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Minutes – Neighbourhood Planning Meeting 6th April 2016


Present: Chairman Mr C James, Mr C Bishop, Ms C Batten, Ms A Daniels, Mrs S Grimes

1. Apologies were received from Mrs Julie Braggs, Julie O’Rourke B&NES, Mr C Taylor, Mrs J Stephenson, Mr C Wookey, Mrs J Drury

2. Chairman’s remarks:

It was decided to go ahead with the meeting in spite of only 5 attendees. Mrs Grimes agreed to take the minutes

3. Minutes of previous meeting (9 March 2016):

After being circulated and read were signed as a true record.

4. Matters Arising:

There were no matters arising.

5. Items for Discussion

• Feedback from the Open Days

Parishioners who had attended open days were interested and engaged. There were no surprises. Comments and feedback had been distributed.
Mrs Batten mentioned that parking was an area of concern. Parishioners were keen to promote tourism and supported a Heritage Trail.
Housing & Development
Mr James mentioned that there was a strong view that parishioners should park on their property rather than on the road. A new development opposite Station Approach had been suggested.
Traffic and Transport
Mrs Grimes mentioned that traffic problems were still of great concern and additional solutions suggested.
Mrs Batten mentioned that there was a great deal of support for improving the village green with many suggestions

• Moving towards our Draft Plan : what needs to be done, how and when

Mr James asked for comments on a partially completed Neighbourhood Plan which he and Mr Bishop had prepared. It was agreed that our Neighbourhood Plan should be in this format.

Mr James mentioned that he had had a meeting with Julie O’Rourke last Friday who had suggested the following timetable:

1 June – Final draft and supporting documents signed off by Parish Council
15 June – 6 week Parish consultation
3 August -Finish 6 week consultation
17 August -Ready to submit to B&NES
31 August – B&NES Consultation starts (6 weeks)
12 October-End of B&NES Consultation
26 October – Plan examination
23 November-Examination Report & legal weight
Early January – Referendum

It was agreed that we should move towards this timetable and that we should aim to have a plan drafted and confirmed by Julie O’Rourke by the next meeting.

Each section of the plan will be prepared by the following:
Business – Mr James/Ms Batten
Housing & Development – Mr James
Traffic and Transport – Mrs Grimes
Environment – Mr James/Ms Batten
Mr Bishop will prepare the section on the village green. He will format the plan when drafted. He mentioned that the plan will need photos.

6. AOB:

Ms Batten thanked Mr James and Mr Bishop for all their hard work at the Open Days. Mrs Grimes concurred with this sentiment.

7. Date and venue for next meeting: Wednesday 11th May 2016 at the Pavillion Room, Memorial Hall, Publow Lane.