Present: Chairman: Mr C James, Mrs S Grimes, Mr C Bishop, Mr C Wookey, Mr P Tyson, Mrs J Drury, Mr C Reddy, Miss C Batten, Mrs M Thomas & Mrs J Bragg.

1) Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Stephenson & Julie O’Rourke

2) Chairman’s Remarks: All were welcomed to the meeting. Chairman reported that this could possibly be the last formal meeting.

3) Minutes of the previous Meeting: The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 22nd June 2016 after being circulated and read were signed and agreed as a true record.

4) Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.

5) Items for Discussion: To amend our Draft Plan in the light of comments from residents and from B&NES: Discuss the next Stage in the Process: Everyone on the Committee had received a copy of the Residents Comments by e.mail. All comments received which required an action had been highlighted in red for discussion at the meeting.

After discussion the Draft Plan (Version 10) was approved by the group with a couple of minor changes. It was agreed that a Community Action Policy on Air Pollution and on Flooding/water quality should be included. These Topics would be added to the Environment and Leisure Section.

Once these changes had been made they would be circulated to everyone for their final agreement in the form of the Submission Plan.

In previous meetings lots of discussion had taken place regarding Air Pollution and the monitoring of Air Pollution. It was suggested that the Parish Council take this forward. Clerk will add it to a future agenda for discussion.

Julie O’ Rourke had commented that the plan is Good, Sound and Well Presented.

Thanks at this stage were extended to Simon King, Alan Ford, Chairman and Vice chairman for their hard work and input.

To Agree the next stages in the process: The next stage is that the Parish Council will need to sign off the Submission Plan at their next meeting which takes place on the 17th October 2016.

The Submission Plan is then sent to B&NES Council with a CD containing all the necessary supporting documents. A Sustainability Assessment has been produced by Charles Wookey which Julie O’Rourke is happy with. There is also a Consultation Document which lists how/when/where residents have been consulted. This is something which the Examiner will be looking at in detail along with the Sustainability Assessment.

There will be a six week consultation Period, the Submission Plan will be sent to Local and Neighbouring Parish Councils, Local Authorities, National Organisations e.g. Woodland Trust and any other Authorities which the Council think may wish to comment.

This will take us to early January, where during this period an Examiner is appointed. It was suggested that the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the two Parish Council representatives Janette Stephenson and Sue Grimes select the examiner from a short list drawn up by Julie O’Rourke. The Examiner will start when available. The Examiner can suggest changes and it is recommended any changes are accepted.

A Referendum will be held once the Examiner has agreed the Plan. B&NES Council will undertake everything in relation to the Referendum including the publicity and the cost.

6) Any Other Business: There was no other business.

Thanks were extended to everyone involved.

7) Date and Venue for next Meeting: It was suggested that a meeting should be held at some point. Chairman will organise.

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