Parish Council Minutes – 10th August 2015


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mrs L Cains, Mr J Kelly, Mrs J Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs T Jones,
Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Cllr P May. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were eight members of the public present.

Public Participation:

St Thomas a Becket Churchyard: Someone to cut the grass is needed. Parish Council agreed to making a donation towards the cutting of the grass. Member of the public suggested his son.
The Local Authority have yet to complete their health & safety checks before they can take over the maintenance of the churchyard.

1. Apologies for Absence were received from Dawn Custance and Jenny Gully.

2. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda:

None received.

3. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 13th July 2015: After being circulated and read were agreed and signed as a correct record.

4. To receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:

Meeting re: A37 to take place on Monday 17th August 2015 A question was raised is it to be an Open Meeting or not. Cllr May explained that the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the A37 along with BANES Officers, the Parish Council and key residents who have put a lot of input into recording information. Liz Hine has been invited to present information which she has gathered. It is hoped that a Consultation to the Public will follow this meeting.

Chairman suspended Standing Orders to allow Members of the Public attending to speak. Those attending either live on Pensford Hill or are greatly affected by the A37 living close to it.

It was suggested that the Clerk change the booking of the Pavilion Room to the Main Hall for the meeting. Cllr May will Chair the meeting.

5. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

Acker Bilk Seat: Stone Benches have been researched. A local Stone Mason has quoted in the region of £2,000 to produce a stone bench. Chairman passed around two options. The Acker Bilk Bowler Hat and Clarinet could be added into the stonework. The majority of the Parish Council preferred choice one, preferably with stone slats.

Memorial Hall following meeting with Dave Lewis & Pete Moore: A meeting took place with the Chairman and Clerk of the Parish Council. Concerns were raised at the meeting regarding funding of the hall and the possible costs i.e. Boiler. Grass Cutting will need to be reviewed as the current person will be retiring the current cost is £1,200 per year. The cost of the Children’s Play Area and the maintenance of it is a major concern. Lisa Cains offered to look into the Play Area further and look at how other Parish Councils fund the maintenance of their Play Areas and who is responsible for checking on them and how often. Contact will also be made with BANES Play & Parks Department.

6. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Peter Edwards Award: Chairman reported that Peter Edwards has been made an “Alderman” and is delighted. This is an award just below a Major Role. Chairman will get a card to send to Peter and he will be invited to our Christmas Meeting.

b) Pensford Viaduct: Following the fall of debris from the Viaduct, the Chairman had telephoned BANES to get the footpaths closed. It was reported that the top end of the footpath in Belluton needed closing too. Clerk had been in touch with the Historical Railways Department and they confirmed they were in the process of appointing Contractors to carry out the repairs. The Viaduct is Grad I Listed.

c) A37 Traffic & Safety: Covered under Public Participation

d) Footpath: A meeting had taken place regarding the footpath at 148 High Street there was no further update to offer.

e) 20mph Scheme Proposal: Parish Council to ask if the 20mph scheme can be extended past the Memorial Hall along Publow Lane and possibly into Woollard Publow Lane is used by a lot of pedestrians, the school children walk to the church and the speed limit is currently unrestricted.
It was also asked if the 20mph limit could extend along Stanton Lane past Guys Farm and possibly up as far as the Viaduct. Clerk to reply to BANES.
A speed limit sign on the South Side of Station Approach is incorrect.

7. Reports:

a) Chew Valley Forum Meeting (Welcome Pack for New Residents): The meeting was chaired by Mr Heaford. Not many in attendance Present administration need to get to grips with the Forum Strategy. Chew Valley representatives came and went during the evening. An Independent Facilitator prepared and led a presentation for the Community in Bath. The idea of a Welcome Pack for new residents moving into a Parish was felt to be a good idea. Maybe the idea can be progressed through the Neighbourhood Plan.

b) Neighbourhood Plan: The new Vice-Chairman is Charlie Bishop who had been appointed following the resignation of Simon King. A sub group has formed to look at Renewable Energy Schemes. The meeting held on the 29th July was mainly to discuss the content of the questionnaire. It is hoped to distribute the questionnaire in Early October. They will possibly be a prize draw incentive for the return of the questionnaires. The next meeting takes place on Wednesday 19th August 2015.

c) Clerks Progress Report:

Woollard Bridge: Works to prepare and repaint Woollard Bridge will commence on the 17th August 2015 and will take around 4 weeks to complete. A contractor will arrange a couple of colour test colours for a suitable green. The contractor may need to barrier off a footpath at time, to exclude pedestrians whilst working on the bridge, however the footpath opposite will be available. And at the end of each working day the barriers can be pulled back up to the railings to reopen the footway. A temporary porta loo will also be required during the works and will need to be sited in a suitable position.

Requests for electoral Register: A form has been returned to request that Publow with Pensford continue to receive a copy of the Register of Electors. All Parish Councillors have been made aware that they are entitled to a copy but must also complete and return a request form of their own. This can then be emailed to

Community award: Janette presented Sally Daniels at the Miners Coffee shop with her Chelwood Bridge Rotary Club Community Award on 22nd July 2015. Sue, Tracy & Julie were also present. Ros Anstey attended from the Chew Valley Gazette to take photos.

Police: An email has been sent to the new Beat Manager Chris Tearle inviting him to attend a future PC meeting. He has been given dates up to December.

Church Street: An objection to the BANES parking proposals in Church Street has been received from Peter Owen, Secretary to the Church Room. Peter writes “I understand that the Council is considering the possibility of installing parking restrictions in the Church Street area of Pensford.

“I am writing in my capacity as secretary of the Feoffees of Pensford Church Lands Charity which is responsible for Pensford Church Room. The use of the Church Room would be adversely affected by any reduction in the amount of on-street parking in that area. Many of the activities using the room involve people with limited mobility, and parking nearby is a necessity. Additionally, heavy items occasionally need to be loaded or off-loaded for Markets etc regularly held in the room. I have always observed co-operative parking in the area amongst residents and Church Room users, and access is always made available to the adjacent Churchyard for visitors to that site.
I must therefore raise an objection to any proposal for the parking arrangements being changed and would ask that this objection be conveyed to the next meeting of the Council.”

Clerk has replied to Peter informing him that his objections will be noted and advised him that it is NOT the Parish Councils proposal or ultimately the Parish Councils decision, but it is that of BANES. Clerk further suggested that when BANES open the proposal to Public Consultation he should submit the Feoffees objection directly to BANES.

Pensford Primary School: The Primary School have emailed Parish Councillor Tracy Jones and asked her to inform the Parish Council that Playground Markings will be installed on 1st October 2015 this will be a Snakes and Ladders playground marking. A PE track as well is going to be added as well.
It was agreed that the School should be communicating via the Clerk to the Parish Council.
Clerk to email and request this.
Clerk circulated details of Sporting Hubs which were to be taking place at the Memorial Hall on Thursday 13th August 2015.

Old Bus Shelter: Clerk is advised work will be commencing on the Bus Shelter within the Month.


Application number 15/03203/FUL Mr C Dembicki Erection of Front Wall and Gates replacing existing The Parish Council Planning Sub Group considered this and supported the application. Clerk returned Planning Outcome.

15/02719 Amercombe Bungalow Bristol Road, Pensford Clerk returned Parish Councils response. No Design & Access Statement Concerns that the proposal is an overdevelopment of the site.


Great Western Air Ambulance Charity Partnerships Manager has written to the Parish Council asking if it would consider having a clothing bank placed at a suitable location in the Parish? A copy has been sent to the Memorial Hall Committee Chair & Vice Chair.

8. Planning:

Applications considered by Planning Sub-Group:

To receive comments and decision made by sub group on: 15/03203/FUL Mr Dembicki Station House, 3 Station Approach Pensford. Erection of front wall and gates replacing existing Support

Applications received to Consider and Comment:

15/03505/FUL Mr P Moore Foxley 2 Publow Lane Publow Erection of a single storey extension Parish Council Support

Planning Outcomes to Note:

None to date

9. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk July Salary + March, April May
Neighbourhood Planning Hours 842.13
Community Bus Donation 500.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 28.52
Chris James Memorial Hall Hire for Neighbourhood Planning Meetings 20.00
Allotment Society Membership 25.00

To note Payments Received:

Allotments Rentals 20.00

10. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Notice board: Mr Stevenson has agreed to make a small notice board to be placed next to the one by the Miners Coffee Shop to accommodate Village Items.

Play Area: Lisa Cains to progress.

Community Bus: A report from their Summer Activities will be brought to the next meeting.

Insurances: Cllr May raised a concern regarding Insurances in relation to the Pop Up Sports Hub.

Wall on Pensford Hill: Clerk to ask Building Control to look at it again.

Bus Stop at Hillcrest: Clerk to follow up the concerns regarding the crack in the stonework

Minutes: Mr Baxter asked to speak about the Minutes. This will be added to the September Agenda.

11. To Note Future Meetings: A37 Traffic Meeting Monday 17th August Memorial Hall at 4.00 pm. Neighbourhood Planning Meeting Wednesday 19th August 2015 7.30 pm. Memorial Hall Publow Lane

ALCA AGM Saturday 3rd October 2015 10.30 – 12.00 The Jubilee Pavilion Long Ashton.