04054/FUL at Pensford Garage New Road had been received. A total of £3005.36. This is instalment 1 of 3. The 2nd payment is within a year of commencement and the 3rd is 18 months from commencement making 2 payments in the 2nd financial year.

b) Tennis Club: The open day was well attended. The logo is to be re-designed along with a new Web Page. The next fundraiser takes place on 18th November 2017 which will be a Bavarian Evening. Following an initiative from Judy Murray “She Rallies” the club are hoping to encourage more teenagers to coach.

c) Public Meeting Date for discussion of A37 Works – Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 2.00 pm: The Date had been confirmed with Kelvin Packer BANES, and will be distributed to members of the public by email or poster.

d) Acker Bilk Bench Unveiling: Dates awaited from Music Festival. Cllr T Warren to be invited.

e) Pensford Churchyard Update: BANES Council now confirmed that St Thomas a Becket Churchyard is on a routine schedule and the intention is for it to be cut every 3 to 4 weeks. A machine which mulches the grass so it is fine will be used. The contractors will strim around the memorials. On a few occasions it has been mentioned that gaining access has been limited due to the gates being blocked by parked vehicles, a smaller mower will be used in these instances.

f) Update on Speeding Old Road & High Street: Stefan Chiffers has confirmed that a Speed Count will be undertaken on Old Road. Clerk has asked for confirmation as to when this will happen but has not received a reply.

8. Reports:

a) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Attended by Mr Heaford. Updates were received from the local Beat Team. No real increase in crime. The Police were asked how speeding can be enforced? They are restricted by having only one hand held camera which can be deployed to each village.
Presentations were given by BANES Dementia Alliance Team. Village Agent and Virgin Care – Care in the Community.

b) Clerks Progress Report: Report Attached. Discussion from the Clerks Report were as follows:- Community Empowerment Fund: Chairman suggested that this money could be used to fund the Finger Post Project. This was agreed.
Old Road: Suggested Residents Only sign to be put up. Possibly no-one would take any notice.
Lock Up Repair: The first level of repair has been completed. The Community Trust have kindly offered to fund these works. Chairman asked where the Barriers and Cones which were being stored in the Lock Up are. It was thought that they are no longer in the Lock Up.
Cars parking in front of the Lock Up and in front of the new Bench continue to be a problem. The suggestions for putting in a pavement in front of the Lock Up have been sent to Kelvin Packer for consideration. Parking Enforcement need to be consulted again.

9. Planning:

Applications to Consult: Planning Outcomes:

None received


17/0099/FUL Mr J Packer Valley View Blackrock Lane Publow. Erection of a two storey front extension. PERMIT

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £752.14

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £28.00
K C Printing Printing £6.78
K C Printing Printing of Parish Charter £10.92

Receipts to note:

BANES CIL Payment – Pensford Garage £3005.36

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: A request was made by Mr Baxter to be on the Staffing Panel. Clerk will add this as an Agenda item for the August Meeting.

12. To Note Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 14th August 2017 AT 7.15 pm
Parish Liaison Meeting Wednesday 12th July 2017


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