Neighbourhood Plan Minutes – 29-10-14

Meeting held at Summercourt, Old Road, Pensford, BS39 4BB October 29th 2014


Julie Bragg (JB), Alan Ford (AF), Sue Grimes (SG), Chris James (CJ), Simon King (SK), Janette Stephenson (JS) Colin Taylor (CT)


Jacqui Haigh (JH)

1. Chairman’s Welcome
CJ agreed to chair the meeting again
JS note taker / secretary for this meeting

2. The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed

3. Matters Arising:

SG & JB reported back to Parish Council and had a positive response

Julie O’Rourke from BANES will attend a meeting in the Miners Coffee Shop on Thursday 6th November at 2pm. She will brief us on the expectations of the plan.

There were suggestions of getting younger members of the community involved.

The Parish Council will liaise with The Neighbourhood Planning team

BANES will be approached about the removal of the roof of the bus shelter. This will allow for it to be an attractive feature in the village.

We need to tell the residents of the parish what the Neighbourhood Plan is and that we would welcome comments and help.

4. Defining the Area

It is the whole of Publow with Pensford Parish Council. A map defining the area is needed.

Housing development was raised and Belluton is outside of this because it is green belt.

Neighbourhood Planning Sheet to be signed by the Chairman of Parish Council and sent to BANES. This will take approx. 6 weeks until we get a response

A suggested 6 week consultation period… AF will customise a survey. This should not be too lengthy.

5. Identify Key Areas.

Housing – where can more development take place? Possibly some infilling
Planning and development and infrastructure to go with it.
Environment & Landscape – Protect and enhance what we have – e.g. The Lock Up, The Viaduct, the bridge by the Rising Sun, the churches.
Look at the risks of flooding and how to prevent.
Protect and enhance biodiversity.
Fracking – a policy on how to deal with it
Facilities and services – commercial life of the village, lighting
Provision for safety of the young and old.
Mobile Library.
Transport and Movement – this will probably generate much interest.
Traffic Lights at the Narrows (Belluton)

5. Decide Headings.

Possibly more – bring to next meeting. Remember the whole community is to be involved

6. How do we inform the community?

Questionnaire – AF, CT, SG to think of what can be included in it
Speak to the local organisations – Evergreens, the church
Drip feed, public meeting, drop ins
Leaflets – CJ to bring ideas to the next meeting

7.Parish Council Website

Have a page specifically for the Neighbourhood Plan.
Publish the minutes on it. SG to speak to the web master

8. Suggested Timings

Leaflets to possibly be distributed with the parish magazine.
Leaflet 1 – Information re the Neighbourhood Plan – beginning of February
Leaflet 2 – dates of meetings – beginning of March
Public Meeting – middle of April
Organisation visits between leaflet 1 & leaflet 2
April, May and June to collate

9. Recruitment – who?
Barbara Bowes – Heritage, Local History Group, Jane Flower, Rae Kelly.
We need some of the younger members of the community.

10. Funding?

Date of Next Meeting:
Wednesday 26th November 2014 at 7.30pm Summercourt, Old Road, Pensford

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