Present: Chairman: Mr C James Vice-Chairman: Mr Charlie Bishop
Amber Daniels, Phil Tyson, Lydia Robinson, Charles Wookey, Sue Grimes, Caroline Batten, Meg Thomas, Jo Drury (and Burt), Clerk: Julie Bragg

1) Apologies for Absence were received from Janette Stephenson, Susan Aires, C Reddy and Colin Taylor.

2) Chairman’s Remarks: Chairman welcomed all to the meeting and thanked Meg Thomas for hosting the meeting in her home. This meeting actually celebrated the 1st Anniversary of the inaugural meeting of the Neighbourhood Planning Group.

3) Minutes of Wednesday 2nd September 2015 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.

5) Items for Discussion:

Questionnaire: Distribution/Collection: The main aim of the meeting was to put together the questionnaire, map & comment sheet into the pre-printed envelope. Distribution rounds had been worked out prior to the meeting by the Chairman and everyone involved were happy with their designated areas of distribution. Details of the number of households had been taken from the electoral role which totalled 446. One copy of the questionnaire was to be delivered to each household unless residents asked for extra copies. Extra copies will be available in the Post Office. A4 Posters had been printed along with laminated posters. These will be put up in as many locations around the Parish as possible. Banners had been produced to be put up. Locations: Pensford Bridge, Memorial Hall and Woollard Bridge. The Memorial Hall were happy for one to be put up on the board by the Memorial Hall and the Porch at the Memorial Hall will be used for a display.
Completed questionnaires will either be delivered back to the nominated list of people on the envelopes or back to the Post Office. Chris Reddy will collect questionnaires ready for the prize draw. The deadline for the prize draw will be the 24th October and these will be kept separate.

Confidentiality: Residents can remain anonymous as they have not been asked for their names and addresses, unless they wish to volunteer their time to the group in the future. A telephone number is enough if they wish to enter the prize draw.

Publicity: An advert will go into the Church Magazine. There was an item in the Somerset Guardian but unfortunately not in the Chew Valley Gazette. Details are on the web site and the group were asked to remind as many as possible about the need to return the questionnaire.

Prize Draw: Amber Daniels has a list of local businesses. The £25 prize money will be divided up into multiples of £5 vouchers redeemable against goods or services from the list of businesses in the Parish. The vouchers will have a 3-month expiry date on them, all agreed 31st January 2016. It was agreed that all of the vouchers should come back to the Clerk with accompanying paperwork for our records and reimbursement of the voucher amount spent.
Lydia & Charlie to create and design the vouchers.
A draw will take place – Jo Drury offered the function room at the Rising Sun. Date to be agreed.

Analysis: A spreadsheet has been created for the input of the replies. Charlie asked for help from anyone who is competent on a computer who may be able to help with the input of the figures. The analysis will produce Bar Charts to be discussed at the next meeting.
Lydia Sue & Caroline Volunteered to help.
Chris Reddy will collate comments from all questionnaires.

6. Meetings Rota: It was agreed to keep meetings on same format for the time being.

7. Disposable Pecuniary Interests: Letter from B&NES Legal Advisor: Chairman reported that a councillor had been taken to court for not declaring a financial interest in a neighbourhood plan.

8. Any other Business: No other business.

9. Date and Venue for next meeting: Wednesday 18th November 2015.

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