Minutes of Neighbourhood Planning Meeting – 1st April 2015


Present: Mr C James (CJ), Mr C Taylor (CT), Mr A Ford (AF), Mr S King (SK), Mrs S Grimes (SG), Mr P Tyson (PT),

1) Apologies were received from Julie Bragg, Janette Stephenson, Umang Patel

2) Chairman’s Remarks: Mr Tattersall has decided not to join the committee. Jacqui Haigh wishes to keep involved.

3) Minutes of Previous Meetings: a) The minutes of Wednesday 4th March 2015 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct and true record.

4) Matters Arising:

6 Logos were distributed. The committee considered that although some were very artistic the most appropriate logo was that prepared by Macey Noonan Moore aged 10, Kingfisher Class. Her logo will be slightly amended to include Publow with Pensford rather than just Pensford.
Action: SK amend logo

Renewable Energy:
CT and SG met last week. Research from ‘Get Generating’ a renewable energy guide for rural communities provided an overview of community based energy options for rural community groups.
Summary of renewable energy options from guide:
1. Community micro-hydro schemes can be suitable for old mill sites with weirs and sluices and faster flowing upland streams and rivers.
2. Solar Electricity – Photovoltaic Panels (PV) offers a good option for rural community buildings such as village halls, community centres and agricultural buildings with south facing roofs. Any electricity not used by the building can be exported to the national grid
3. Wind Turbines
4. District heating systems use a single source of heat which can be from renewable source such as biomass or geothermal sources to heat a number of buildings located very near to the heat source.
5. Biomass (e.g. wood, energy crops such as willow or miscanthus grass and biodegradable wastes such as slurry and food waste) can be burnt to produce heating and hot water.
6. Anaerobic Digestion (AD) is a natural biological process where organic waste such as slurry and other farm waste is broken down in a fermentation process to produce biogas or bio-liquids.

Grants are available. Committee considered solar panels on the viaduct / on the hall roof and a micro hydro scheme in the River Chew could benefit community.
CT said that viaduct length approx 300m could generate 103kw. We need to determine ownership of viaduct and approx costing of solar panels on viaduct.
AF said that Cleo has many contacts.
It was agreed that we should determine the level of community interest at the Open Meetings

CT and PT will research ownership of viaduct

SG will ask Julie Bragg to determine ownership of the viaduct through PC
SG will research where we can obtain approx costing of solar panels on viaduct.

5) Feedback from Meetings:
Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th March 2015
The Parish Council were brought up to date by SG. Councillors were informed that there will be 2 drop in meetings in the Memorial Hall on 22 -23 May with displays including a brief history of Pensford. Banners would go up 5/6 weeks before the meetings…2 on Pensford Bridge and 1 Woollard Bridge. Leaflets will be delivered to all households 2 weeks before the meetings. After the meetings a questionnaire based on the key areas identified by the community will be sent to each household. A prize draw being considered as an incentive. The committee is researching renewable energy. (Ideas include solar panels on the viaduct and harnessing the water in the River Chew by way of an Archimedes screw)

Meeting with Cleo 6th March 2015
Attendees AF, CT, SK, JS.
Cleo walked round village including Church St, playing fields, allotments, Pensford Hill.
Ideas included:
1. A new footpath across fields from back of school to back of Memorial Hall.
2. Memorial Hall car park could be used to provide revenue to hall.
3. Allotment site could provide new car park if new site found for allotments
4. Change road surface (i.e. cobbles) surrounding triangle to make it feel less like a rat run.
5. Change housing boundary
Cleo enthusiastic about ideas and using viaduct to generate solar electricity

ALCA meeting 6th March 2015
Attendees CJ, JS and SG
Govt minister and Civil Servant gave presentation
Chairs of Backwell and Long Ashton NP who had completed their NP’s gave their experiences or rather cautionary tales.
Backwell NP had employed consultants to look at traffic issues. Examiner had excluded traffic explaining that NP policy directed at land use.
It was suggested to overcome this that NP be divided into 2 parts (see Limpley Stoke NP) as follows:
1. Planning/land use
2. Community projects/aspirations which could include parking and traffic.
Examiners followed guidelines.
A UWE planning lecturer gave a presentation. He asked if any of the attendees would be interested in student’s assistance with NP’s for work experience. We said we would welcome any students with an interest in heritage, community amenities, traffic and renewable energy. Sadly none of the students wanted to assist us now but maybe available in January.

6) Items for discussion:
Grant Application & Budget
AF said that Budget has to be filled in on line. There is a template which once opened up has to be completed within 30 days.
AF passed round a draft budget which he had prepared.
AF will open template, add detail, consult with Cleo and apply for a grant.
Action: AF and CJ will meet to adapt and submit the grant application

Open Meetings – Progress and Next Steps
SK handed round a draft banner. This will be amended to have your say about the future development of your community, more info at and to include the logo .4 banners will go up 5/6 weeks before the meeting. 2 bridge Pensford, 1 bridge Woollard, I hall.
SK will send invoice to PC for payment
SK handed round a draft poster. He will amend in the same way as the banner and incorporate a more readable map.
20 A4 posters and 5 A3 posters will be printed
CJ will prepare information leaflet adapting information on the poster.
Information leaflets will be printed/ distributed to each household 2 weeks before 22 May via the Post office.
There was a discussion about the size of the display boards and what they will display.
PT volunteered to do a history of Pensford display for 22 May
Need refreshments for meeting
Need banner outside hall showing where to go etc.
It was suggested that photos of village are projected during the meeting
The main headings from the questionnaire will be used as titles for the display boards. Each board will have a different colour background with matching colour co-ordinated post it notes for comments.
CJ volunteered to provide draft content for the display panels including a timeline and circulate to all for comments/suggestions
It was emphasised that we must not forget that we live in a great place
SK will amend and print posters /banners
SK and AF will put up banners
All distribute posters around community a month before open meeting.
SK will send invoice for printing to PC for payment
CJ will prepare information leaflet.
PT will prepare a history of Pensford
AF will book easels from Cleo for Friday.
SK will take photos around village.
CJ to draft content for the display panels and circulate to all

7. Terms of reference
Will be taken forward to next meeting

8. Venue of next meeting: The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 22nd April at the Church Room.


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