Parish Council Minutes – 10th February 2014


Present: Chairman Mr T Heaford Vice-Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson
Mr L Seymour, Mrs J Jones, Mrs J Gully, Mrs L Cains, Mr S Filer, Cllr P Edwards,
Mr J Kelly. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were four members of the public present

1) Members of the Public: No matters raised

2) Apologies for Absence: No apologies to report

3) Minutes of Monday 13th January 2014 after being circulated were signed as a true record

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Congratulations on the effort of creating the Nativity Scene had been done. Chairman noted that the Green Belt Sign had been removed.

Enforcement Matters: The enforcement Department reported that in respect of The Spangles it was determined that it was not expedient to pursue this matter formally.

Log Cabin: Enforcement process is at an advanced stage but at present cannot be fully reported.

Parsonage Lane Wall: It was agreed that the owner would be spoken to further in relation to submitting a planning application.

Garden Party: Unfortunately Chairman had not been nominated this year.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) PCAA Meeting: Meetings now take place every six months. Noise Action plan was discussed. This has been submitted to the Airport. It has been suggested to have an independent body to look at the noise complaints. Night Noise quota was considered to be too generous.
Chairman attended the Airport Consultative Committee meeting. Two plans were discussed. One is for a large hanger on the Southern side of the airport for the flying club. The other is the intention of bringing forward the building of the Hotel on the Northern Car Park.

b) Rotary Club Nomination: Mrs J Gully was nominated, Parish Council fully supported this. Clerk to submit the nomination.

c) Quarterly Accounts to 31/12/2013/Budget/Precept 2014/2015: Mr Kelly circulated the accounts and ran through the figures. There was to be no rise in the Precept. The Balance Sheet contained no real changes to report.
It was suggested that the Parish Council would look at changing Insurance Companies. Cllr Edwards to forward clerk contact details of the Zurich Insurance. Audit costs will also be looked at. The new defibrillator at Hillcrest will need to be added to the Policy.
Mr Seymour asked for thanks to be extended to Mr Kelly for the preparation of the accounts and the excellent presentation of them. Parish Council supported this and Mr Kelly was thanked.

d) Defibrillator Progress Update: The new Defibrillator at Hillcrest had been installed on Friday 7th February by Mogford Prescott Electrician. Mrs Cains will be the guardian for the defibrillator. Clerk was given the spare key for the Defibrillator. AED are now located in East Harptree.
Cost of paint for the telephone box was discussed. Mr Filer will source the paint. Mr Seymour and Mr Beedell will paint the Telephone kiosk.
A sign has been put up at the turning into Hillcrest.
Demonstrations on how to use the Defibrillator will be arranged to be held at the Gospel Hall.
Cllr Edwards reported that there is training in Norton Malreward on 4th March at 7pm should anyone wish to attend.

e) Chairman’s Nomination Awards Evening: Our two nominations were successful.
Peter and Anne Sessford were in the Business in the Community section in which there were 10 nominations, they received a commendation certificate, of which there were 3.
Mervyn Cox had been nominated in the Good Neighbour of the Year award. Disappointment came when out of the 3 nominations he did not receive an award. However he was first out of the hat for a Special Chairman’s award. Clerk gave details to the Gazette.

f) Church Farm Footpath Meeting: A meeting was held with the new Public Rights of Way Officer Sheila Petherbridge. Four areas of concern in relation to the footpaths around Church Farm were raised. The owner of Church Farm will be given until 3rd March to reply to the concerns raised with a possible deadline of June 1st 2014 to get the issues corrected.
Sheila also reported at the meeting that levelling work will be carried out at Culvery Wood. Steps will be put in. An unfinished Boardwalk Project will be completed by Mendip Ramblers possibly on a Tuesday over a 3 – 4 week period.

g) Welcome evening for Mr & Mrs Patel: Thanks were extended to Jane Flower for arranging a successful evening with many parishioners attending.

h) Neighbourhood Plan: A meeting will be convened with the three volunteers. Mrs Grimes and Mrs Gully would also like to be involved.

i) BANES ALCA Meeting 29th January 2014: The law will require changing due to the three elections next year. General Elections. Parish Councillor Elections and BANES Councillors. The new secretary for ALCA Debra White was introduced. There is an active training programme on the ALCA Web Site. Clerk to circulate details of the training courses.

j) Connecting Communities: It has been agreed that Pensford will be placed in the Chew Valley Cluster Group. Each Cluster Group has a very wide membership.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Highways Contact: Kelvin Packer in Highways at BANES has again been emailed regarding the parking problems on the corner of Publow Lane. He apologises for delay in dealing with this issue and promises to follow up on this matter and ensure that a full reply is received in the near future. Mr Packers reply was on the 27th January and to date no further update has been received.

Anti-Skid Surface New Road: Mr Packer to date has not responded to the request of having the anti skid surface re-instated. A further follow up request has been sent.
Copies have also been sent to Council Connect.

Litter Bins: There is no update to report on Litter Bins or the request for a bin for Dog Litter.

Hillcrest: Council Connect have been made aware of the water coming out of the manhole outside of no. 55 Hillcrest.

Junction of Publow Lane with A37: Council Connect have been asked to attend to the tarmac at this location.

Banner on Pensford Bridge: Has been removed.

Peats Hill: Flood warning signs have been put up at this location although complaints continue to be received regarding the flooding at this location. BANES report that there is still nothing that can be done until the flooding is under control and the area dries up.
It was reported at the meeting that extra traffic has exacerbated the problem due to the diversion in place at Chelwood recently.

Pot Holes: Travelling from the top of Peats Hill and down into Woollard Village, and outside of the Telephone Kiosk, pot holes have been reported to Highways and Council Connect as urgently needing attention.

Log Cabin, Woollard Lane: Cllr Edwards is in negotiations with BANES and the matter is ongoing.

Chairman’s Community Awards: Details of Awards given on the evening have been sent to Ros Anstey for a piece in the Chew Valley Gazette.

Parish Online Training: The suggested dates of 18th February & 25th February were suggested. The Student providing the training has offered 25th. Clerk has confirmed this date and awaits a time.

Placemaking Plan: Julie O’Rourke at BANES emailed clerk to say how pleased she is with the photographs received accompanying the Placemaking Plan Appraisals.

Parish Sweeper Scheme: Needs to be progressed.
Due to the lack of Progress Month after Month – it was agreed that a copy of the Clerks Progress Report would be sent to the Chief Executive of B&NES Council.

Incoming Emails & Post: BANES have circulated an email regarding the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War (WW1).
Information on events taking place can be added to the following page:

Chew Valley Crime Prevention Event: This takes place on Tuesday 18th February at Bishop Sutton Hall between 15.30 & 19.30. Clerk has circulated to all Parish Council members and details were sent to the Parish Magazine and the Web site.
Bristol Airport – Fund Request: Bristol Airport have held their Fund Committee Meeting and advise the Parish Council that the request for help with funding for the Defibrillator at Hillcrest was unsuccessful. The project does not meet any of the funding criteria. The Bristol Airport Fire Team can offer Free First Aid Training if interested.

Mystery of the Wansdyke: The Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution are holding The Debate Mystery of the Wansdyke on Saturday 22nd March 2014. This is an open event and details have been circulated to all Parish Council Members. Further information can be obtained by calling 01225 463362

Worcester Research: Worcester Research have written to the Parish Council to introduce themselves and offer support should the council be considering developing a Neighbourhood Plan for our Community. Worcester Research have recent experience of producing evidence to support Neighbourhood Plans. These have included Clutton Parish Council, Stowey Sutton.

7) Planning: Applications discussed by Sub-Committee:

14/00060/FUL Mr & Mrs G Carpenter Windyridge Woollard Lane. Double Garage. Parish Council Support.

14/00236/CLEU Mr T Budd Broadoak Sidings, Wick Lane Pensford. Stationing of a Residential Caravan and use of land for Residential purposes. Parish Council Supported and are delighted that at long last this application has emerged. Parish Council recommended that photographs should be taken during a site visit.

Planning Outcomes:

13/05122/FUL Mr & Mrs Sanfilippo Doverhay Woollard Lane Publow. Single Storey Extension with associated decking with balustrade. PERMIT

13/03640/VAR Parcel 7100 Woollard Lane Whitchurch. Removal of condition 1 & variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission 10/03798/FUL to allow a small private gypsy site to site 1 no. Mobile home, 1 no. Touring caravan and associated ancillary development including the construction of a new access. PERMIT: A very disappointing outcome. Following a survey in Whitchurch Parish 90% of the population were against this site.

Building in Whitchurch: The 47 homes in Sleep Lane are under construction. Sleep Lane will not remain permanently closed but is having an effect on traffic congestion on the A37.
Plans for 240 new homes in Keynsham have now been submitted.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary January 606.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 21.60
Mrs J Bragg Computer Ink 10.99

9. Any Other Business:

Woollard Notice board: Has been repaired and will be put back up.
100th Anniversary WW1: Woollard village will be planting Poppies to mark this occasion. Clerk reported that there has been no reply from the Head teacher regarding the proposal to do something jointly with the Parish Council.

Bus Stop on Bridge: A discussion took place on what to do with the bus shelter. As no decision was made it will be kept on future Agendas.

135 High Street: Two separate letters from Members of the Public had been received in relation to the proposal to restore 135 High Street to two dwellings. Concerns have been raised stating that if the conversion goes ahead two off road parking spaces will be removed and least three extra cars will be added in the street. The Parish Council discussed the letters and will be acknowledging them. Unfortunately Parking is an issue on which the whole village has problems.

1 Hour Parking Church Street: Upset and concern had been raised about the 1-hour parking introduction which had nothing to do with the Parish Council.

The Orchard Planning Permission: It was reported that the Planning Permission has now expired. The owner of the land will be contacted to get the vegetation cut back.

10. Notice of Future Meetings:

PACT Meeting, Wednesday 12th February Chew Stoke Bowling Club.

Chew Valley Area Partnership Meeting: Wednesday 12th February, Keynsham.

Parish Liaison Meeting: 19th February 2014: Sue Grimes to attend in Mr Heaford’s absence.


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