Parish Council Minutes – 10th January 2022



Present: Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Dr L Malt, Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Cllr P. May (B&NES), and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 3 Member of Public.

Public Submissions: A resident urged the Parish Council to OBJECT to planning application 21/05576/FUL Westward, due to overdevelopment, they said it was inappropriate to its surroundings and queried the access arrangements.

24.1 Apologies: Mrs S Grimes

24.2 Declarations of Interest: None

24.3 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 13th December 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

24.4 Planning

a. Applications to consult:
i) 21/05482/FUL: Bramley House, Hillcrest, Pensford. Conversion of existing outbuilding to form annex ancillary to main dwelling. The Parish council resolved to SUPPORT the application.
ii) 21/05576/FUL: Westward, 2 The Orchard, Pensford. Erection of two semi-detached dwellings with access. The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to the application due to concerns about the access on Police Lane and its proximity to the junction with the A37. The scale of the development is too large for the plot and will result in overdevelopment.

b. Decision Notification:
i) 21/03207/FUL: Tyning House, Hursley Hill, Publow. Erection of detached dwelling following demolition of existing HMO property. This application will be considered by planning committee of January 12th.

24.5 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) The Parish Council discussed B&NES’ decision to remove the pedestrian island on the A37 near short lane. B&NES had communicated that they had safety concerns about the island as it had been repeatedly hit by vehicles and therefore had to remove it as a matter of urgency. To mitigate for the removal of the island, they would be increasing the width of the pavement therefore narrowing the road so that pedestrians would have a shorter distance to cross and installing a flashing speed sign to remind vehicles that were travelling too fast. The Clerk was asked to arrange a meeting with Paul Garrod (Traffic Management and Network Manager), Paul May (B&NES Ward Councillor) and representatives from the Parish Council to ensure that B&NES install further measures to protect pedestrian safety and to reduce the speed of vehicles exiting the village.
b) The Parish Council approved the budget for 2022-2023 and the precept was set at £19,463 which is an increase of 12.6% or an additional 37p per month for a Band D property.
c) The Parish Council approved expenditure (with an agreed limit) to repair the electrics in the Defibrillator phone boxes at Woollard & Hillcrest as the electrics in both had stopped working and was needed to keep the defibrillators at a working temperature.
d) Expenditure for 10 litter pickers was not approved.
e) It was reported that fences blocking the footpath behind the Rising Sun had been removed and replaced with a rope and a notice to say that the path is in need of repair and advising people to take an alternative route.
f) The Parish Council received a report on the ways in which Capital Expenditure could be spent and options put forward would be investigated.
g) The Parish Council approved expenditure for the renovation of the fingerpost at Priest Down. This would be paid out of ringfenced funds which had been donated to the Parish Council for the Fingerpost Project.

24.6 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.
b) January Payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense Amount VAT Recover
Mark McMullen – Footpath Officer £80.00 £- N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson – Salary – January £711.70 £- N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson – Reimburse for Zoom £4.80 £- N/A
VP Services (refurbishment of Finger post) £1325.00 £- N/A
Protect our Keynsham Environment(Grant minute 23.5c) £200.00 £- N/A
Titan Internet (WordPress hosting) £240 £40 Y

24.7 B&NES: The Ward Councillor reported that the application from Resourceful Earth would be heard by Committee, but the hearing would not be before March 2022. The Local Plan partial update had been approved by B&NES. He has requested highways to install additional bollards coming into the village and is looking at additional give ways signs. He would be meeting the planning officer for the planning application at Wick Lane to show them the problems with access.

24.8 Reports
a) Allotments: Report Circulated
b) Climate Emergency Working group: Report circulated
c) Memorial Hall – No update.
d) PCAA: No update (waiting for inspectors)
e) Clerks Report – nothing in addition to the agenda.
f) The Chairman had nothing to report.

24.9 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: None

24.10 To note Future Meetings:

Parish Liaison: 23rd March 2022


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