Minutes of Neighbourhood Planning Meeting – 4th February 2015


Present: Mr C James, Mr C Taylor, Mr A Ford, Mr S King, Mrs S Grimes, Mr P Tyson, Mrs J Stephenson, Mrs J Bragg.

1) Apologies were received from Jacquie Haigh and James Cogan

2) Chairman’s Remarks: Mr James welcomed new member Mr Tyson to the meeting.
It was also agreed that Mrs Haigh would remain on the circulation list and that Hazel Stockwell would be removed.
Mr James & Mrs Ford had attended a meeting with Cleo Newcombe-Jones at B&NES Council who is our new contact in relation to Neighbourhood Planning. Cleo Newcombe-Jones has shown an interest in visiting Pensford in the near future. Mr James reported a good meeting and in less than 12 hours further information regarding Neighbourhood Planning with useful links had been sent through from Cleo. Cleo is also had close links with Whitchurch.

3) Minutes of Previous Meetings: a) The minutes of 7th January 2015 after being circulated and read were amended to read ‘Hazel’ in replace of Helen and duly signed by Mr James as a true record.

4) Matters Arising: Draft Minutes: Logo: There had been no word back from the Primary School at present.

Financial Officer: The Parish Councils’ Responsible Financial Officer will be asked if he would take up this position. Mr James explained that any Grant monies will be paid directly to the Parish Council and therefore has to be managed by the Parish Council.

5) Feedback from the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 12th January 2015: The formation of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee was accepted by the Parish Council. The questionnaire had been circulated to all Parish Council members prior to the meeting. However it was agreed that these would be left with Parish Councillors until the February meeting for any feedback. It was agreed that any topics which were duplicated between the Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan would be left in the questionnaire.

6) Items for discussion: a) Draft Questionnaire/Timescale: Cleo Newcombe Jones had read the questionnaire and encouraged the Committee to keep all issues in it even if it was felt that we are making unnecessary work by asking questions which cannot be used in the plan. These issues may be picked up elsewhere.
Section 1 of the questionnaire covers Parish Life: The Memorial Hall had been separated from the Playing Fields.
Section 3 of the questionnaire covers Transport & Access. It was reported that there is a good link in the Traffic Management Team who is Jackie Ashman who could be consulted with in the future for help with Air Pollution.

Section 5 of the questionnaire covering Business Development had been split to include Business Units and Office Units.
Items raised after the discussion on the Questionnaire were Can the Housing Development Boundary be moved?
Should Renewable Energy be included in the Questionnaire?
Should the questionnaire be put out first, then have a public meeting to discuss the findings.
After much debate it was agreed that a Public Meeting first would be the way to gain a better response. This would be held after the General Election. It will take the form of an information sharing drop in session from which all feedback can be analysed.
It was agreed that the Memorial Hall would be hired on Friday 22nd May and Saturday 23rd May. Advertising would be paramount and Attractive Displays needed.
Simon King will book the Hall and Alan Ford will book the use of the Display Boards which are in Whitchurch at present. A Banner will be put on the bridge. A licence will need to be obtained from B&NES for this. A letter will be added to the Parish Magazine and details will go on the Parish Council Web Site.
Following the Drop In Sessions the Questionnaire will be issued Week Commencing 1st June 2015 with a One Month Period given to fill out and return the Questionnaire. There will be a box placed in the Post Office and for those who cannot drop off their questionnaires there will be a collection service put in place.
Data will be analysed during the months of July & August.
September there will be a Public Meeting to give feedback.
Simon King, Alan Ford & Phil Tyson will get together to produce advertising on the boards.
Does Woollard need a Banner?
Draft Budget: Application for Grants open in April 2015, however an application form is yet to be published. It is understood that Grants will be allocated on 6 monthly amounts so an application may have to be made a number of times.
If a Referendum is held then B&NES will bear the cost of this.
Budget will be discussed further at the March Meeting when more information is available.
Sue Grimes will research other Parishes Costs.
The use of Dropbox was suggested but thought as we are not downloading large documents at present it would not be necessary.

7) Any Other Business: Woollard, High Street Traffic Speeds were discussed and maybe a 20mph limit could be put into the Neighbourhood Plan. It was confirmed that this is often discussed at Parish Council and a request made recently for a 20mph limit on Old Road was turned down by B&NES.
Terms of Reference to be obtained from Cleo Newcombe-Jones.
Memorial Hall Meeting: Mr Ford had spoken to members of the Memorial Hall Committee at the recent AGM regarding the Neighbourhood Plan all of which was well received. Mrs Grimes will be talking to the Tennis Club. Mr James will prepare a “script” for everyone to follow when talking to other groups in the Parish.

Julie Bragg will email relevant photos from the recent Character Assessments of the Parish to Simon King.

8) Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 4th March 2015 at the Church Room, Church Street, Pensford. Cleo Newcombe-Jones will be informed about the next meeting.

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