Minutes of Neighbourhood Planning Meeting – 11th May 2016

Minutes of a Neighbourhood Planning Meeting held on Wednesday 11th May 2016 at the Pavilion Room, Memorial Hall 7.30 pm

Present: Chairman Mr C James, Mr C Wookey, Mr C Bishop, Mrs J Drury, Mrs J Bragg.

1. Apologies for absence were received from Mrs Grimes, Mr Taylor, Mrs Stephenson, Julie O’Rourke, Mr P Tyson.

2. Chairman’s remarks: It was agreed that we were quorate and the Chairman proposed to continue with the meeting.

3. Minutes of previous meeting (06 April 2016): Were signed and agreed as a true record.

4. Matters Arising: None

5. Items for Discussion:

To agree the contents of the Draft Plan, To agree the format/presentation (including graphics/photos), to agree timing and distribution of the Draft Plan for Statutory Residents consultation:
The Draft Plan had been prepared and was circulated for discussion. It had been vetted by Julie O’Rourke. On discussion it was agreed that there would be no need for a letter to say what it is. It is a very informative document which will be widely available.
The Group then discussed each Heading in the Plan.
Housing & Development: The wording within some of the Policies were discussed and suggestions made.
The Community Action Policies in Business and Technology were discussed. All were in “favour” of it.
Environment & Leisure was discussed. It includes the picture drawn by John Gully with the vision for the Village Green. The spelling of “Sumac (Schumak) House was questioned…..
Traffic & Transport: There will be a meeting regarding the A37 on 25th May 2016.
All of the Policies were discussed and agreed.

The group agreed that subject to minor amendments we should move forward with the pre-submission. Appendices are not needed for the next stage.

The Draft Plan now needs to be the subject of a 6 week consultation before submission to the Local Authority.

Publicity: The Neighbourhood Plan will need to be publicised so when & where would need to be agreed. Consultation with those affected will be required but the group agreed that a Public Meeting would not be necessary.
It was agreed that a Document without all the appendices should be printed and delivered to every household. A box will be available to tick if “you agree” with the Draft Neighbourhood Plan which can be returned to the Post Office.
Hard Copies will be made available during the 6 Week Consultation Period at various businesses in the Parish including the Post Office.
Instructions will be on the front of the envelope.

The Draft Neighbourhood Plan will need to be signed off as agreed by the Parish Council Meeting. Julie will make sure that all Parish Councillors have a copy.

It was agreed to send out the Draft Plan after the Referendum has taken place. I.e. end of June early July. Residents will be given 2 months to read and comment.
Early September the Comments will be collated.
Amendments will be made as necessary. The Final form will be submitted to B&NES late September. Then Examination will be undertaken. The earliest date for a Referendum is possibly January 2017.

6. Any Other business: There was no other business.

7. Date and venue for next meeting: Wednesday 22nd June 7.30 pm at the Rising Sun.


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