Present: Chairman Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford Mr J Kelly, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs T Jones, Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer, Mr P Baxter.
Cllr P May. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
There were four members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public:

Welcome Kelvin Packer – BANES Highways: Kelvin was welcomed to the Parish Council Meeting. A quick summary of the Public Meeting held over a year ago was given along with the proposed key points highlighted for Pensford and proposed alterations to the A37. A survey of pedestrians crossing the road at the bottom of Short Lane had been conducted and the results were given to Kelvin. It was agreed that the bollards are a waste of money and replacing them constantly is not working. Kerbing changes will be looked at. Consultation will take place with the Parish Council to make sure the kerbing is sympathetic to the village. Speeds on Pensford Hill will be reviewed. BANES are funding the camera reinstatement. Kelvin wants to slow the traffic not create congestion or a bottleneck so that air quality is not compromised.
The re-design of the junction at Belluton Narrows and the speed of traffic coming up the hill is an issue. Ways of reducing speed and altering the junction will be looked at.
Where possible electronic signage will be used. Kelvin confirmed that he still has the capital budget for these works. It was suggested that another Public Meeting should be held in June. Timescales for works would take into account months where Pensford suffers heavier traffic movement i.e. Glastonbury.
Clerk to email Kelvin Packer and thank him for attending the Parish Council Meeting.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from J Gully.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda:

None received.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 13th March 2017 as a true and fair record:

After being circulated and read the minutes were duly signed as a true record.

5. To receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:

No further update from Cllr May apart from extending thanks to Tracy Jones for the survey in relation to Short Lane and pedestrians crossing to the Bus Stop.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Neighbourhood Plan: The Parish Council now in Purdah are unable to campaign in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan but could give factual points. Chairman read out a factual statement from BANES headed “What is Neighbourhood Planning?” This will be sent out with the minutes.
Cllr P Baxter informed the Parish Council that he would be voting against the Neighbourhood Plan.

b) Tennis Club:

The resurfacing is complete. The white lining will be carried out once the next payment is received. A problem had occurred with the lighting. Coaching will take place in the Summer by Tennis for kids. An Open Day is planned for 14th May 10 am – 1 pm.

c) Fingerposts: No further progress to report. BANES have confirmed that the Parish Council can re-locate the Brown Signs. Funds stand at £2,700.00 for the Finger Posts.

d) Acker Bilk Bench: The Bench had been installed next to the Lock Up. Photos of the first people to sit on the bench had been taken. There will be an opening ceremony to be held in June/July. Clerk to check dates with Memorial Hall. It was agreed that Cllr T Warren would be invited to unveil the bench. It was suggested that a musician/s could be invited from Bath Music Festival Event.

e) Pensford 10k 30th April 2017: The event takes place at the earlier time of 11 am. Volunteer Marshalls are all in place now. The notification of the Road Closure has been received. Clerk has placed a copy on the noticeboard. Highways will be asked to organise repairs & a thorough sweep of the course.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Approval of Annual Governance Statement: In order to complete internal controls for Audit purposes it is necessary to read out and agree the Annual Governance Statements on the Annual Return. Cllr J Kelly read out the Statements and Parish Council supported the contents of the Statements apart from Cllr Baxter in relation to item 4. Which reads “We provided proper opportunity during the year for the exercise of electors rights in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations”….this means that during the year the Parish Council gave all persons interested the opportunity to inspect and ask questions about this authorities accounts.

b) Traffic/Parking by Lock Up: It was suggested again that a footpath in front of the Lock Up would be a good idea to stop illegal parking here and also give a safe path to walk on. Parish Council agreed to suggest this idea should be added to the programme of works currently in hand with BANES.

Lock Up: Updated quotes are awaited. Community Trust are considering a donation.

c) Acker Bilk Bench – Agree Location: Location discussed under item 6d.

d) To agree Part Time Clerks Hourly Rate increase from April 2017 SCP 27 £12.44 will rise to £12.56: This was agreed.

8. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report: Log Cabin, Woollard: Enforcement have reported that they anticipate taking a report to the May Planning Committee to seek authority to initiate legal proceedings. A personal circumstances statement is awaited from the landowner. Enforcement will update the Parish Council further after May.
The Chapel Woollard: Clerk has received an email from a concerned resident in Woollard who reports that the Chapel is being used as overnight accommodation and the issue has been raised with Planning Enforcement. The Parish Councils support is being asked for in relation to this…..

Brown Direction Signs: Clerk has contacted Stefan Chiffers again and asked if members of the parish council can move the brown signs. No response so far.

Litter Picking: The Litter Pick has been confirmed for the 23rd April 2017. Clerk has arranged with BANES to deliver the equipment on Friday the 21st April. BANES have sent a copy of volunteers clean up pack for information. BANES have confirmed that the litter pickers they use cost £12.84.

Man Hole Cover – A37: Clerk has been asked to report the noisy man hole cover on the A37 at the junction of the High Street. This has been reported to Council Connect.

Memorial Hall: Clerk has emailed Chairman of the Memorial Hall to ask for dates when a meeting can be held between himself and Chairman of Parish Council and Clerk.

Mr Breach Letter: Clerk has responded to Mr Breach’s letter as discussed at the March Parish Council Meeting.

Payroll Services: Clerk has returned forms following the support of the Parish Council to continue with the services at the increased rate of £73 per year to complete the Clerks Payroll.

Rubbish Collections Fortnightly: A reminder has been received from BANES regarding the change in Rubbish collections from 6th November 2017. BANES sent letters to all residents earlier in March, advising them of the change to their rubbish collections. The deadline for residents to contact BANES with any queries with their rubbish bin/bag allocation is 5 May. Details have been put on the noticeboard and sent to the Web Site.

Neighbourhood Plan Referendum: All required information has been sent to the Web Site and placed on the noticeboard by the Miners Café…

b) PCAA Meeting 23rd March 2017: British Airways will be increasing destinations to include Malaga, Ibiza, Minorca and Florence. Parking remains a major issue, Butcombe have started their own action parking group. Criticism was made to the Drop off/Pick Up areas which are often chaotic.

The Airport currently received 7.5 million passengers last year. Planning is agreed for 10 million passengers. Should this figure rise to 15 Million passengers further planning will need to be applied for. If granted this would lead to more pressure on the Road networks and Flight Paths.

9. Planning:

Applications to Consult:

None Received. However it was pointed out that as a neighbouring parish we had not received a copy of the plans for Old Colliery Yard Wick Lane. Clerk to look up planning application and circulate for comments.

Planning Outcomes:

16/05822/FUL Mr & Mrs Carpenter Bell Farm Hunstrete Lane Woollard. Repairs to roof structure, chimneys & pointing with improved weatherproofing details, the re-opening of original windows within the East Wall of Farmhouse and insertion of a roof light on rear slope (regularisation). PERMIT

17/00355/ADCOU J Wookey Old Steading Belluton Farm Stanton Road. Prior approval for change of use of part of Agricultural Building to Dwelling (C3) and associated operational development. Not PD – Full Planning Required.

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 26  £744.37
KC Printing Neighbourhood Planning Printing Referendum  £130.00
First Serve Tennis Court Resurfacing  £11814.00
G Tyler Completion of Acker Bilk Bench  £1700.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest  £29.80

Receipts to note:

Tennis Club Donation for Court Resurfacing  £9845.00
BANES Council 1st Part Precept  £5855.00
BANES Grant Money  £270.00

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

More bags needed for Litter Picking at Hillcrest. Mr Hunt will pick Short Lane, Police Lane & Old Road.
Clerk to ask Kerry Morgan about Woollard Lane.
Julie O’Rourke will be leaving the Council at the end of the month. Cllr May suggested an email of thanks to Julie for her hard work with the Neighbourhood Plan.

12. To Note Future Meetings:


Neighbourhood Planning and Landscape Workshop. Wednesday 31st May 2017

10 am – 12.30 pm Community Space above Keynsham Library. Chairman & Clerk to attend.

Playground Management Training 27th April 2017 1 pm – 4 pm
What is Neighbourhood Planning?
Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to ensure that they get the right types of development for their community where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area.
Neighbourhood planning provides the opportunity for communities to set out a positive vision for how they want their community to develop over the next 10, 15, 20 years in ways that meet identified local need and make sense for local people. They can put in place planning policies that will help deliver that vision or grant planning permission for the development they want to see.
A neighbourhood plan should support the strategic development needs set out in the Local Plan and plan positively to support local development (as outlined in paragraph 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework).
A neighbourhood plan must address the development and use of land. This is because if successful at examination and referendum the neighbourhood plan will become part of the statutory development plan once it has been made (brought into legal force) by the planning authority. Applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
A neighbourhood plan attains the same legal status as the Local Plan once it has been agreed at a referendum and is made (brought into legal force) by the local planning authority. At this point it becomes part of the statutory development plan. Applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.


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